Charlie: My new-found love (ehem...)

guys, just ignore his posts already, its redundant(both his content and the arguments)

Youre spewing, thats all…

You know Charlie’s flash kick doesnt take you upwards until the end portion of the HC. Or did you? Let me explain it then. Charlie will connect the flash kick ON THE GROUND FOR 9 HITS, and then the 10th hit knocks them upwards. You with me so far? Now, if the first 9 hits are on the ground, what do you think Gambit and Morrigan’s HCs will do? What would cause the opponent to be sent upwards if not for Charlie’s 10th hit, heh? You are the scrub that I can convert into a respectable scrub, I think you have hope. Oh, and it does 97 on Magneto, 100 on Storm and 100 on Psylocke (my team actually)… So, what do you think will happen to your team overall if you got caught slipping? The team is basically erased, similar to other grand THCs (BB Hood/Juggs/IM etc.) Go try it out for yourself, and realize that the post youre insulting actually helped you. But thats one aspect of the team, not to mention Gambit and Morrigan gameplan.


Thats actually what you should be telling these dweebs, cause I am not a scrub and yet I dont boast either. But if someone calls me a scrub (in a really disrespectful manner) then a ego is brought about. Everyone has an ego, even people who suck at MvC2, THATS the nature of the beast. And when someone gives them advice and they dont really care for that person, then you see insults. And telling me Id get better if I dropped my ego, clearly you also dont realize my point here. I practice just as much as anyone, and probably more cause Im unemployed and 8 years or so removed from highschool. So theres nothing but free time on my hands, and everything I post is NOT a reflection of my overall skill it is a portion of my skill. Debating around the threads intention is ruining the thread, and there is nothing that is being added to it. Like other threads Ive posted, people would post insults and repetitive crap that had nothing to do with the topic. If you dont want to share your input (which isnt insulting the advice) then dont post. I could come here and give added advice to the team easily, “with that team, you can do this or do that…” Simple as that, but what do we have? “That team sucks, that team is ass…” Nobody cares to hear that, and all its doing is polluting the thread with negativity. Who has offered something positive from the top all the way to the bottom of this topic?

Nobody, thats who…

See what I mean? Case in point… your ego flares up and instead of learning something you check out mentally and spout a bunch of crap.

Ahh, youre painting a picture that is for blind people. My post are cool, humble and useful stuff for people to read. None of my post have started off with some bitter or negative attitude, thats retarded. Read them, Im sure you already have and you see that Im here to share my thoughts and help those who need it. But inevitably, a slew of hyenas appear and bring a negative atmosphere to the post. Thats like someone invading your personal space, you have to defend that. Cee-Dizzy and others claim to be scrubs, and a scrub is in no position to tell someone who is better than them what sucks and what they couldnt benefit from. They know more than that scrub, and can help them out with their game. He mentioned how Charlie-Anti Morrigan-Proj Gambit-Proj THC will not connect because Charlie will knock the opponent upwards before Morrigan & Gambit can connect their portions of the THC. He is wrong, because I play the team and explained it to him in a previous post. So, thats an example of a scrub insulting my thread and not actually knowing what the team is capable of. These are examples of people who provoke negativity in the post, so I have to set em straight. I am NOT Godlike or some well-known tourney player, but I am pretty good in which I feel that my talent and skill can be passed on to others here to benefit from. I can respect you because you have a optimistic fair perspective for these matters, and that is all you can ask from a person. But dont worry about me, Im chillin like a villian.

Which I seem to be here btw…:nunchuck:

I told you not to reply. Now I have to reply now.

My bad on the THC btw.

Now for the negativity part. You the one that bashed me first. You the one that started the negativity. Coming at me like you know my gameplan from reading one of my post. Nigga you don’t know how I play.

The negative thing that I said which isn’t a reason to bash me about is that you need to re-compose your team. but I gave two good teams (teams that I use with Charlie in them). Last time I checked giving good teams is positve, not negative (So you are wrong about that. I clearly gave two good teams). And you go on and bash my ass in your post because I got one thing wrong. Thats morally wrong.

And yes you have an ego. Telling me that I am the scrub that can convert me to a decent scrub. wtf!? Get off your dick! You are acting like a villain picking on the underprivilange and weak.

BBHood/Juggs is a one hit kill THC. Unless you are going by percentage you are wrong. Are you going by percentage, or HP (hit points)? (this is a serious question)

Again my bad about the THC. I’ll try when I get the chance.

I tried but he is quickly pissing me off.

he thinks hes posting useful information but its old as dirt

i say let him ride around on his high horse, hes pretty funny if you just let it go.

The Character Specific section here is in bad shape in my opinion. I’m trying to fix it up. There’s lots of 2002 threads with great information but no recent stuff, and lots of recent stuff which is shallow and regurgitated. Kinda sucks.

