Some people just like how the old character versions play. I’ve seen Japanese O.Fei, O.Ryu, and O.Boxer specialists and Shirts (a U.S. player) uses O.Dhalsim a lot. Pretty much all of the competitive O.Characters have a specialist playing them. It’s really just personal preference for the most part. The Japanese use more regular Ken, Hawk, and Sagat compared to their O.Character versions as well even though the O.Versions are better.
As O.Chun, you’re trading some of her poke rushdown, super, and upkicks for a much better set of air forwards, cancellable far fierce, and an SBK set much more capable of getting your ass out of a corner. Her flip kick is actually usable in a few places as well, and her neutral jumping roundhouse has a brief hitbox shift back at her legs. It’s slightly worse for punishing fireballers, but it’s slightly better against a few longer-range normals.
Against Guile and the like, she’s nowhere near as good as N.Chun, but against Zangief she really shines.
Thing with the fierce combos is that you need to jump for them. luckily i know how to land a jumper on ryu.
vs hawk, throw slow fireballs. if he jumps for a HOOWUH dive j lk or lk tenshokyaku (d, u, k). from far away-ish j hk can work. risng hawk… dont jump at him. grappler matches with chun you typically just turtle through. as for j lp, dont jump at him too much.
as a note ive seen jp players use jump over/fake crossup d plus air mk to set up throws.
Alright, I thought there was some mysterious secret that makes O.Chun really crazy that no one knew about.
Having trouble vs dictator. I can get an inch here and there and make it even but it’s such work being that the only reversals I have are the wierd lk tenshokyaku and the super, which can be frustrating and hard to do on a circular d pad. J lk works for a knockdown, but the most effective anti air is j hk. Generally he’s so fast once he gets started that I get killed instantly if I don’t work at it.
[disclaimer : i’m guilty that i haven’t read through the past 7 pages yet, this thread could use a bump anyway
so what to do when fei has you cornered and do that hp xx chicken wing lockdown?
djasshole did that to me yesterday and i can’t do anything about it
also, how do to st jab, st tab xx legs consistently? i mash lp+lk (repeat) and it sometimes works.
and when you don’t have super stored, how to do st jab x 2 (maybe another normal) xx super? (i.e. you start charging when you begin your combo)
also, why don’t people use the hf combo more often? (jump hp, hp xx legs). it’s a big 3 hit combo plus 50% chance bonus lucky 4th hit if opponent tries to push a button after the first 3 hits.
(gotta whore the top tier if you’re not talented. too bad osagat, boxer and claw are all really boring)
Try not to get there in the first place. Like I said many times Chun has weird matchups and in certain spaces an advantage matchup can turn ugly. REALLY, REALLY UGLY. She doesn’t have as good of get out of jail cards as you think she would. You kinda have to work your way out.
Otherwise try legs or something. You can attempt a tensho or buffer legs duing blockstun to try to push your way out. Don’t be afraid to counter throw either. This game has reverse ticks. Also there are certain moves chicken wing can lose to easily. I don’t play vs fei much so I’m not a super expert here. Try legs, try the really fast pokes like st lk/mk or tensho. Super should work, and I suggest building meter really quickly in case you get locked down. Chun can do some really neat things with super. Ever seen DJ dread kicks>super? Chun can do that near the corner.
Also it would help to look at the frame/hitbox data comparison site that I believe you posted on here originally. Either you or pasky.
Some chun super tricks that I was going to post up
Cmk to super- does not combo often. Walk forward super motion, down mk very quickly, then very quickly negative edge forward k or press forward k.
Fireball> Cmk> super: Do back, forward P, back, hold forward to follow the fireball, then connect with a cmk using the above trick and super, can follow up with upkicks.
Crossing up or being crossed up and supering> Switch charge directions with specific timing. From the wiki,
The most damaging meterless combo/un-combo thing ever: J hk> hk legs. 75 percent, stuns. Good luck landing it though.
stand at your opponent’s max poke range and mash some legs. builds meter, if you are a bit close they proximity block, which sets up a throw, and from max range most pokes won’t go into her uh… weak spot.
st lk is good. better than you would think. beats a lot of stuff that it has no right to beat.
I’m no Chun expert, but as per NKI’s wiki post, I think the best bet is a mix between reversal throw, SBK and Upkicks. It’s amazing that Fei can just shut Chun down like that. Also amazing is that Chun can actually walk under his RH CW! I wonder if it’s possible to walk forward and block at the last second if it is a Forward CW. Prolly not, or maybe the Forward CW crosses up! That would be a devastating combo LOL. Good luck tho.
NKI is the reason she has a wiki.
Heck, NKI *IS *a Chun Wiki. Miss that dude, he was/probably still is sooo good.
I got some interesting tech used on me by the Japanese Chun-Li player SENretsuGirl on G.G.P.O. I.D.K. if he/she was using macros, but what that person could do with Chun was pretty nuts.
Sen could…
Use S.B.K.* as an overhead** with O. chun*
This is just nuts. Technically, the input would have to be down/down back, up, forward kick. So down back, circle aroud to up, circle around to forward just in time, then kick. IDK if this is a macro or just an extremely devoted S.T. Otaku… And even then, he would have to achieve this on purpose in the first place to record it. He was doing jump forward spinning bird kick with N. Chun too, but according to him the overhead trick- or J.F. S.B.K. or whatever, Sen couldn’t type much in English but could read well. This is definitely something I’d like to learn to do. It would be nice vs O. Sagat at certain ranges. Am I right on the theoretical input?
