I’m looking to change the artwork and all around appearance of my TE stick, including the pushbuttons, and hopefully the balltop.
Now, I’m not a tech-genius, but I read up in the Fightstick/Fightpad sticky, and discovered that the pushbuttons on the face of the stick are 30mm. I’m using GremlinSolutions, and trying to find clear Seimitsu pushbuttons, however, I’m not too good with the serial numbers, etc.
Apparently the PS-14-GN pushbuttons will work in a TE Fightstick, BUT there is no option available for clear. I was just wondering if anybody knew of a site for me to buy clear Seimitsu pushbuttons for the TE Fightstick USING PAYPAL.
A lot of sites I come across don’t support Paypal, or the shipping is horrendous to the UK, and wouldn’t justify buying the pushbuttons.
The same goes for the balltop. I’m looking for a clear or lightblue/dodgerblue glass bubble balltop.
Please help, SRK. It’ll be greatly appreciated. Once I find a site to buy the pushbuttons/balltop, I’m off to buy the plexiglass from arthong.
:lame: Go search for answers next time instead of thinking you are entitled to an answer. http://akihabarashop.jp/ has paypal. Oh and what do you know, theres a thread for akihabarashop… what a coincidence… lizard lick takes paypal as well… i’ll let you find the url for that one
If you’d have taken the time to at least read through my post properly rather than skimming it and forming your reply way too quickly, you’d see I made a query.
If I hadn’t ready the sticky’s and used the search function, I wouldn’t have known that.
Proof right there.
I wasn’t just looking for an online store to buy it from, I read that the PS-14-GN pushbuttons work in the fightstick, but there was no option for clear. Thus leading me to believe I couldn’t get clear buttons on my fightstick.
Same goes for the balltop.
Seriously, there’s no need to be an ass just because you see “Join Date: Jun 2009”.
Thanks for the information you did give me, but would it hurt to give me an answer for the questions I asked?
EDIT: Also, upon visiting Akihabarashop, I noticed that there are NO PRODUCTS ON DISPLAY. I didn’t ask for a website with no products, so maybe you should have checked the site to ensure they weren’t down before you tried to play the badass role to your SRK friends.
Seimitsu PS-14-KN 30mm Pushbutton is what you want in the white color. If you go to the link and scroll down a bit to the item you should be able to see a full color picture of the button to verify it’s what you’re after. As far as the size I can verify they are 30mm as I just bought 8 of the green ones and had to find a 30mm hole saw to match them
Lizard Lick has them as well (these fit JLF joysticks) and the color would be white again. It may be better for you to go ahead and go through gremlin since you live in the UK but at least by going to Lizard Lick you can see nice pictures of what you’re ordering.
No. I wasn’t an ass because of your join date. My reply was in regards to your laziness and not being able to go trying to search the information yourself. I gave you information to two websites that accepted paypal as you requested. Maybe you shouldn’t be so impatient and you’ll see that when akihabarashop opens up again, he provides you the information that you need.
Yet I already stated I had searched the information already. And my question was focused around the specific buttons and balltops I’d need since if you read my post you’d see that I’d specified the button type I’d discovered didn’t come in the correct colour/design I want.
My question wasn’t:
“What are some online shops to buy Pushbuttons/Balltops from?”
And you’d have known that, had you not been lazy and read my post.
You’ve added nothing constructive to this topic, and just came in here to be the one who put’s down the noob and look cool doing so.
Ok, you didn’t ask where to get the buttons. I’m sorry i read your post wrong. As for the buttons, if you looked in some of the threads, GUARANTEED you’ll find the answers. So it comes back to, FIND INFORMATION YOURSELF NEXT TIME.
I have personally never used the clear/white ones. Although from the picture they look completely translucent. The one’s I ordered were the green ones and you can definitely see artwork in them so the white (clear) ones should be clearer than the ones I used.
