Yes, but even on block it’s at a good distance to beat certain pokes. The pushback puts you into perfect poke range. Maybe not good against quick pokes, but you can mix it up with Blanka’s other pokes Just that it’s nice to get a hard knockdown. Just looking to find some other things to mixup besides tick throws, kara throw, and drop-and-punish to set up wake up game.
Yes, i use it too sometimes, like you said, even on block it’s good because the opponent need to block high and after low.
We can link a charged rockcrusher meanty with the sweep ?
yes you can sweep after meaty rockcrusher or overhead rockcrusher
You can have some mixups with both versions of this move, but i don’t know if the reward is great, i know you can link a lot of things with the overhead version on meaty, but i didn’t work that, because Blanka already have other better meaties no ?
Yes, but they can’t crouch block the overhead, which takes away one of their options and can link into ultra 1.
Yes, it’s not an useless move i agree.
How much it has active frames ? You know many setups ?
I only know after a forward throw : Dash, overhead rock crusher, i can link ultra and maybe sweep if i’m no wrong.
Even without ultra, if with a meaty O RC, if i can beat a crouch tech and confirm a crouching forward, stand jab xx Ball HP for example, it’s fine.
Weird setup, but pointless. Fa lvl 2/3 > fa lvl 2 > OH rockcrusher. It’s possible after slide also, if you time it just right.
In 2012, with +1 on hitstun, this move will become more interessting.
comboing into sweep over and over feels awesome.
XBL is down!!!
at least in germany I think…
can anybody confirm???
anonymus now hackin XBL??? WTF???
cant believe how much I suck sometimes!
i hate being caught in a blockstring and expecting the final throw, except my throwtech doesnt fuckin work for no reason!!!
than after being thrown they do the exact same blockstring, except they do a god damn DB and catch my useless throwtech!!!
relax and do what everyone else does - blame it on the lag, unless you are playing offline, then continue screaming lol.
if you’re anything like me you need to tech later >_<
Now maybe you will get that respect you were looking for when you said you were going to work on it!
I need to win offline, lol. No one watches my ranbats, so I need to go to wnf.
I’m a shade under 4800 pp now though.
I broke 3k last night, then lost to some guy who had 1100 pp and about 6k bp on every character.
Beat him 3 more times afterwards and was still at a net loss. God dammit pp.
2.7-3k is the respect level IMO, but others try harder to impress so u cant really judge. No doubt 4800 u have got some skills to sport that number, online or not.
I was mid 4000s then latif and i had like a 50 game session. now i’m barely 4k . ARGH.
I’ve played Latif 6 times and I’m 0-6, but 5 of those were in endless.
what does latif do to get out of the unblockable? or is it really hard to get a throw in the first place?