1.> they post the rest of them on 8/25
2.> they post the rest of them on 8/26
3.> they post the rest of the Super cast on 8/25 and the Yun/Yang/Oni/E.Ryu on 8/26
Since we’re speaking about other characters nerfs affecting Cody, it’s like everyone said here… Akuma’s nerfs will help Cody a lot imo. Unless they find out even more ambiguous stuff after that “new” throw :p. Abel will also be harder now after he’s back to SSF4 Abel (Almost).
Btw, speaking of Gen. He already gives Cody a lot of trouble in AE (I know most of you haven’t played this match up). Him getting buffed and ESPECIALLY the untechable knockdown on his Gekiro (upkicks) is baaaaaaad news for Cody. You have to play this match to know how awful it is. :tdown:
Can’t wait for the changes!! Hope Cody gets what he deserves :crybaby:
It’s currently 11:20 AM in japan (Thursday). The other blog posts were already up by now. I think its safe to say that they’ll just be posting the remaining 13 tomorrow
i google translated and from what i can interpret so far he got a movement speed buff and some knife buffs as well as a 2 hit bad spray? Can’t really make out the rest that well
the overhead frame data got changed as well though i cant make out how
Cody got some meaningful buffs compared to the other cast:
• Zoning tools balanced, Knife made more useful
• Walk speed increased
• Hammer Hook is -1 when hitting a crouching opponent, and -3 hitting a standing opponent, and is -4 on block, and can be performed while holding the knife. If this hits a standing opponent, you can combo c.lk into medium ruffian kick
• Bad Spray can be cancelled into Super or Focus
You can FADC bad spray. FADC into ultra. Shit just got real.
Overhead is +3 on hit on standing opponent, +1 on crouching and -4 on block.
He also got major improvements to knife normals, seems like they really want to enforce this style of gameplay. I’m curious to see how fast his walkspeed is.
I hope that’s the case. Because on the translation it says the overhead is -1 on crouching, -3 on standing, which doesn’t make sense if it says you can combo cr.lk -> mk Ruffian kick.