Chun vs Chun
What can Chun do in the air against Chun when she is jumping in with Forward? Player A is jumping in with Frwd and is in the air first, player B needs to respond in the air as well. This is assuming that the forward will be able to combo if it lands. What is the best counter to the J forward with Chunli.
Block. Yes, block, j.forward is like the best jumping attack in the game, and Chun Li’s lacking in the antiair department.
I don’t know what you mean with j.forward being able to combo when you’re both in the air though.
Btw Chun Li mirrors are stupid I usually just switch to Guile, who’s at disadvantage, but at least I know what to do…
okay so we all know taht when we have the super stored and we trow we have to tap back then foward to keep the charge btu what i was wondering was can you throw someone backwards and still keep your charge cause i’ve been trying to do it but i cant get it to come out
If anybody is wondering why i wanna trow backwards
its because if someone is in the corner and you trow them into the corner they get a free trwo
Yes, you can keep the super stored while throwing backwards too. It’s a bit harder, but it’s done like this: Say Chun is on the 1P (left) side, and the opponent is on the 2P (right) side. With the super already stored, Chun would do left+Strong (to throw backwards), then right, then left and hold it.
Have you tried jump straight up + LK, MK? I havnt played Chun mirror much in ST and its been way to long ago, but in older SFs this would work. I know it would beat out jump in LK. you just had to do it as fast as possible depending on the jump angle.
Anyone can confirm this?
Another option is sac throw by doing early as possible stand HK. either gonna hit chun midair or you recover faster then normal take the blow option since HKs hit box is extended to up front.
Or you walk under, past chun, then LP/HP chun mid air from behind or throw (risky) her.
NKI wrote:
If he crosses you up with j.Forward, it is not blocked as a cross-up. You need to block it as if it weren’t a cross-up. Your other option is to just Spinning Bird Kick out of there. If you mess up your Spinning Bird Kick, a good DeeJay will follow up the blocked cross-up with a cr.Jab, then either throw or do cr.Short xx Machine Gun Upper. ALWAYS just plan on teching the throw. If you stand up early to try to reversal throw, you could get hit by cr.Short xx Machine Gun Upper, that very well might dizzy you, and you could be done for the round. Teching the throw is the much better, safer option.
Although I thought whether or not the j.MK had to be blocked as a crossup or not depended on DeeJay’s position and timing when using it. :looney:
Where are you from, if you don’t mind me asking? I’m amazed (as I’m sure are a lot of other people reading this) that your opponent’s actually playing Akuma and acting like it’s no big deal. I mean, here in USA, I’ve only ever seen him get picked by either the totally clueless and terrible new players or by the wiseguy playing a trick on friends for a single game only.
Looks like we need to update the wiki with info on the Chun Li vs. Akuma matchup quick! :rolleyes:
The cheesiness of the reused sound effects always gets me. Every time he does a hurricane kick, I’m like, “Heck yes, lariat!”
Inoki was actually a more than capable Ryu player until he decided to retire and for his last tournament, X-Mania 3, he decided to play a one-man Akuma team as a joke.
uh anybody have any ideas how to stop claw jump ins with j.fierce
claws j.fierce eats up kicks alive, i’ve been trying to use crouching RH but it still gets stuffed
maeby standing RH?
Anyone have tips on execution regarding held super? I’ve tried to do cr.forward into it, but don’t get super. I was told by Zass that one of the things he learned in Japan bu can’t yet do himself is this:
Hold super walking forward, quickly bring the stick to neutral, then to down, pressing mk, then bringing the stick back to neutral, then forward>drum kicks, provided the mk connects.
So, this all comes out as: Walk forward,>super, and it’s a hit confirm! But I can’t move the stick so quickly while going to neutral first :sad: