Chun Player looking for a good Sagat to train with

Gotta be honest, ever since I switched to Chun Li ive been having a pretty hard time against Sagat. Basically just looking for a really good Sagat to play against on a regular basis so I can get a basic game plan going, and get better with her in the process.

So hit me up, info in the sig. If you’re like tournament player good, then thats freaking awesome because then I should probably pick up on some new techniques.

as far as my own skill level, the only gauge I can think of is that im G1. I know thats not saying much, but I would consider myself to be pretty good/decent.

I should probably note that when I say “If you’re like tournament player good, then thats freaking awesome because then I should probably pick up on some new techniques.” it does not mean im anywhere, at all, close to that level. I am actually looking for someone better than me, many G1 Sagats are.

I dont know if that turned people off or not.