Chun wiki updated

It’s still not complete, but I worked on putting some general Chun info into her wiki section. Go check it out.

Is it readable? Understandable? All that good stuff…If it ain’t, tell me. I’ll edit it. Or, if you wanna save me the trouble, do it yourself.

P.S. - If noobs read it, you think they’ll understand everything? I want the wiki to be able to help new Chun players get better.

Good stuff!
Some things to add:

Full frame data (text format):

Some people may not find this very important, but I think it’s worth mentioning that Chun’s c.LP has pretty decent range (which combined with 2-frame start-up helps her get counter-hits). CH max range c.LP, far s.MP xx Kick Super is a pretty good way to land super.

Footsie tools (in addition to far s.MP xx Super):
-c.MP - goes under several moves (Cammy’s s.HK, Sakura’s s.HK, Shotos’ Fireballs, etc).
-far s.HK - goes over certain moves (Blanka’s df+HP, Shotos’ c.MK, etc). Not something to be abused, though.
-far s.MP x MP Kikouken - not something to be abused but is useful in some situations. Just be aware of fast rolls and random lvl 3 supers & CC activations.
-RC Kikouken - decent poke, just don’t overuse it.

-j.HP > HP/air throw - moves to keep in mind against P/K-groovers who like to jump-in and fish for parries/JDs.

SBK Trap:
-c.LP, close s.HP x SBK
Good for chipping the opponent. There’s a list of who can’t crouch the SBK in one of the Chun’s strategy threads I believe. Opponent can mash throw to try to get out of it. Some alpha counters beat it cleanly.

About Kick Super > sj.HK:
-I know this sounds dumb, but df+HK is a pretty decent move to use after the walk under cross-up. Although the move is slow it can be hard to react to it properly. It can hit from the front, it can hit from behind, and there’s a certain distance where it hits from the front but she lands behind the opponent, which can confuse the hell out of the opponent. Plus, it has frame advantage so you can always pressure the opponent with c.LP afterwards if they block.
-RC Lightining Legs when they land - why not? it’s invincible, can lead to a combo into super, does good chip damage, etc. Just one more mix-up to Chun’s arsenal.

-Kick Super > sj.HP > HP - iirc this does a bit less damage than sj.HK, and sj.HK pushes the opponent higher thus giving Chun more time and mix-up options when they land. You’re right about the sj.HP > HP being easier to time, though (after a lvl 1 super, for me both options are easy to do after a lvl 3 super).

-Kick Super > sjc > d.MK > j.LK - you can mix-up the timing for the d.MK > j.LK so the j.LK can hit either from the front or from behind.

Good stuff overall. Are you going to add combos? There’s a whole bunch of good ones in the combo thread.

Random Tips if you ever go into matchups: cMP antiairs Rugal’s Dark Smash althought this punch doesn’t seem like it could counter.

More random stuff:

-the only use I can think of for a close jab is against big characters if you have a lvl 3 ready to go: s.LP(2x) > s.LK/c.LK xx lvl 3 Kick Super. It’s pretty easy but I’d rather learn the link combo instead (c.LP, c.LP, c.MP xx Super) since it does more damage, it works on every character and it works even at lvl 1.

-afaik c.LK xx lvl 3 Kick Super works even if the c.LK hits from maximum distance. I remember doing things like 3 standing jabs > low short xx lvl 3 Super against big characters and it comboed every time.

-running low jabs are really good. Just watch Nuki and you’ll see what I mean.

-doing RC Lightining Legs while the opponent is getting up is a good tool indeed. There’s this silly trick I use every once in a while - instead of the usual whiff s.LK > RC Lightining Legs (LK~MK~HK~LP+LK~HK) I whiff s.LK (LK~MK~HK~LK) followed by either throw or c.LP. When people hear you drumming your fingers over the buttons they tend to block on wake-up because they’re expecting RC LL, so a fake into throw comes handy here. When they become aware of it and start looking for a throw to tech you can start mixing up with c.LP (which is likely to hit as CH). Cheap!!!

Thanks. I added your contributions to the wiki. I credited you too. School just started up, so I won’t have as much free time, but I’ll probably be adding things here and there. Maybe I’ll even start on Morrigan’s wiki soon.

this came just in time cuz im just getting back into this game and chun li was my main.