Chun Li Combo Thread: Showing Off Her Kung Fu

I really love Chun-Li’s N Jump HK. It’s a good A2A move, and if you hit a grounded opponent on the way down, you can easily link it into Cr HP and go into whatever combos you desire from it.

Of course

@otori what’s optimal into trigger combos?

From far away best you can get is xx MK SBK [216/320] or VTC into super [332/100].

Upclose you can do, cr.hp xx hk SBK [265/370] but there are better normals do VTC upclose

how did you do the sbk after the jab ?

hold down -> neutral -> press jab -> up+LK

Just has to be done cleanly and quickly.

hey guys, is there a post with what all these acronyms for the combos stand for, it’s been a long time since i’ve looked at a combo thread lol

edit* nvm someone literally just posted a list in a different thread lol

450 damage CH confirm combo:

CH,cr.hp xx v trigger,cr.hp xx L legs,cr.lp, xx super

From Prima games manual:

Fmp links into super or ex legs on CH. super is hard reaction, ex legs is easier.

You can do both on reaction equally well. Thing is EX legs can whiff at true max range whereas super never whiffs. Just buffer it 3S style and it is super easy.

If you DONT buffer, the super is harder reaction. If you do buffer, you lose charge time for a kikoken or some such, or quick followups via other normals.

I know what you are saying though… But you do actually lose something for doing the buffer on non reaction. Whereas it’s possible to cover ALL points by not buffering and relying on raw reaction.

ch > cr.hp xx vtc > walk forward > > xx mk sbk

Just barely out of range to land another cr.hp after vt :frowning:

any help with comboing into sbk ?

The most damaging combo I could find, using both meters, as a DP punish was really simple:

Activate Vtrigger: (CC),, super [483/315]

Or if you want to be fancy: (CC) xx vtrigger, slight walk forward, vskill, headstomps 3x, hp/hk (in the air), super on land (really hard to time properly) [483/388]

Useful for when it’s the 2nd round and you want to go for the kill and you bait a DP. Did anyone find any better damage combo using both meters?

If you do a heavy lightning legs at the end (before the super) you do more damage (465 damage and 415 stun). Also, I can only get this working if my opponents are crouching, is that correct? Or what char did you use this on. Maybe it’s character specific (on standing)?

I don’t get this. I get 248 damage and 302 stun, and all EX legs hit. Another thing I don’t get is; how does 1 bar only add 30 damage and 50 stun? When the combo without the EX legs at the end does only 158 damage and 194 stun. It adds way more than that. Did you note it down wrong, or am I misreading what it says?

This is actually 316 damage, not 326.

So I just found out you can combo into her vskill(mp+mk):

Neutral or diagonal j.hp, vskill, stomp x 3, ex air legs =
330 damage, 426 stun, 13 hits

You can also combo into it off if it’s deep and off a vskill hp attack, must also hit deep.

Compared to the rest of the cast, Chun really has bad Crush Counters, doesn’t she?
Not really many combo’s available, or am I wrong?

Once the game has been figured out, that could turn out to be a problem for her.

Problem is people think comboing off crush counters is what makes them good. It’s not.

The fact that you get half a V Gauge bar for landing a standing heavy CC or a 1/3 bar and hard knockdown for landing a sweep CC is way more important. Getting closer to renkiko I’ll take over more damage any way.

Most CC’s are very negative on block and Chun Li has one of the few CC’s that is plus on block (plus 2, 2nd best to Dics) and has a disjointed hit box that beats the majority of standing normals and AA’s decently. You can always just OS HK legs during b+HP for solid damage after landing it and you get some decent combos if you have V Trigger ready when it lands.

Chun Li has a CC that’s plus on block which means she has one of the few CC’s that can be used offensively without much risk to her and has much less whiff recovery than other CC’s. She’s easily one of the best CC characters in the game. Easy.

Watch the latest video in the tech thread for some options after landing b+HP CC with V Trigger ready.

I did it on standing ken iirc.

I tried on standing Ryu and it didn’t work. Good to know that there are character specific combo’s though… Needs further testing for sure.

CH,cr.hp xx v trigger,cr.hp xx L legs,cr.lp, xx super

Works on Standing/Crouching:

Works on Crouching Only:
-Bison (DIC)
-Vega (CLA)

Does not work on either state:

All performed midscreen P1 side. Corner didn’t seem to have any effect however I didn’t run through it with the whole cast (nor did I check if there are any changes if performed from P2 side) because I didn’t have time. I’ll update later when I try those other variables.