Chinatown Fair NYC | Friday is the last day

lol answer the calling and come to ctf tomorrow :wgrin:

EDIT: yeh i ment AH

I’m “waking up” for college in about 3 hours. I’ll get home at 11pm.

Weekdays ain’t happening. I have the option to work on weekends but I’m not sure if I should turn it down.

50$ dollars an hour (paid per stack grading which at my speed is 50$ an hour) of boring work on weekends and not having any day off during a week versus free time but no income.

Yo im heated!! my dam alarm kept goin off as im sleeping and this last time it woke me up and i cant fall back asleep!:shake:

I went to sleep a couple hours ago and my cat jumped on my stomach again so I was like, let’s see how the NJ thread is doing.

I still think it was dumb of you to put 20 on Shaded when he plays Infinite.

Are you seriously going to go there? That’s a long drive. You’ll waste more money on gas if there’s traffic and there will be given the time.

lol i might not go cause im wondering how am i gettin there again? I dont have my car anymore lol… yeh i kinda understand where shaded is comin from though… but hes takin it to the extreme… i put 20 on him just because he seems like hes at least decent… betting on infinite is too free lol and who the hell would bet wif me??? nooooo oneee! lol

Yeh ur right lol that would be fun… id rather play marvel on console because I hate standing!! especially while playing a video game! Oh and i just remembered I have a money match this weekend too… im not sure how much he wants to play for but i know its first to 10… my projected score is 10-6 in my favor lol… ive gotten soooo much better from the last time I was at ctf… just that certain things are still shaky like my tri jumps wif storm… I slide but sliding down to lk causes me to do LA… so wat i do is i press dash wif my index and middle then i just press lk… not as fast cause theres that slight pause between the dash and the lk… hopefully i get quicker wif it so theres no pause:clown:

Coming from where? Talking shit to everyone and getting what he deserved? Like if you friends with everyone you can talk shit to each other and it’s all for fun, but this guy is obviously just jumping on random people. Talks shit to Josh360, Bacardi, Snakeshotpeople, Infinite, etc. Rob doesn’t even play marvel and Shaded goes and copy pastes all of Rob’s posts on other sites.I don’t really know them but I’m not going to let some random jump on NY like that. Rob doesn’t even play marvel and Shaded goes and copy pastes all of Rob’s posts on other sites. I got no respect for people like that. Anyways, forget it. You made the side bet so you need to find out how the money should get through, whoever wins.

I agree with you, unless maybe you can get hooked up as far as a ride is concerned, like maybe talk to Infinite or whoever else is going, then there’s no point of driving there.

Oh yea, in your sig, that’s ElderGOD to you sir, not eldergod :stuck_out_tongue:

edit: who you playing for money?

lol me and caps arent friends:nunchuck:

My boy’s coworker…he knows alot about the game lol so my boy set it up…
hes been playin the game longer than me too so ima see if i could record it and everything lol… post it on youtube so i can get a lil advice… Ima try and make a crazy mix lol i got some cool songs ima use so ima see how it goes… I need to holla at doc and see how they make those crazy colors… i need green orbs in my life!:nunchuck:

Your best bet from what I seen you do.

Start the match with Sentinel Cable Commando.

Try to save meter for cable and stomp him to death with sentinel.

No offense, but your cable w/o meter is useless.

Try to keep commando safe. I’m not saying don’t use him, just keep him covered.

From how it sounds, you’re going to have a lot of difficult games if he’s been playing for a long time.

Lastly, it’s ElderGOD damnit lol.

Yeah, except custom sticks > pad and custom sticks > normal sticks. Way to keep it close minded. All tournies run on console. And CF won’t really be drawing in 100 players. Also, CF sticks tend to suck after a while. Good luck getting your practice in.

Anyway, you guys should ditch Marvel and play more GG.

Ditch GG and learn marvel!!! :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

EDIT: lol not enough claps before

I was learning Marvel first day it was out 8 years ago. New games for the win. Marvel is always fun to watch, though.

:rofl: :clap:

:shake: Oh man. I’ve seen Joe play Pot. Those FRCs are nuts.

Yo, fuck Potemkin. That match is so horrible. Biggest uphill battle I’ve ever fought.

play potemkin vs eddie plz

you will cry waterfalls of blood

I’ll be there today from 4pm till whenever. But I gotta see RAMBO first. :E

Who’s going tonight?

ay bay bay

Bitch, you better be there. I’m actually gonna sacrifice warmth for this.

ill pass by after work and some job hunting around the area tomorrow. havent played in A long time. i need one of those walgreens creditcards where you put your own money into it so i can just buy a new stick.