Charting character stats, need Rufus help

Just looking for input on this in general, and for each character specifically.

As stated I’d like to keep discussion for each character in the separate threads I am making in their respective sub forums, and input on the idea in general in the above thread.

Also as stated, despite discussion in this thread being open to anyone it would help me separate the wheat from the chaff if each forum could appoint someone who knows what the hell they are talking about to give me the numbers to plug into my spread sheet.

My garbage numbers for Rufus:

Endurance - 3
Reversal ---- 3.5
AA ------------ 4
Zoning ------- 2.5
Rush --------- 4
Mix up -------- 3.5
Dmg pot ----- 3.5
Viability ------- 2

Endurance - 3
Reversal ---- 3.5
AA ------------ 4
Zoning ------- 2.5
Rush --------- 4
Mix up -------- 3.5
Dmg pot ----- 3.5
Viability ------- 2

Other than the Endurance these are little more than place holder numbers. Input greatly appreciated.

The end result of all of this will be a spreadsheet with pull down menus to compare up to three characters like so:

Uploaded with

As someone who has played Rufus since SFIV came out here’s what I would suggest for AE Rufus:

Endurance - 3
Reversal ---- 3
AA ------------ 4
Zoning ------- 3
Rush --------- 4
Mix up -------- 3.5
Dmg pot ----- 4
Viability ------- 2

Endurance - 3
Reversal ---- 3.5
AA ------------ 4
Zoning ------- 3
Rush --------- 4
Mix up -------- 3.5
Dmg pot ----- 3
Viability ------- 2

I’ll just run through the numbers that differ from yours:

Reversal - 3 as he needs EX to be effective.
Zoning - 3.5 because he has a good long range poke (cr.HP) and his divekick can be used as a good zoning tool.
Dmg pot - 4 because U1 can be landed from a huge variety of options

Reversal - Improved over U1 because of U2 options against fireballs
Dmg pot - Decreased because of lack of U1 combo potential

I’ve left viability at 2 because I’m not really sure how you worked that out? I read your blurb for it on the main post but didn’t really understand…

Endurance - 4
Reversal ---- 3
AA ------------ 3.5
Zoning ------- 3
Rush --------- 4
Mix up -------- 4
Dmg pot ----- 4
Viability ------- 4

Endurance - 4
Reversal ---- 3.5
AA ------------ 4 (2012)
Zoning ------- 3.5
Rush --------- 3.5
Mix up -------- 4
Dmg pot ----- 3.5
Viability ------- 3.5

High health, great rush down and slightly above average mix up game. He also has great damage on his moves with reliable reversals but all dependent on a form of meter. Zoning isn’t too shabby either and he has shown the ability to keep people out.

4/5 overall in terms of viability. Has the tools to effectively deal with most match ups but has some issues with certain zoning heavy characters like Sagat or Ryu.
