Colorado thread: 2014 that stuff down

MIKE/half a fro is gonna get sick of me saying this but DAMN ABOUT TIME!!! I am down to play that every day all day shit I saw two copies of the game for XBOX I can buy them and you can get a xbox for like 20 or 30$ I think and I will personally give you a copy of the damn game so you can play SNNAAAAKE and me on xbox live! :lovin:

by any chance is this CHUN???:sweat:

Well, I should be gettin my car back this week, if so I’ll try to head down this weekend.

I don’t have a reg xbox, only a 360. Im down to play, but don’t expect anything crazy, it’s been 3 years lol. I’ll just run my usual team C-Guile/Yun/Eagle, but I use alot of characters to include Vice, Kyo, Rock, Raiden, Geese, all the top tier naturally, and alot more pretty well. It would’t take me too long to get good again if I started praticing here and playing there, though I don’t know how often you guys actually play it.

Edit: Just read your message again, problem being I still wouldn’t have a stick for xbox lol

Let us know if you make it down RSX. We can try to arrange a meeting. There is a gamer halloween party this Saturday too.

p.s. Cvs2 talk :rofl:

I really wanna go down, but Cheyenne is supposed to get like a billion feet of snow lol, but yeah I’ll let yall know in advance if I do.

Absolute Battle 2009 - Dallas, TX DEC 5-6 $500 bonus for SF4!

Hey just another reminder The SW regional in Dallas is approaching fast. Its 12/5 - 12/6

Remember there is a special hotel discount at 82 dollars, a pre party, and 20 online venue fee.

Once the pre reg is closed is 25 at the door. We are also have raffles for 100 dollar gift cards to best buy and gamestop. And most important $500 bonus for SF4 plus pot 70/20/10.

I have updated the thread with all the necessary info. Hope yall can make it out!

I really need to start coming down for SF4 practice, onlin eis just bleeeeeh. So hard to use Chun online.

damn no posts in almost a month…:frowning:

I blame you.

So are people too busy playing games or are they all waiting for SSF4?

T6 > SSF4. Calling it now.


You’ll hate t6 in 4 months and move on just like everyone else will hahahahah!


Haha, that’s what you think. :wink:

Seriously, though, still kinda doubting that they’ll fix the shit they need to in SSF4. Would love for them to prove me wrong.

Oh, and T6 > SSF4 either way. :arazz:

Yeah yeah yeah… you coming by later on? :smiley:

Not tonight, feeling kinda shitty today. :sad:

I agree with Half, most people will lose interest in T6 after a bit, just like SC4, HDR, SF4, BB, KOF…seeing a pattern here.

It’s getting really annoying now.

Well SC4 isn’t that great in general, same goes for BB. KoF wasn’t ever popular here and I figured it’d die pretty fast. HDR is kind of a core group (ST fans, pretty much no one else). Tekken, on the other hand, is pretty well embedded here in CO. Would be surprised if the majority lost interest in it.


Logos, you so silly. How many tekken 5 tournaments were there again? … lol

That doesn’t count. :wink: