Chun-Li Thread

uhh?! i think your talking about 3rd strike
i’ve never heard of hit confirming chun’s super in ST
somebody coreect me if im wrong

Corrected. You can do it off of fireball as well. I believe the strong and fierce punch connects are just links, but I may be wrong.

really this is awsome i gotta start practicing this techinique it will really help my chun game

Wow, I should not be attempting to do forum moderation so early in the morning. Accidentally merged a thread instead of deleting it. :looney:

How do you escape O.Sim yoga flame trap in the corner? I could only think of jumping out which gets me thrown.

Here is an old school vid of SSF2 tourney from japan 1994 with Muteki using chun li against a really good ryu player.


Hey, I’m a newbie ST scrub, and I’ve got a few questions about Chun-Li. I’m wondering specifically about her matchup against Dictator. Now, normally I do pretty well against Dictator with Chun, but once in a while I’ll go up against somebody who completely stomps the fuck out of me. I think a lot of it might just come down to “do it better,” but I thought I’d go ahead and ask.

Usually against Dictator, I can consistently knock them out of the air with vertical LKs, HPs, and jump forward/backward MKs. SOME Bisons seem to always beat me, either with MP (x3) or HK. Is this just a timing thing, where I have to try to be above him, or am I picking bad air-to-air attacks? It’s just so weird - I’m used to beating Bison out of the air clean, most of the time, and then sometimes I’ll get nailed over and over again. I suspect that this is a timing thing for Bison, where a well-timed attack can potentially beat Chun (since most of chun’s attacks stay out a long time, so I don’t think it’s my timing that is off. Or, you know, maybe it is). Should I be going for reaction vertical HK?

Sometimes I also have problems dealing with Dictator semi-keepaway tactics. He’ll crouch, wait for me to walk forward, then knee press and jump back safely. If I jump forward, usually I get a mid-air headstomp. I think I know what I have to do - just walk forward, block it and gain ground, or reaction jump against the knee press (not for damage, but for position, and bison loses charge - go for block damage, pressure strings, or a tick-throw). Is that the right idea? Sometimes it’s hard to do for me, and I know I jump more than I should (doesn’t help when I’m playing on GGPO - every millisecond counts when you’re trying to punish bullshit), but if I’m on the right track, I’ll just keep at it.

Finally, I have a rough time against smart Dictators who keep me in the corner. A lot of time it’s the normal kick, kick, kick, throw or kick, kick, kick, knee press stuff, where I figure I just need to work on my throw reversal / tech timing (right?). But I also can have a rough time against Dicator’s vert. LK for pressure when he tosses that in amongst pokes and knee presses, since it seems like it will stuff any attack, knocks me out of a jump, and will let bison combo another kick -> knee press if I block. Should I walk under? Time for a SBK? Try to trade MK, fireball, or HP? At this point, I’m usually flailing a little bit. Is there a single preferred tactic for this situation?

Obviously I try to avoid getting stuck in the corner. What I try to do against Dictator is keep the pressure on, since I know he doesn’t have any good anti-air. That means lots of jump-ins when I’m close and lots of MPs and cr.MKs, occasionally mixing up with a throw attempt or a special for chip damage. Tips on good Chun-Li pressure are appreciated - I mostly use just those two, but I know there’s room for improvement. What do you use for the mixup throw game, besides these two? st. LP seems like it would be useful, anything else…?

I try to go for the neckbreaker (df.HK) whenever I get a knockdown, since I know it’s safe against him, throw out a few fireballs hoping to catch the beginning of a jump or a knee press for the knockdown or get a little chip damage in, rarely use lightning legs (only for chip), and never use the spinning bird kick. Sometimes I’ll try for the upkicks, but usually it seems too risky. Am I missing any clever applications?

I’m also working on the combos I saw on page 3. MP -> cr.HK is a little iffy for me, but I’ll keep at it.

I also have some questions about the matchup against Cammy. Cammy players are so rare; I’m not sure if I understand this matchup at all.

Against dictator, if you keep getting nailed with j. st x 3 or j. rh, that kind of player is super “antsy” to counter your jump in attack with their own jumping attack. Against that type of player, try to bait his jumping attack and walk under and hit/throw him or verticl jump with short should reverse his jump in attacks.

And you’re right, other than that j. st x 3, dictator doesn’t really have a lot of good anti airs. So pick your spots and initiate the attack with your own jumping attack first. Throw in some throw mixup strategies and utilize lightning legs when you’re up close, it stuffs the double kick and his favorite pokes (standing forward/rh). the psycho crusher seems to get through sometimes, but often time lightning legs will stuff the psycho crusher as well. For the head press, I would just do jump backwards and forward kick or even air throw it.

Better not use jump back forward against headstomp, because 90% of the time, dic will go right above the kick and stomp your face. Also, if timed correctly, the punch on the way down will beat every attack chun has, no exceptions. If he’s coming up at you with headstomp and you’re already in the air, your best chance is to take the gamble and forward, but if he does headstomp, don’t chase him into the air. Try and neutral jump rh if he’s coming at you with the flaming punch. Also, when hes coming down toward you (not from above, only if he’s beyond the 45 degree line from your head), the jump> airthrow is good. If he’s right above you, the neutral jump rh is your best bet. Believe it or not, jumping strong is also a very god anti-air with chun, so if dic is coming at you in the air and he’s too high for you to do forward, rh and strong are decent options.

IMHO, when dictator gets momentum and starts stomping chun, this match becomes one of her hardest matches in the game, just because she has so little to fight against him with.

Thanks for the tips guys, I’m slowly getting a little better. Still working on getting that super out when I need it.

Have you guys been obsessing over the HD Remix news? Sounds like Chun got a little toned down, which is a bummer for me. :frowning:


  • Super does less damage.
  • Throw does less damage (probably).
  • Spinning Bird Kick has a new arc (?).
  • Flip kick/Neckbreaker no longer crosses up (!).
  • Additional changes (…).

And, not really a change to Chun, but I guess now Honda and Hawk might have some real tools to deal with bullshit, so that takes away from Chun’s glory somewhat. Also Dictator’s Devil Reverse has invincibility on the way up, so harder to keep pressure on him. On the flip side, maybe Chun will have better tools against Fei Long.

Hard to say without the game being out yet, and all. I guess speculation’s pointless.

@ shadowless

Nothing is confirmed yet for changes.

But you can be sure of these nerfs, less throw damage and cross up on neckbreaker are gone, since those are the moves most players call Chun *insert bad name.

Not that its gonna stop in HD remix, lol


PS. New SBK better be good. New arc, more stun, juggle, maybe more invincibilty (that 1 is wishful thinking^^)?

If this were true, that be awesome to punish bad called moves (random tatsus, hawk dives, wall dive, etc.)

Can somebody confirm or deny: In ST, neckbreaker (df+HK) can cross up against some opponents (as listed on the wiki, not including ‘shenanigans’). It must be blocked low if it is timed to hit extremely late. It can always be blocked low.

Yeah, obviously nothing is confirmed, but those are the changes that had been made at the time, and they’re probably going to be reflected in the final version.

I’ll keep my fingers crossed for SBK. It would be nice if there were reasons to use it besides charging up your super.

Sorry if it has been answered before but i am playing AE (PS2 version) and I am trying to do Chun’s stored super but it never comes out.
I read that it works on ST. Does the same apply for AE?
I don’t think that I am doing sth wrong, cause I can pull off the super anytime.
When trying to do the stored version I charge b, f, b, f and walk towards and then press K but nothing comes out.

You need to hold start when selecting ST then pick chun-li.

you have to hold start when you choose SUPERT at the character select screen.

I had this same problem :wink:

edit: beaten by Alphastorm


And for what it’s worth, yeah, the second poster is the correct one. Hold start when selecting ‘SUPERT’ - if it’s done correctly, you should hear a semi-quiet chime instead of the normal selection sound.

Woah, thanks guys I am gonna try it as soon as i get the chance.
Hope that Ill manage to do sth like jumping hk, st. fp. , super.
I also hope that it will still work in HD remix.

From what I’ve read in the STHD thread stored super and upkicks after super are still in. I think the super damage was toned down a bit though.

I would send you a link but I don’t want to go through that thread to find it. I think it was a couple weeks ago where I read it. I also believe this was info from the current build at the time so it may not make it to the final product.

Yeah, I posted the changes further up on the page.

Unless they’ve changed since then. And of course they could still change from now.

Thanks again for the info.
I finally managed to do the stored super but I am wondering why j. hk, st fp xx super didn’t work.
I stored the super as I should, then pressed uf to maintain the super and pressed hk as late as possible. Then i pressed hp and finally i piano-ed all kick buttons and it didn’t work.
Is my timing wrong? I am sure that my inputs are correct…