EDIT: OK, it’s easy with old chun. d/db, up forward kick. now onto n chun. anyone got anything about that?
Consistently use 2 different height jabs to hit confirm into legs.
Humanly possibly, but dang is it hard without turbo.
J. hk, St. hp, Some rather damaging from of legs.
A Bnb of sorts, but with higher damage versions of legs it’s rather difficult unless you were to buffer during both hits- which I find easiest when testing by using turbo. Lk legs would work but many times this combo stunned, so I’m assuming it was medium or hard kick. Almost a tod!
Not as amazing but…
I learned St. lp’s pretty good vs fake Crossups. This was a Chun mirror and I tend to do some fakes.
In general, this chun was insanely on point and good. Please play vs him/her. He even used the old fireball> super trick, which was pretty cool! I don’t see a lot of Chuns on there apart from people who switch to her momentarily because they think she’s “easy”, so I in general don’t get to see much of her new-ish tech. The best I’ve seen are this user and lightning@legs or something, also Japanese.
What do you mean, the SBK as an overhead? I believe it has altitude requirements when used in the air, and the start-up is as long as N.Chun’s. Did you record the replay?
No. It did hit me crouching I think.
I’m always baffled how on paper chun is supposed to have an advantage against hawk, it seems like she always gets into this situation easily
Why isn’t that legit for hawk?
I can sometimes walk under hit, walk under throw, but nothing i do seems to be consistent to avoid/get out of that situation…
Chun Li’s close standing strong and forward can both beat T.Hawk’s splash if you can time them properly. If you have the charge for it, you can time her upkicks late and beat it as well. Practice, and you’ll get the feel in no time.
Her SBK can be used late to trade out of the corner, worst-case.
It’s one of those situations where the Hawk will just repeat it unmercifully unless you can prove that you know how to get out of it. With Dic I try to fierce PC out, but then if the Hawk is mixing it up with splash and tick throw it can still be painful.
Edit to add: remember that in ST block stun and hit stun are generally the same duration, so if you want a down charge you can take the first hit.
A bit of Chun tech…
Corner SBK> Super
Jump back, forward,k, back, forward when you hit the ground, walk forward, kick. This combines here ability to charge/ perform super motion during moves with the walk forward super glitch.
(7,6 k, 4 {land} 6 k.)
The same trick can be applied to kikoken and ground spinning bird. Lk Ground spinning bird and supering right after is a nice bait since normally sbk is pretty easy to counter, but with this you will counter their presumed “safe” counterattack. Don’t do this to grapplers or shotos much.
Safe jump os pokes (taken from nohoho)
Not particularly useful in comparison to games like sf4, but the same principle applies. Jump with a normal stuck out and do a normal as you land like stand hp. If the kick whiffs, you get the normal.
I have something similar with jump in legs, where if the jump kick hits you’ll get legs but if not you’ll whiff a normal. Not too nifty unless said normal is really good like cmk, stand mp, or stand hp. Still, better than empty jump to legs like a herp derp moron. Basically it’s the same principle as above with legs mashed but only to the point where they’ll activate on hit/block. If not, you get a sort-of safe poke whiff.
Walk forward specials. Not particularly new… But useful. You can walk forward slightly with any charge special and do it (just like… well every move that isn’t chun legs). It’s particularly useful for surprise attacks with sbk and for better zoning with fireballs.
Stand lk/mk are really good and under-appreciated normals. Use them more. Same with neutral jump fierce, mk, and lk. These formals are especially good at punishing claw and dic nonsense if they don’t grab. Btw that matchup vs vega/claw is bs >8|. I see him yoo-in. And I’m hatin.
It’s also good in matchups like bipson, prettyboy claw and n ken to be good at altering your tensho direction by changing the input after they cross up. like 3, 7 k instead of the opposite.
The option select is good so you can beat scape tools such as Ryu’s Tatsumaki, which has a short period of invulnerability and would otherwise leave Ryu safe, far from Chun. Video example here.
Edit: a lot of stuff in my post sounded dumb.
Doing legs standing there is pretty safe but it screams “throw a fireball” at a shoto.
O. Chun is pretty darn strong too. Thebastard rushed me down REALLY hard with her last night. I may use Chun’s old version a bit more.
It’s that mixup x|. It’s nuts. Combined with the better zoning and air normals she can also corner trap pretty effectively and beat out most jump ins. Claw jump light p beat her out but it doesn’t do enough damage to be scary.
Thebast was getting in on me, and altering the spacing on df hk. so I had to guess which side to block, and whether to block high or low. He would also do it out of range sometimes so I would have to guess whether or not to block to begin with. And If I blocked correctly he could go overhead stomp, high, or low, or throw, plus all the frame-trap/throw mixups chun has anyway. So hard to deal with. And he was good at catching on to throw abuse, which is a way I beat out old characters.
I heard o chun has lesser ground normals, but I need to make her not jump, and she can beat tenshokyaku clean. What I can think of is to zone her and make her run into anti airs like with a jumpy geif, but her air normals are so good, and her zoning is better… And that sbk is better to get out of things. Thoughts there?
lol, well, u can always walk under O.Chun when jumps in, then grab her.
O. Chun doesnt have xup attacks plus no mp/grab trap.
the point of df hk is to make it as ambiguous as possible, also u can either block high or low, it doesnt matter, just worry about blocking left or right.
O. Chun sbk is easy to punish, sweep it