Colorado thread: 2014 that stuff down

I won’t be at the 4-11 gathering. I thought I could make it but that’s when my baby’s coming to town it turns out. I’ll be seeing my daughter for the first time.

(I didn’t sign up for it but I guess you put up the people who would have gone to the R&J thing if it happened).

I believe it’s canceled now so we all lose.

i blame torn

No big deal. Sf2/3/4 at maces house that weekend instead.

Hope you guys had fun. I would have come except that I have no idea who or where mace is, and I came down with a crappy stomach flu. I think the beef at Goodtimes is a little too fresh.


Just wanted to post this in here:

Happy birthday btw, I missed this!


Is there any marvel going on in the pueblo or springs area. Im free today

Marvel is pretty dead in Colorado. There are a few kids that are on here that still play. Ill see who I can hit up to try and play you.

If you were in the denver area, I could meet up with you to play.

Damn we dont post in this thread much. Oh well, bump.

cricket. cricket.

Any arcades in between FoCo and Denver carry SF4?
I don’t think there is anything in Fort Collins…I just want to give it a shot.

No. In fact, I think the next closest machine is in AZ. Followed by Texas. LOL.

Incase you didnt know, we all usually post here:

I just signed up. Thanks.

HalfRo, Vincent was telling me he registered for ExtraFresh but was never activated to his knowledge or something. Anyway, he probably used a name like Jactiaf. Just a head’s up!

Just saw that ok, ill let skillz know. you dont get a confirmation though, that you were accepted just go try and log on.

OH thanks Mikey! for the B-day wish…Beef salad


Pre- registration is up! Also, Blaz Blue and King of Fighters 12 will be apart of the tournament but, we are waiting to make sure they don’t get pushed back to add them to the pre-registration.

it rained like 8 times today and now my neighbor has his sprinklers on wtf.


Needs more srk posts.


sup, just moved here from killeen tx, are there any arcades around here in CoSprings?
lookin’ forward to meet some beastly people here =)