CHICAGO - Screenz 12-20-08 Results

Super Street Fighter 2 HD Remix

  1. Syxx (Cammy)
  2. Antonio (Ryu, Blanka, Chun-li)
  3. Mateogalvan (Akuma)
  4. Slevin (Bison, Guile)
  5. Jfrisco (Ryu, Ken)
  6. Ivylicious
  7. Tim
  8. Corey
  9. Brian
  10. Forfietted his spot when he realized he had no chance

Winners Finals (3-1)
Syxx (Cammy) - Antonio (Ryu, Blanka)

Losers Finals (3-0)
Antonio (Ryu) - Mateogalvan (Akuma)

Grand Finals (4-2)
Syxx (Cammy) - Antonio (Chun-li, Ryu)

Soul Calibur 4

  1. Thugish Pond(Amy, X)
  2. ivylicious (NM, Taki)
  3. esoM(Voldo)
  4. MateoGalvan(Mitsu)
  5. JannaKazama(Hilde)
  6. jimmypikachuchoi(X)
  7. Aaron (Asta, Lizardman)
  8. Malcom(Setsuka)
  9. shinobi01
  10. Syxx
  11. King Zeal
  12. Wyzt
  13. Neoshinji
  14. Prism
  15. MysticBill
  16. BLDave
  17. Exodus
  18. Whit
  19. Nachocheese
  20. HARO
  21. Eric
  22. compactaD
  23. CloudX
  24. Wayne
  25. Ishmael
  26. Solus
  27. Dark Kakashi
  28. Seth


ivylicious (Nightmare, Taki) - Thugish Pond (Amy) (1-4)

ivylicious (Taki) - Thugish Pond (Amy) (0-4)

Tekken 5 DR

  1. Antonio C.
  2. Mateogalvan
  3. Solus
  4. JannaKazama
  5. Haro
  6. Ivylicious
  7. Syxx
  8. MysticBill
  9. Rokorue
  10. Iluminis
  11. Nachocheese
  12. Jimmy “Pikachu” Choi
  13. NeoShinji
  14. Theo
  15. DCGB Tekken Style

Good stuff… awesome event… close to 50 people there altogether for tournament and casuals in other games like 3rd Strike and Tatsunoko vs Capcom. Thanks again screenz for hosting the event, Dark Kakashi and Neoshinji for organizing, Jimmy Choi & Solus & Seth for setting up and running brackets, and everyone for coming and participating!!! It was a great time! Hope to see you all at the next event.

updated with full results!