Please don’t make it worse. :sad:

Stuff you think is shallow and insignificant, a noob will appreciate. THATS the problem, people think because theyre good and experienced in MvC2, advice that isnt up to their standards is a waste in posting. But take that same advice for a noob, and all of a sudden its a great post. I dont think you all take this into consideration, thats a point I make. All post (old or not) can help someone out. We are arguing back and forth about this post having old material, and some noob will come along and say thats helpful stuff. So, you guys arent considering the people who dont know this stuff. Something simple to us, can be very helpful to someone else. And this wasnt even advice, it was just a team. I dont get it, its kinda confusing to me…

I didnt bash you first, you complained about the team being poorly structured. Thats your opinion, and I can respect that. But I already know the game scenarios witht that structure against an opponent, so I have confidence in that team. You think I dont know any other Charlie teams? Cmon, this is a good player youre talking to. The team was based around Charlie’s’s. Similar to Shoutzula Charlie/Tron setup. It was based on a ground attack, with nice otg’s w/Gambit proj into aerial. Its artistic, thats all I wanted to show. Morrigan proj is a bit useless, but Charlie can lk/mk/hp Morrigan proj xx all of his supers. Nice combos like that, nothing special but effective. I told you you didnt know about Charlie because of the THC, and you were telling me I need to learn the propeties of the game, etc. So I responded back in telling you whatev. Im an artistic player, in which I look for funny combos for my personal amusement in performing those combos against opponents. Its all good though, youre cool dude. But try this team out a bit, and work on combos and build meter for THC. This is a decent team to play with, but your combo ability and defensive awareness has to be pretty good because of the lack of protection of the assist.

“We are arguing back and forth about this post having old material, and some noob will come along and say thats helpful stuff.”

Who is posting anything saying that’s helpful stuff? No one posts anything positive to your trolling.

You misread my “can’t we all work together to create something more useful” subtext which was not meant to indict anybody in any fashion.

And thats the point here, if we are honestly trying to help someone and share thoughts on the game then there shouldnt be any negativity. I dont mind criticism, but criticism in spite is childish. The thread was a Charlie thread, in which I mentioned my strategy with the team. It wasnt advice, but I did mention some things to work on. Saying that this thread is useless and a waste in posting is insulting a person’s integrity and appreciation for the game. I share my thoughts on the game, and that should be respected. If you dont care for it, then dont respond or comment. Is that so hard? Im not gonna waste my time posting a comment about how “that team sucks” or “thats crap” because its simply a waste of time. But for people who want to be heard and acknowledged, will do that sort of thing. Im beyond that, and I thought others were too…

you’re trying to give advice but your advice is garbage. I’m simply warning people to not listen to your terrible posts. First of all, you’re not helping, you’re hurting the scene by giving out terrible advice a new player might use. Its important to give GOOD advice to newer players. That way they can form a solid foundation to get good.

Its not about myself wanting to be heard, I want NO ONE to take your god awful advice because they will end up worse for it.

New players don’t understand good advice from bad. They’re new, they’re gonna try to absorb everything, even bad things that will hurt their game.

Okay, lets settle this. Explain to me what is bad advice here (or any other post of mine for that matter)? Tell me what is god awful and horrible? Dont just say something is bad advice to clog up the thread, actually give me an example of something bad…If you cant do that, you will be ignored tremendously.:annoy:

I think the advice maybe makes sense to you, but I don’t know what anyone else would be expected to gain from it. The whole “Advanced Strats” section, for example, makes it look like you’re talking to yourself and that you dont feel a need to explain what you’re thinking because hey you already know what you’re thinking. Look at the other thread I stickied and see if you understand the difference between the two.

It was rhetorical, advanced in the sense of just explaining the advanced stratedgy. It makes sense to everybody, they just dont want to admit it thats all. But youre talking in circles, because you keep clinging to the point of it not being beneficial and I already explained that it can help a noob out. So, there is nothing else to say about this thread…how about adding some of that “whole advanced strats” then instead of gradually getting off topic? Thats all thats happening now, nobody is bringing positive feedback to the thread. How about adding something like “What to do with Charlie/Morrigan/Gambit” How about that? Contribute to the thread, dont ruin it. You might as well shut the thread down if its gonna continue like this. In fact, I advise THAT because theres nothing else gonna come out of this.

I humbly accept defeat…

I’ll tell you what to do with that team, flush that hot mess down the toilet. that team is ass

charlie proj\morrigan aa\gambit proj is a much better team. The team chemistry is allows for better function. That team on all proj just so you can triple is retardo

You’re telling me what I think? :wtf:

I believe you have passion and interest in this area and might be able to contribute well. I’m being honest in my thoughts upon your writing, which is rambling and self-reflective as opposed to some of the other player guides you would run into.

I would love a great guide to Charlie to exist as opposed to being stuck in our heads. :sad: