Cody Cellmates: PSN/XBL Player Directory

Name: Lou3h
Region: Leicester, U.K.
PSN ID: Lou-eh
Characters:Cody, Hakan, E.Ryu, Balrog.

Name: Jarbo
Region: Jacksonville FL
XBL: Jarbonicus
Characters: Cody

Name: Zonk Knuckle
Region: Boston, MA
XBL: Zonk Knuck1e
Characters: Cody, Abel, Ryu

Name: Zodiac
Region: SoCal, West Coast
PSN ID: getLearned
Characters: Dictator, Chun-Li, Cody

Name: OzPsych0
Region: Brisbane, AU
PSN ID : OzPsych0
Characters: Cody and would like to learn Juri too.

Name: XTryneX
Region: VA, USA
XBL: XTryneX
Characters: Cody, Dudley, Ken

srk name: robothero
location: shakopee, mn
psn: robothero / xbl: ROBOT SPECIAL
characters: cody, bison

region: east coast NYC
characters: Juri, Cody

Name: Ramma
Region: NJ, USA
PSN: RammaCricket
XBL: xRammAx
Characters: Cody, Juri, Ryu and Sagat (brand new to Cody and need plenty of tips and feedback)

Name: WhatUpTho!
Region: Pittsburgh,Pennsylvania
XBL: DopeyPorpoise
Characters: Shadowloo,Rufus,Cody,Makoto,Ryu,Ken,Gief,Viper

Name: EX Koffing
Region: Croatia (Europe)
PSN: dado_wink
Characters: Cody

I’m looking for some good players from Europe to step up my Cody game and get some evaluation, tips.

Name: Kyuushin
Region: East Coast, Montreal, Canada
PSN: Kyuushin2355
Characters: Cody, Ken, Guile

Name: Riku
Region: UK
XBL: ultra_riku
GFWL: ultra_riku
Characters: Cody, Balrog, Bison

just looking to up my cody :slight_smile:

I am seeing a distinctive lack of PC players for AE…riku45 seems to be the only one right now. Eh, I’m sure we’ll get some eventually.


Name: LordWilliam1234
Region: USA, NY
GFWL: LordWilliam1234
Characters: Cody, Sakura. I also play Hakan and Dudley for fun, since I’m not very good with either of them.

Name: Missing Person
Region: China (Qingdao)
XBL: WatCnBrwnDo4U
Characters: Cody, Chun-Li, Deejay

Name: Saikyo Seanbon
Region:San Francisco, California
Gamertag(s): XBL: LUV SeanBon
Characters: Cody as my main/Juri/Vega
I’d love to see what other Cody players have to bring to the table =D

Name: InfinityBound
Region: BC, Canada
[INDENT=1]PSN: InfinityBound[/INDENT]
[INDENT=1]GFWL: fourOunceHide[/INDENT]
Characters: Cody (just switched to main), Adon, Dudley

Desperate to get better at this game, so looking for anyone that can help or like to do endless matches. Fairly new to Street Fighter, so pretty bad ATM.

Region: Socal
Gamertag: XBL: Crimsonblu33
Characters: Mainly cody. Learning others tho. Sagat, ibuki.

Pretty new to SF as well. Need help with matchups.

PSN: Rapidrunx

I’m just looking to learn my match ups. I only have really good experience against Ibuki since my friend mains her. (I’ve practically memorized the match up lol) I’ve lurked for a while but I’ve finally decided to up my game and do what I can to help others :slight_smile: Oh yea btw I’m a Cody player, mained him since Super came out. I’m looking to up my anti air game since I have a tendency to let people jump in for free =/
I’m trynna grind as much as I can since I have a tourney coming up next weekend.

Name: MarceloAbans
Region: West Coast (Vista CA)
PSN: oOMabansOo
XBL: x Mabans X
Characters: Cody, there are other characters?