Chun Li Beginners Thread: Don't Skip Leg Day

They are both pretty equal in how they will teach you the game. The gameplan each has is pretty standard. Ryu is always the recommendation for learning the game, but if you know a bit about SF the only advantage Ryu has is that he has more solid anti-air. If you don’t feel super comfortable anti-airing people pick Ryu. Otherwise, pure preference.

After reading through the Chun general, I found out why I may be unable to do the cr.LP, st.MP, cr.MK xx MK SBK. On PC and I have to use JoyToKey until they release an update. In the meantime should I go and practice other Chun combos?

I also use those softwares and can land the combo.

yea that software is definitely not a barrier. I use xpadder and I can do it almost all the time. Its really just practice. Just condition yourself to delay the sbk. Start off connecting with lk sbk. Its a bit easier. You just sacrafice some damage but you still get the setup. Once u do it once and get a feel for the timing the rest of the times will come easier and soon u will be able to do it easily

Confirmed I am trash LOL. Thanks for the help! Going to go try the LK SBK.

I’m sure you’re not trash. There is only improvment from here. For now, I’m still stuck on linking into LK SBK until I can feel confident enough in MK SBK. It’s just training and pratice. :slight_smile:

Heads up, if you have Windows 10, you can record matches using the Game DVR from the Xbox app. Records in up to 1080p I think and you can then upload the file to youtube. Shortcut is Win+Alt+R for recording and Win+G for the game bar

for now i don’t even bother with this combo. i’ll try to learn it later, whatever. there was a ton of japanese cammy players in ae2012 who did a simple 2 frame link and they were respectable online warriors with tons of japanese pps. if you are going to offline majors, it’s pretty important, if you only play online and do some locals i don’t think it’s necessary to learn it asap(my opinion, yours may be different).
personally i’m learning how to anti air properly, spacing, normals usage, etc, then i’ll grind combos and setups. im a scrub though, but this is beginners thread

Decided to switch my main focus to Chun, just do it right? With that being the case, what are her go to anti-airs? IIRC, in USF4 they were st.HP and st.HK, in SF5 st.HP doesn’t seem to do the job. Would st.LK and st.HK be my go to’s now? Then A2A would be HP and nj.HK as well as air grab, right?

Update on my LK SBK ~

I am able to do the st.MP, cr.MK xx LK SBK but incorporating cr.LP before st.MP throws me off for some reason :’( Going to keep practicing it!

Update 2:

Take that back, can’t do st.MP, cr.MK xx LK SBK consistently ;__;

Chun-Li’s basic anti airs include St LK, Bk HK, and EX SBK.

Ive seen lots of problems with the mp, mk, msbk combo… I’ve got the bird kick cancel down but how is nobody having trouble with the clp into smp link? Weirdest timing in my opinion, still gives me fits.

As soon as you see the cr.LP hit and barely start to retract immediately go into st.MP, what I do anyways.

[quote=“ScrubLi, post:36, topic:177742”]

New video. Criticism would be nice. I had no idea how to open them up and I was scared I’d get hit if I went for a throw.



[quote=“ScrubLi, post:53, topic:177742”]

I mean most people are as new to this as you man. You have an idea of what you are doing. Less random cr. MP and learn your punishes on birdies f. FP (cr. jab->spinning bird or cr. jab->Legs). Mainly just learn to space yourself, but personally i’m not sure the best place to do so. Also learn to punish his bull rush on block, it is a free f. MP or MK spinning bird. Birdie deals a lot of damage but a messed up confirm really can hurt him, you have to make that count.

Tips for confirming legs in to CA? I can’t get the timing down, cause I have 0 idea of what the timing is. Spamming it in training mode isn’t getting me anywhere. Also tips for what to do on wake up is nice, if its already been posted (which i’m sure it has) a link to that would be nice as well.

Super cancelling legs into CA is a pretty small window hit confirm (not really sure if its possible honestly) and legs isn’t safe on block so it’s not something you wanna just cancel into all the time. I typically hit confirm the cr. MK. As for cancelling legs into CA you’ll want to do qcf+K qcf+K, where you do the CA motion, but in between QCFs you press kick for each motion.

[quote=“Sephiroth73003, post:54, topic:177742”]

Thank you.

Canceling Lightning Legs into CA is easy. Since legs is jist QCF + K, i just repeat that motion 2x during the Legs animation.

Now hittiing it consistently without it getting blocked is hard cause i just hardcore commit to it the moment i do legs since the window to cancel is so small

Yeah super cancelling legs is easy, meant hit confirming legs into super is hard. Sorry for the poor wording.

I actually think canceling into super is easier… worst case scenario you get legs into super. Ex bird on wakeup? but it’s ballsy, I’m just blocking.