The game WILL allow for multiple projectiles. Notice how fast Ryu was throwing those fireballs? That’s how fast Guile was throwing his Sonic Booms at me, but since SB’s move slower than fireballs, there was 3 of em on the screen at the same time.
I wouldn’t have made this thread if it wasn’t true. I don’t just make shit up for fun.
Incorrect. This isn’t HDRemix Rainbow Edition. Only one projectile is allowed on screen at a time, you’re just seeing things too fast. Watching the video in freeze-frame would clear things up.
I’ve never seen CPU Ryu do that in ST (shoot a fireball straight after one is nullified). I suspect it’s a bug relating to the fake fireball – yet another bug we can attribute to Backbone’s shoddy coding.
I’ve played the A.I. for quite a bit. Until recently, I was sure that my ST skills would just make me a joke online.
The A.I. reacts to whatever you do so perfectly. Their spacing is perfect. The timing is perfect. It’s ridiculous. Sometimes, I think the A.I. has different hit boxes than the Human controlled counterparts.
Chun has AAed me with her close standing RH even when I was clearly behind her.
Walk forward fireball from Guile, Chun, and DeeJay.
Once, I played a DeeJay who did 4 max outs in a row. They weren’t all on screen at once, but there certainly wasn’t 55 frames or whatever of charging inbetween each one. He couldn’t even finish saying “Max Out!” before the other one would come out.
Balrog headbutts me after blocking standing up. And don’t even get me started on A.I. Bison. He does his head stomp so low to the ground it’s ridiculous.
But, for whatever reason, I still think it’s fun. Still not as good as fighting real folks though, since winning is nice from time to time.
Yes maxout and booms are ridiculous, so is the CPU pulling mortal kombat AA’s out with jsu.normals.
I believe that the CPU is allowed to skip prejump and landingjump frames.
CPU honda has old ochio, honda has ST jab headbutt with fancy graphic effect and presumably the destroys fireball property, DJ was AA’ing me with his slide when I was at his head level. Guile jumped out of a meaty with a shoto (could have been timing error, but I don’t know for sure)
Boxer’s dashes are broken shit.
Claw still loses to ken tatsu spam
Tick throws are impossible at the later difficulty levels.
Tick throws have always been impossible against the AI in all versions of SF2. Even if you weren’t planning on a tick throw, such as cr Short, delayed cr Fierce or whatnot, the AI will throw you so fast, it’s not even funny. :wow:
I practice against the CPU on the higher difficulty deliberately. I figure if I’m playing against nearly GDLK opponents regularly, it can only help me improve
By the way, does the HD Remix CPU also act outrageously? I don’t often use Classic mode, I was wondering if there was a difference.
The CPU and top human opponents have nothing in common. Mindgames don’t come into play versus the CPU, and that’s half the point of top level multiplayer play. All the CPU has got is insane 1 frame reflexes, lightning fast execution, and a prior knowledge of EVERYTHING you’re going to do before it’s even happened.
Fuck that.
AFAIK the classic mode CPU is harder than the remixed CPU, it certainly is on the one player story mode (not sure about the training area though). Sirlin said the toned down the HDR difficulty during the remix. I warm up sometimes against CPU akuma, and some of the shit the CPU pulls off is ridiculous. Every poke is psychic dragon punch reversaled for 3 hits, computer is always at the perfect range, will throw you as soon as they get within their exact throw range, etc, etc.