I always wondered, what is the factor that makes vega lose his claw?
It may come in help since it’s a bad matchup for st-sagat and I might want to prevent him picking the claw, for example if I move the screen away from it, and vega attacks and pokes should be considerably less dangerous without the claw.
Is it just possible by keep attacking (blocked attacks), similar to sf zero 3 guard meter? How many hits are required? What else?
All I know (may be wrong but I dun think so) is it happens from him blocking attacks and unlike Alpha 3 (at least I think it’s A3) it’s a random amount of attacks that will remove the claw.
You’re correct, blocking seems to cause it. And yeah, in A3 it happens whether you block or not, and seems to be random. One other thing I’ve noticed… blocking projectiles, especially HP fireballs and Ryu’s SC fireball seems to expedite matters.
Nothing’s worse than losing the mask in A3, though. The disgrace…
Mmmh, nobody quote me on this but I think in ST it pops off when he blocks his fifteenth attack in a given round. I have no idea what the “block counter” resets to if he picks it up again.
No, it breaks off only on direct CLAW attacks not every attack hits his claw e.g low attacks, crossovers and it has to be a motion move not just a standing fierce punch. Something like a fieball, SRK, Huricane kick ect. too work
I have a question on how he picks it back up. I mean, just walking over it picks it up, but sometimes it wont.
The time I remember the most is if I do a jumping attack, land directly on it, and rejump immediately, he won’t pick it up, but if I just jump on it and immediately rejump, he will… but this only happens sometimes…
If I had to guess as to how the claw falling off works, I’d say there’s a minimum number of attacks that he can go without risk of it happening, and each attack after that has a chance to knock it off.
What I do know for (almost) certain:
There is definitely a random effect in play. I’ve seen his claw fall off in as few as 8 and as many as 40+ hits. The average seems to be somewhere in the ballpark of 12.
It doesn’t matter if an attack is blocked or hits him. Both can pop his claw off.
The type of attack doesn’t seem to matter; weak attacks, strong attacks, jumping attacks, and special moves all seem (at a glance) to have the same chance of triggering it.
Whether the attacks come in a combo or a flurry doesn’t matter with regards to the chance to the claw falling off.
Picking up the claw seems to reset the system, after which he can take ~7 more attacks without risk of it falling off.
Not sure about how the details work with picking it back up, sorry.
All you have to do to pick it up is stand in neutral for a few frames over the claw (less than 20 frames, maybe just 3 frames). I pick mine up every time it falls off, as soon as it lands u can pick it up, that’s why on some vids the claw falls off and then is immediately picked up. You don’t have to do anything else.