Cody Character Specific Combos and Setups + General Knowledge [DROPBOX FOLDER]

I had a feeling! That’s really cool. I’ve been using that page as of late to show my friends when they want to learn a new character.

It was a project I’d been working on for a few months now, it went live about 2 weeks ago but I’d been doing it since around Januaryish.

Let me know if you spot any typos or errors on any of the characters, I only handled the frame data tables but I’ll fix whatever you find.

My next project is working on updating the patch notes page: only done Adon/Abel/Cody and most of akuma (got a few things to test but its 95% done)

not sure if this has already been discovered/explored, but i’m throwing this up here anyway. you can get some sick damage out of a forward jump roundhouse on some characters. these combos should also work if you plink out the button after a focus crumple on the first possible frame.

if the hk.ruffian hits meaty, you can get a ex.upper or another hk.ruffian

shoutout to packz for doing this on a fuerte on bracket reset

Nice job compiling that :slight_smile: It’s rarely worth it in an actual match though unless it’s one of the special cases where you get a very meaty hit and can do abnormal combos. jhk does 30 less damage than njhp and since the heavy hits are later in the combo you can get more damage with something like njhp clhp cmp xx hRK exCU. The other issue is you can rarely get a deep jhk without a stun and they are likely sub optimal stun combos on most characters. Good for showboating though :slight_smile: