Cody Cellmates: PSN/XBL Player Directory

Name: Estarriol
Region: London, UK
Gamertag: Estarriol7 (PSN)
Characters: Cody, Abel, Guile

Name: elDark
Region: Northeast - Providence, RI
Gamertag: AsianManz (PSN)
Characters: Ryu, Cody, Guile, Vega

i need some help with my cody, so some mirror matches would be nice you know

PSN : ChefBoyLp
Region : Detroit Mi
Cody & Balrog

Name: theBZA
Region: Pittsburgh, PA
Gamertag(s) o theBZA o (XBL)
Characters: Cody, Bison, Fei Long, Cammy, Abel

Name: KadyShack707
Region: Ottawa/Windsor Ontario Canada
Gamertag: kadyshack707
Characters: Honda, Hakan, Juri, Sakura, Cammy, Cody… trying to just use Cody for a bit tho, but I still know all the fun facts about the other characters I use.


Ping is Low

Name: pelayostyle
Region: So Cal
Characters: Cody, Viper, Juri

Name: ArcaneMantis
Region: Maryland
Gamertag: AirMarshallArc
Characters: Cody, Abel, Adon

Name: KiiroJun
Region: McGuire Air Force Base, NJ (Wrightstown)
Gamertag(s): KiiroJun
Characters: Cody, Juri, Ibuki

Name: ( Overunder)
Region: ( USA, NC, HollySprings)
Gamertag(s): (Ligerx409:XBL)
Characters: ( Cody only for now)

Name: TetsuyaHikari
Region: Alabama, US
PSN ID: TetsuyaHikari
Characters: Cody and Sakura (but mainly Cody for now)

Name: David
Region: Miami,FL US
PSN ID: davmen05
Characters: Guile, Cody, and for fun a myriad of other characters (so if you need to practice against certain characters just let me know I’ll help you out.)

I’m that terrible Cody on PSN that has like 10k BP.

Name: Fuzzy_Snugs
Region: Missouri
PSN ID: Fuzzy_Snugs
Characters: Cody and Viper (I’m pretty bad at both)

Name: Kiiroe
Region: Arizona
Gamertag(s): Kiiroe
Characters: Makoto, Hakan, Sakura, and Fei.

get me up in here

name: BigDecision region: santa rosa CA. North Bay gamertag psn: stakes707

Name: benwah
Region: Southeast, GA
Gamertag(s): PSN = bengadget
Characters: Mainly Cody, sometimes rufus, bison, balrog, cammy

Name: CG
Region: Currently Anchorage, AK, but most of the time I’m in SLC, UT
Gamertag(s): PSN, cgLockdown
Chars: Main time is split between Rose and Akuma, Cody’s my new alt.

Name: The Insanoflex
Region: Tampa, Fl
Gamertag: Xbox - The Insanoflex
Chars: Cody (main) , Abel Juri (Alts)

Name: RobertoCaetano
Region: Brasilia, Brazil
PSN ID: RobertoCoelho
Characters: Cody, Vega and Adon (at the moment)

Name: zUkUu
Region: Germany - Europe
PSN: zUkUu
Chars: Gen, Cody, Random (play most [not all] characters at least “solid”)