Cincinnati OH, Dayton OH, and Northern Kentucky: I have the best Wesker!

So who is making it to AL this Thursday. I found some sweet prizes. Nathan has sampled them and approves. I know he will be there for the partay. What about everyone else?

If I can get a ride I’m sure I’ll come, Thursday.

Alright! @Keith: Get at me man, if stuff is still going down I need a time and an address, man! I’mma get you on FB, too.

Now, I am not trying to stir the pot here, but just get an idea. Outside of SSFIV and T6, what games would people like to see run at a tournament ran in Dayton?

I make no promises.

I’ll be there, lookin to collect my goddamn money. Also, Keith, whats good on Friday/Saturday?

Fuck all that shit.




That would be awesome if it wasn’t old.

And if you can’t respect the amount of craziness in the video I linked then there is no hope for you young’n


Eff word

As long as Mike can make it, I’ll be there.

BTW you owe Dave a Pepsi LOL.


I paid Dave in hugs. He tried to act all hard, but inside he was melting. He loved them.

Kyle: If you’re coming this Thursday don’t forget your DS and Spirit Tracks.

oops…didnt mean to post 2x Awesome SSF4 East Coast stream.

Arturo is going nuts with Seth and Sim.

I just have one thing to ask

Fucking magnets, how do they work?

…well Seth’s U2 is just…evil.


Magic all up in this bitch.

I’m glad someone else has seen this trash haha.

He fed a fish to a pelican, that ate his cell phone… so he ran away. It’s hard to tell how serious this is. It can’t be serious. It can’t. I think it is. Do ICP fans even like this?

I think 3S is a definite. Maybe GGAC and/or Marvel?

Seriously you guys how do fucking magnets work?

How Magnets Work