CLose plz.

Yah I know I should’ve made one big stick sale thread :lol: but oh wells I didn’t know I was gonna be selling sticks. :smile:

But umm I have my last stick for sale this is an old stick that I bought off someone a while back. Its an all white all sanwa stick for ps2, kinda been used and battered :lol: but works like freakin charm :pray:. This was my first ever jap stick.

One thing I will say is that the stick has no mounting plate, it was just screwed on to the steel case as far as I know. So the stick feels funky. But like I said it works like a charm.

asking for 60 shipped.

Oh snap is that a finkle? Man, if that’s a finkle, even if it’s battered and needs a restoration job, that price is so good that you might as well have the thing stolen from you! :lol:

Regardless of whether or not that is a finkle, good luck with the sale man. :tup:

Thats a Finkle alright.

anything you are looking for? i’m thinking i want this.

hmmm not really, unless u have 8 of these

This shoulda been gone a few minutes after thread was made.

gl with your sale.

any more pics?

I can take them, any special places?

back and 1 of the side

Is aluminum?

It’s steel.

Oh god how I wish I had the spare cash to come pick this up.

no steel

Pics added.

…My god I want this so badly…
Damn lack of money. >:[

Good luck with the sale!

Man, do I want this?
I’m 714, I can pick up 562.

I’ve only $50 though.

Ladies and Gent’s (mostly Gent’s) this stick is GONE!!

dayum last I checked this had 0 replies

good shit alex