Cody Beginner's Guide

Thanks for the comments and nice to see this thread stickied.

I’ve updated a bunch of stuff in the first post, if there is anything missing or incorrect please let me know and I’ll add it in.

Hey, a question about his super for anyone that has played the game. Is there an actual use for storing the super (you know, incase you don’t find a use for EX-zonk knuckle…), and does the button you press (p/k) change the overall properties of the move (like start-up, hitting high/low etc.)?

Ehhh I don’t think Cody is going to play anything like Guile lol

Also - do you guys think Cody’s knife will be useful in this game? I know I rarely used it in Alpha 3.

Remains to be seen fully but people are saying it is very situational. Chip damage and corner pressure with the knife is good.

st.LP, st.MP and cr.HP are apparently the best knife normals to use.

Yes yes of course not lol, I clarified what I meant on a post after that. A good point was brought up though in that cody will rely a lot on normals and probably need a good footsie game. He is def related to Guile on that note (and like…all the other characters…but still!)

Thanks for the thread, this will hold me off til Super, as I’m definitely looking for a character with some options right now. Sakura and Dan just don’t have any…

Any options? I think Sakura definitely does now. I’m not sure about Dan but I still love using him.

Froinlaven says, what up.

True but Cody’s new, it’ll be fun to play a new character, and tell him I sais what’s up too.

I can’t wait for more info…

Updated some stuff.

As usual, anything missing or incorrect just let me know and it’ll be changed.

Thanks for the thread, I’m really looking forward to playing him once the game comes out. I don’t know A3 so there are a few references I don’t catch.

I noticed a couple things in your guide - Criminal Upper - this is that tornado punch, correct? Is it safe? Does it knockdown?

“Bad Spray” I have no idea what this is, can you elaborate?

Yeah it’s the tornado, apparently it isn’t safe on block but it aint really confirmed yet. I think the Jab version is safe if at a range where they can’t punish it with a cr.LP due to range, i dunno. Yeah it knocks down too.

Bad spray is a wake up move when you are knocked down. He chucks dust out about a characters distance in front of him. I don’t know the properties of the SSFIV version (frames?/invincibility?/projectile?). Apparently you can do it at any point you would be able to quick rise.

In the cody thread SaBrE said that cr.lp does not hit low but does. That could be interesting to add.
By the way why are all cody’s combo begining with cr.lp, wouldn’t it be better to use instead like we do with ken?
That could be, cr.lp, xx criminal upper/ruffian kick.

I don’t think anyone’s c.lp hits low… generally the rule is that is 4 frames, while c.lp is 3 - but because of chain cancelling, you can do the combos you mention.

You can’t chain or link normals after youcan linkof ch, that’s it

Didn’t notice this on the list but

cr.LP, cr.LP, cr.MP xx HK Ruffian Kick, HK Ruffian Kick (Corner)

for a simple combo

also you can add

close cr. LP before the st.MP, cr.HP, xx HK Ruffian Kick FADC Ultra 1

Bingo has the same range/damage/hitbox for all 3 punches.

don’t know if it’s been said yet, but c.hp stands up targets and can be linked from so you can do something like,, c.hp xx hk ruffian -> ultra 1

also, that ruffian kick is REALLY good as an early anti air e.g. Honda neutral jump fierce or roundhouse. It stuffs it completely. Problem is, it’s hard to FADC ultra 1 sometimes because it needs to hit deep for him to land close enough for it to connect.

I’m getting the chance to play the game early tonight. I’ll be trying out most of the unconfirmed combos to help out.

Updated the combos, 25 hours of Cody I have had at my local gaming centre @___@ So many fun links but st.MP, Ultra2 is incredibly strict.