Colossus Guardbreak

What are his guardbreaks?

I too would like to know. Half life combos would be too good off a guard break.

corner only…?

j.lp, pause, fk tackle.

tackle while still in the air? or when you hit the ground?

Jumping Jab seems right. I tried it against the computer and noticed they stopped blocking while in the air. Colossus has reached the next level.

in air, mark.

j.lp, pause, dive.

Theory…i’ll test this later: falling j.lp, land, j.lp, j.fp xx super??

I also need to test it out some more, I noticed this potential guardbreak while practicing magnus…

Thing is, his normal jump is slow and awkward. It might take a little practice.

early ground hk tackle xx power dive… just a theory…

^ tried that ryo. no success yet.

Phil: I couldnt get the j.lp to GB.

it might be corner only, mark. J.lp (hits as they’re coming in) GB, then tackle before they land.

I think you can gb from anywhere. I have been doing the LP successfully, but am afraid to follow up with anything because I always think that I will miss the gb.

I think I figured one out.

j.lp, pause, (GB),, land into launch or something else.

I still need to test this more but i’m pretty sure I did this twice.

Here you, go Mark.
I shouldnt be showing you this cuz your colossus is deadly already…

Good shit.

It feels like I have done some of those before and they didn’t work. Must be my timing or something.

Thanks. =)

Edit: When testing guardbreaks, do I need to have someone manually blocking? or does dummy autoguard work just as well?

Autoguard wont work on dummy mode. You need to put them on all guard.

In the corner you can do j.fp to command throw. the video posted earlier is good.