Colorado thread: 2014 that stuff down

Pat’s is just Rugedman, i don’t actually have a PSN account, i just play when i’m over there

psn: baka-blue-ggpo

i dont own a ps3 yet
but i still get on it like once a week

Added. :smiley:



New forum for us to use:

There are two routes you can go, to the blog or to the forums. Check them both out and be sure to sign up on the forums!! This is the new site that I will be sending colorado peeps too, I know alot of people tried to sign up on fusion but couldnt get on. This is will not be a problem on EF.


can’t make it this time, which fucken sucks,
but i just got a job,
i’ll be at the next one

stupid tourney is still too far away…

HAHAHAH! One day? lol.

Well there is no pleasing you buddy. :looney::rofl::looney:

I’m still up for HDR, since I got my HRAP3. My PS1/2 stick is in storage though, so if I play side-tourney, I’d have to borrow someone’s for my matches. I don’t mind if it’s JPN, or US style, as long as it’s not Halfro’s Jeep-Springs joystick.



I use a IL comp now. Its not to bad. The P360 left you with rambo arms haha.

That’s cool. Yeah, it would give you a good workout for that left arm. Not really useable for someone who never used a Jeep-Spring in their stick before.

Hopefully we can get in some games online after the tourney. You can school me. I think I’m better, but it might just be because Blanka’s better now (he might even be mid-tier now!).


I will probably get online tonight. 5 or 6pm.

Thanks to everyone that showed to the tournament!!

Anyone upgrading for the new year of gaming? I think im just gonna get a new monitor with my taxes. And a new car, definitely another car. :smiley:

It was too bad you couldn’t make it for the first half. I would’ve stuck around but I had to make it back to my bro’s place for his b-day.

People keep saying that Zangief match-up is easy… and Cammy’s a goddamn whore so I think I’m going to learn more than one character now.

Little baby gathering:

Feb 21st, 2008

Tilt amusement center
14200 E Alameda Avenue
Aurora, 80012

Tournament Games:


How much:
$5 per tournament game + tokens

What time:
Sign ups @ 11am
Tournaments @ 1pm
Dont be late!

BYOC (Bring your own Controller for ps3 games).
We will bring some controllers but, if you own any, bring them.

Did I mention you should be going to ? If not, now you know. :smiley:

if that tv we’re getting works out i think i’ll get one so when blazblue comes out i can play in on hdmi, i should be getting all my money back in taxes this year.

Thats what I was thinking too :smiley:
This is the one I was thinking about getting if the other monitor is good to go:

It’s all about the 2ms Response Time :slight_smile:

It’s probably just me, but I can’t handle the replacement stick in CvS2 Player 2 at Tilt. It feels new and stuff, but I keep jumping when I’m not supposed to, and my hand slips off a lot. I will definitely be there for the gathering, but I will have to standby for the actual tourney, unless I can somehow use my own stick. I think the only chance I have at anything is a Japanese (square-gate) stick.

I dont care either way, that is JUST for the atown arcade folk. Most of us have moved on. But, I will look and see if they can make adjustments to the stick for sure.

If it feels good to you, then it’s just me. I’m probably just fully converted to JPN Sticks. I’m probably gonna swap out my stock sanwa for seimitsu even, but that’s not as big of a deal :slight_smile: