I was probably going to do this anyway. The only problem with uploading to Youtube would be the time limit they have on videos, which is 10-11 minutes I believe. A lot of the Nagoya videos would have to be split but that’s not hard to do.
I got out the low quality camera for some matches against my Akuma buddy. This is after we adapted to strategies, so he stopped throwing air fireballs and was watching my ultra more etc…same with me and his other stuff.
[media=youtube]2fKiDFZ34VA[/media] <- I get destroyed here, just learn from my mistakes so you don’t make them.
[media=youtube]YS4as30aGas[/media] <- Better match for me.
[media=youtube]LFxUwMv3MIU[/media] <- 3rd match and more balanced.
One thing about the string that I use, when I throw my HP kikoken…if they try to jump over it I can dash under and combo. I stopped trying to anti air Akuma when I saw his air fireball adjusts his timing. Instead I prefer to dash under whenever I catch it now, it’s the best bet against Akuma IMO…since his air fireball recovery is terrible and if he presses something he gets hit anyway.
edit: One more thing, is that if you’re close and he tries to air fireball when he’s jumping neutral or back, trade it with sweep…it’s a terrible trade for Akuma, his air fireball does crappy damage even to someone like Chun lol.
Thanks for the air fireball tip. The Akuma player was really good, that first match he capitalized extremely well on any small mistake, I was really impressed. Second match you really gave him the businesses good job, nice aggressive style on the second round. Third match I really liked how you used focus attack really well on his jump-ins, also sweet block strings I gotta learn those. Again thanks for the videos.
Thanks for the feedback on my videos guys I appreciate it. I’ll try to upload more matches whenever I take new ones but I usually want to save it for the better players on PSN for more shifts in gameplay so it displays more options.
Well I can spot that you weren’t using the best jump ins. I only jump in with short if I want a fast air-to-air or just to cross up…the way you were jumping I would definitely use roundhouse, fierces, and forward (for the long ranged ones. I like forward over short because when you jump in early with short like that you’re at a serious - frame and they can throw you unless you hasan-shu or back dash. I’m pretty sure they can even throw you if you jump in with an early short and try to jump again.)
Poking rapes Bison too…st.strong stops his scissor kicks if he didn’t EX it, same with psycho crusher. You can basically abuse him until he starts to jump or EX his moves, it’s a good way to drain their meter if you have a comfortable lead. But yeah if he tries to focus, you can just poke him again, either by spamming standing jab, or do something like low forward, or even st.strong again, it’s really good against him.
Against the Ryu player. Well this should go in the match-up thread but yeah…buffer hasan-shu and just press the button when you see blue/projectile. It’s so gdlk…JWong told me that’s how he hits projectiles for free and that’s how I do it now and I feel like I’m him every time I snatch those. But yeah I don’t know if it was just because you’re impatient…but you should really map out your moves so you’re comfortable. Well what I’m trying to say is…just do your moves for a reason, because it looks like Ryu was pressing buttons and you just got caught.
I know the video is just old and that’s all it is…surely you have your strings more prepared and all of that.
Oh and one more thing, low jab Bison, rapes that guy fray lol. Another thing is to use your dash like a poke almost. What I mean by that is dashing up with EX legs, throw, and hasan-shu is a deadly weapon, especially from 3 ticks. You will cause them to panic way more, and you can get them to press buttons that way and punish accordingly. Chun can also sweep just about any back dash in the game for free too, so if you see that their defensive option is back dashing…well you have a great answer for it.
I play Chun very different though Dime, but I think you shouldn’t be rushing shit crazy like that with Chun. To me, against a good player, especially Ryu…I just eliminate the risk/reward situations. That way, what do they have the advantage in? Nothing, they can’t abuse their risk/reward vs you if you back dash, sure they can tag it with something but they have to get creative if they didn’t know that beforehand. I had this theory about pixie characters, mainly Chun and Akuma…they have shitty vitality for a reason, if not they would be too good. So when you go back to how I was thinking, what’s shitty vitality if you eliminate situations where it is highly not in your favor? They don’t have that advantage anymore. Then you get all the cool little tools that pixies like Chun and Akuma have.
Of course, risk/reward will always be a part of the game, and it will always matter how much vitality a character has. There are ways to play around it as much as possible though, and when you follow it properly, it will reward you greatly.
good advice here MM… I agree with your assessment.
i jump with lk as a kind of option select… see the thing is, sometimes when i jump i dont predict well whether there gonna stay on the ground, dash forward, or try an early air to air. thats the reason why i rarely jumped with chun before that day… its so floaty that people have time to ready there defenses in situations that i’m not used to like, say as if i was playin as ryu, id jump in about as much as i did with chun in those 2 vids but i get away with it alot more… and jump lk solves lots of those problems its a great air to air, its her best crossup, and if the person im playin is scrubby then i can get counterplay off of what they do when they block my jumping lk.
but that bison player wasnt a scrub… he took some matches from valle that night.
but yeah i definitely need to shore up my jumpin game with chun… its one of the weakest parts of my game.
another reason i was jumping so much versus that bison was the threat of scissors… it was the only counter i knew at that time, you can see professa k havin trouble with the spammed scissors also… shows we didnt now about the back dash.
the ryu player used to be valles roommate… dude wasnt just pressing buttons, but he was new to sf4 if i remember correct, anywho he mains ryu in damn near every game he plays (if i remember him saying that correctly) and hes pretty good.
also i’ll admit that i was nervous going into the bison and ryu matches, as i had just seen what i had in store for me from watching the bison players matches versus professa k, and it didnt look good for me… the ryu player, i had played earlier with chun, and i was using a much more turtlish ground based game versus him, but he blew through that style with ease 'cause of mixing up fireballs with focus attacks and jumpins that i couldnt read… dude just had my game down, so i decided to mix it up and try to go offensive on him in that vid… that didnt work either…
thx for the advice MM! i will shore up my jumpin game post haste and will be making much effort to incorporate the other suggestions you made.
quick question tho,
how do you exactly do you pre buffer HS so that all you have to do is press the hk button when you see blue streaks???
When you buffer hasan-shu in matches you get a feel for it almost. Like, if you’re not fast enough to go over and hit him, you’ll at least block. But yeah you basically keep doing it slow all the time until you see the fireball then you kinda speed it up…at least that’s how I get it out. I just abuse the SF4 leniency until I wanna get it out then just do it.
Yeah if this was a month ago that Bison player was pretty ahead of his time. Then again, Chun is just a harder character to play to the fullest.
Anyways there’s a few things I want to add.
About the jump in short, just throw it away though…I know you said you’ll step up your jump in game, and I do know it has it’s uses…but for option selecting air to air + jump in…it’s not worth it. If they even try to jump and air to air you, then the answer is time your jumps differently, not do something differently during the jump. If they’re not giving you a reason to jump, stay on the ground. Poke with them, move around, do something to make them press a button so you can jump over it and if not hit them, at the very least mount an offense. Chun’s jump is very floaty yes…but she makes up for it with that early roundhouse and double fierces, combined with empty jump throws and low shorts…but it’s best used when the opponent is recovering from a move (back to giving a reason to jump) and on wake up (that’s a given and you knew this).
The other thing I wanted to add is optimizing. It had to do with jump ins and knowing which button to press, but I optimize other things. An example is…I don’t wait for the jump is in the air for me to decide which button is the correct spacing for the anti air, but I pay attention to when they’re on the ground. It’s hard to explain, and it isn’t easy to pick him, but I know when they’re in a certain range…there’s only one place they can jump. I’ll give two examples.
When I use Ryu vs Balrog, there’s only one place and time he can TAP through fireballs. People think I’m psychic when I uppercut it, but it’s made easy for me. So I place a fireball, it’s going towards them, I KNOW there’s only one way they can TAP around it, so I buffer my shoryu accordingly, if I see them pass my fireball, I press the fierce and uppercut them.
