Results for the 1st event held March 9, 2013 (3/9/2013)
1st NTF|ZD Zidane
2nd PachuKOF
3rd Marco Polo
4th Rashikal
5th Lazie Freddie
5th NTF|ZD XAQshinor
7th Zeal
7th NTF|ZD A3religion
9th NTF|ZD Liston the prince
9th Nick (Dynicksty)
9th Ryudo
9th Attia The Hun
13th Sabata (Saika)
13th Krisppy
13th ray
13th ASAP
17th Mynus
17th Airlancer
Some Archives from the 1st tournament
Results for the second event held April 6, 2013 (4/6/2013)
1st PachuKOF
2nd Garou Mike Marco Polo
3rd NTF|ZD A3religion
4th Nick (Dynicksty)
5th Zeal
5th Sai
7th Lazie Freddie
7th (SS|NTF|ZD) Malik
9th ASAP
9th Etone
9th YPK
9th Garou Mike
13th Attia the Hun
13th Shadow780
Archives from the 2nd tournament