On a side note just underneath the clear part of the button is the a white (non translucent) part that actually makes contact with the switch of the button. You can remove the top (that is translucent) and put your artwork over the top of the white part that I was speaking of and then put the clear part back on (just snaps on or off really easy). The reason I am saying this is don’t be fooled by the flat white top of the button, as all of them have this (Im pretty sure they all do anyways) but it will not be visible with your artwork on top of it and underneath the translucent cover.
As far as getting flamed goes, welcome to SRK where 90% of the time if you create a post in the right or wrong forum you will be flamed for creating a post in the wrong forum, being lazy, or not using enough adjectives or nouns. You get used to it after a while, but this place is full of incredibly helpful people and is a vault of useful information. Just toughen up and weed through the militants and you’ll be fine
My fourth post and I’ve already got someone that hates me…
Whatever, I’m not gonna repeat myself another time, just so braniac here can comprehend what I’m saying. Shijui, instead of me writing another message, just re-read my posts, and MAYBE, just maybe, there’s a glimmer of hope that you’ll understand this time round.
I personally ordered from Gremlin as I was after Sanwa push buttons and a JLF. I found there service superb and even recieved a free gift, however if your looking for clear Seimitsu’s and would prefer to stay more locally (as in Europe), why not try arcadeshop.de? They’ve gotten good reviews all around off people i’ve talked to and should save a tad on shipping with it being closer than US stores. It looks as if they support PayPal as well.
I cant really help with your other questions though, good luck modding your stick
Here’s the link to the button’s page at arcadeshop.de. He obviously ships from Germany, so that should be no problem for someone in London. I just made an order from there today, so I’m hoping that it gets here before the month is out, but I’m not holding my breath.
Y2K Frosty, I’ll give you a little tidbit of warning before you go out and do this. Yes, as infidale said already, the PS-14-KN (translucent colored) pushbuttons are the ones you’re looking for if you want your stick to have clear buttons. HOWEVER, bear in mind the naming notation. Seimitsu’s buttons that have catalog numbers that end in “N” (like for instance the PS-14-KN or the PS-14-GN) are screw mounted and thus have nuts. I’m sure you already knew that. The problem comes with when you’re trying to screw-in one of those buttons in the bottom left most button slot on the FightStick Standard/Tournament Edition sticks (and for that matter any of HORI’s Real Arcade Pro line of joysticks that can equip a Seimitsu stick).
You’ll find that your nut is being blocked by the mounting bracket. In order for a screw-in button to fit in that button hole (assigned to the “X” button on the PlayStation 3 FSTE and the “A” button on the Xbox 360 FSTE), you have to file down the nut such that it can slide under the tiny gap the mounting bracket leaves.
i didn’t file mine down, you can do it that way, but what i did is stuck the washer under the mounting bracket metal edge and started screwing the button in and ta da it works…no dremel, trimming needed. I thought I had to go that route, but didnt. pictures below
SilentRage03, that’s interesting. It might be that the PS-14-KN buttons have a thinner nut than the PS-14-GN buttons I tried this with. I personally wouldn’t know, I don’t own PS-14-KN buttons. All I’ve got are PS-14-GN buttons, which is what I tested this out with. Oh well. That’s really neat though.
yeah it just slipped right under there. they’re ps14kn, maybe you can get ps14kn washers/nut to work with gn? It would be great if you could do that so you won’t ruin your mounting bracket. I almost filed down the washer/nut lol. then i was like man there has got to be another way, and there you go i got my result.
I have a question about these clear buttons myself.
Now do you cut out the pieces of artwork you want to show through the clear part of the button, or does the clear button somehow screw together through the artwork or attach magnetically?
I really don’t understand how it comes together because I see an awful lot of clear artwork in the modded stick photos and no evidence of jagged edges in the artwork.
I’m wondering how people get such clean cuts in their artwork!
you have to cut them yourself, you use the white plunger inside to draw your circle…there’s a guide floating around here. But note you’re going to have to recut it once again after you do your guide cut. I haven’t tried arthongs, seimitsu cutouts, but will give em a try. My cutout looks really bad and you can see the white edges.