With Chun now…it works a bit differently. A good example is Chun vs a good Honda. Honda can trade with her anti airs, namely her fierce if properly spaced far, and Chun just happens to stick something out. So anyways…a kikoken is usually on the screen right? Well, once that kikoken is on the screen…there becomes only so little space when they can jump it when it’s approaching. That’s how you know whether to st.forward, or cr.fierce, or cr.roundhouse. It makes things a lot easier when you know your situations and how to react accordingly…rather than just reacting to what you see, having to measure and react very fast.
If you or anyone else want to hit me up I’m always down for discussing strats…AIM is under my avatar.
edit: I almost forgot. You already know what mind games are. But when you convince the opponent you’re going to go with the safe option, they will start to change their actions and it gives you openings. You may have noticed in my Chun vs Rufus matches, I back dashed 2-3 times from Rufus’ tornado. Then I start to jump over (fairly safe if he has no meter+ultra) and then later I start to take the big risk which is walk up and jab/throw him.
Same thing with Bison here. You keep poking him with st.strong, then neutral jump his EX and make him burn it. BE CAREFUL of his j.strong x 2 into ultra if he has the meter though. Like I said, Chun can’t be taking those risks unless your opponent is fully convinced you won’t be choosing that option. Again, low jab it. Back dashing is only a small option that neutralizes the situation and you’re back at square one. If you can neutralize it + mount an offense, why wouldn’t you choose that? Only because the threat of EX scissors would be the only drawback, but he doesn’t throw them out at close range. You can also jump over him if he scissor’d you close, but remember when you choose any type of jumping option, to be careful of his j.strong x 2 into ultra.
magneto thats a magnificent post! nothing above my head but definitely some stuff i didnt know about and some ways to formulate setups… i especially like your explanation of using chuns AA’s with a kikoken on screen… i need to digest that a little. i of course knew about pinpointing an op through kikoken distances… but i never put much thought into it. especially not about usiong it as an aa setup… i usually throw it out with the intent of following it as a slow sonic boom and mounting an offense from walk in or as something to do some block damage/ irritate the op. basically iwas thinking that i need to use it when they cant or most likely WONT jumpin… oyur advice shows me theres another way to be using these things.
and about the aa versus honda, yeah dude this advice is SO MONEY! totally the kind of shit i be looking for… STRATEGIC ADVICE.
this line from your post totally describes how i deal with most jumpins:
“just reacting to what you see, having to measure and react very fast.”
i now notice that you dont give your op’s many opportunities to jumpin when your in the neutral game cause you dont play the neutral game for very long… thats TOTALLY different from how most chuns out here play it, i dont know if your able to do that cause your totally outclassing your op or if its just good strategy. GENERALLY speaking, the closer your op is to your strength, the more your gonna have to play neutral games if you both play a tad bit defensively or if only one of you is an aggressive type.
we should continue this via pm or in strategy and matchups (S&M baby!) so that folks can see your advice and perhaps a little of mine… lol.
Dime we should record our matches next time we play, i have a camera at my house i could have just sat it up and recorded those 20 or so matches we had.
Mag your advice is godlike, im gonna use that buffer hashan shu alot more now
^^^ show NO ONE my play via wireless router,non-forwarded ports and a shitty cable company… my connection is BALLS, and i get taken by shit that i wouldnt fall for offline.
but feel free to record them, i have a camera also… but i havent figured out how to upload the vids to my computer then onto youtube… perhaps i’ll waste time today figuring it out.
if you absolutely HAVE to put up our online matches then… er… ok i guess… i just dont want to be judged when i’m only at 70%.
but GG’s and yeah we should get in some more matches.
A Japanese friend of mine helped me sign up for nicovideo, and MY GOD IS IT EVER WORTH IT!!! Just what I needed before of my tournament, some good inspiration and good techniques to observe and how high level mentality is countered.
Good shit Dime, I almost forgot to tell people how to register lol my fault peepz. WOW though man the way he handled that Zangief after as well…my top Chun player favorites keep changing by the video…just amazing.
yeah he definitely handled that gief. he was on some poked out crack for those two matches.
he’s an awesome player.
daigo didnt look like himself tho… he looked scared and he couldnt read the chuns footsie pattern… didnt throw enough fireballs AT ALL. maybe he had a hangover or something.
any more vids of this chun??? cant read kanji for shit.