Chun Li cmk to super in st

I’ve seen ti done… I think I may have done it before but I don’t know how now. In one vid q80 warlock does a walk up cmk to super, and nki has done the same(in a match no less right after a kikoken)… How do you do this? I can walk up super but the cmk would require me to drop my charge.

IIRC the stored super is hold back, hold forward, tap back, tap forward, kick. You can get an mk instead of the super any time before you tap forward.

It is actually back (hold), towards, back, towards (hold). It is known that if you don’t have full bar, you will get a cr.Short in offensive crouching until you gain bar, so this might be the reason.

You can briefly let go of towards without losing your stored super. So it would be something like charge back, towards, back, hold towards, neutral down+mk, towards+kick.
