Name: Brad
Region: USA/ Anaheim, CA
Gamertag: Brad is a ninja (XBL)
Characters: Cody, Cammy, Gen, Maybe Claw.
Name: Tujex
Region: North America; Memphis, TN
Gamertag(s): XBL=Tujexjr
Characters: Main: Cody
Secondary: Abel
Trinary: Gouken
Name- Zack
Region- US/Reno NV
Gamertag XBL- Sir Pritchard
Characters- Cody is my main character now. I play Abel as my secondary but am fairly rusty with him. My skill at the game is fairly basic and hope to learn more about how to play from anyone here, with any match up.
Region-US/ Fort Collins CO
Gamertag- MrWigglysan
Character- Mostly Cody now i was playing a decent dhalism just kinda got bored with him heh so now Cody or bust. my skill are okay I just need some fine tuning I think thanks alot. peace
Name: Lethos
Region: Seattle, Washington
Gamertag: ChampionGore
Characters: Cody, Ryu
Name: Walking0rgasm or Leo
Region: Miami, FL
Gamertag(s) i800SHUTUPNDIE (PSN)
Characters: Dhalsim, Zangief, Cody
use sim and Gief a lot. i just started picking up cody when i got a stick. i suck with Cody but whatever hes fun to play with, also good to use him since im switching to stick from a pad its like im learning a completely new game.
Name: 3024
Region: London, UK
Gamertag(s): xViolentMindedx (XBL)
Characters: Dictator, Cody, Guile
Looking for decent players from Europe to spar with, want to improve my game play
Name: Bonkers
Region: Miami, Florida
Gamertag: Bonkers XIX
Characters: Abel, Ryu, Cody
Name: Fist_of_Justice
Region: Plymouth, MI
Gamertag(s): PSN - Shoryuken-Oh
Characters: Cody, Dan, Sagat, Guile, and Dictator
Cody is my main, I need the practice and help improving my game.
Name: Kman
Region: London, England
Gamertag: KmanDaShiz (XBL)
Characters: Cody is my main, Play a bit Ryu, Guile ish.
Name: Pabbs
Region: Laredo,TX
Gamertag: PABBS78046 (PSN)
Characters: Ken,Cody,Rose
Name: DigitalDragon
Region: Los Angeles, CA
Gamertag: DigitalDragon (PSN)
Characters: Dee Jay (main), just started Vega and Cody
Always up for matches!
Name: Karoshi-R
Region: Philadelphia, PA
Gamertag: SpinalScratch
Characters: Cody, Rose, Rufus
I main Blanka but ive been serving alotta time with Cody…
I love that Zonk Knuckle…too beast mode-ish!
XBL: OGRedWill:cool:
Name: FearR
Region: Suffield, Connecticut, USA
Gamertag(s): vVv FearR (XBL)
Characters: Cody and Boxer.
Name: (LA4P)
Region: (SoCal)
Gamertag: XBL (LA 4P)
Characters: (Cody - Sagat - Dudley - Juri - Ryu)
Name: Inequality07
Region: (SoCal)
Gamertag: XBL Inequality07
Characters: Cody, Claw, Guile, Akuma, T.Hawk.
Fargo, ND
Cody, Guile, third yet to be determined
Name: STiLL_iLL
Region: USA (Southern Cali)
Gamertag: hbkNIKKA (XBL)
Charries: Cody (main), Guy(alt), Adon (trinary)
Name: Psychoblue
Location: Huntingon, WV
PSN: Psychoblue
Characters: Cody (main), Dan (secondary)