Charleston SC, WE SHANK TOP 5!

lolz @ no more finger prints everywhere.

ok now as much as i love my gloss black, that should be a feature on the box somewhere lol!


*30% smaller!
*Uses 30% less power!
*No more fingerprints everywhere!
*backwards compatible with PS2 when stacked on top of a PS2 Slim!


That Tretton guy pisses me off so bad.


i bought my ps3 because of how cool it was. i guess i should have checked to see if i could play good video games on it. i sold my 20gb 360 for $275 anticipating a red ring attack and planned to get a new one and never ever did. now i just dont feel like buying another damn system.

sony got me.

District 9 was pretty stupid! I can’t believe you guys gave that crap the thumbs up. Garbage!!! It was like the makers of the blair witch project and the makers of the dumbest scifi movie you have ever seen got together and made this movie. WTF?

You Got Cloverfielded…

lol got-em!

Cloverfield was good…


Best movie of the year. Check trailer.

And discuss.

I guess the movie “sucks” if you went in expecting it to be this blockbuster crazy aliens dying everywhere movie. It definitely has a political lean to it and while I’m not too big a fan of that most of the time it didn’t change my enjoyment of the movie at all. It’s absolutely one of the best sci-fi movies to come out in a really god-damned long time.

Tretton has gotten much better at his job even if it is just PR and all. He’s far more pleasant to listen to than the Nintendo/MS guys.

If ppl are mad about B/C on a ps3 they are stupid as shit. Buy the ps2 its only what like 50 bucks used. Not every game on the 360 is BC the reason is because the only game that matter on that console was Halo. The price cut is fair and it is a awesome deal.

Well it’s not the same. Having the backward compatible PS3 myself, it’s ability to smooth textures and change resolutions (forced full-screen or maintain aspect ratio) are pretty big. The smoothing feature alone is worth it, plus the PS3’s HDMI allows each pixel to be picture perfect.

Guilty Gear XX Accent Core Plus looks tremendous on my BC PS3. Every other PS2 game that I play looks better than it would on a stock PS2 for the reasons mentioned above.

Can you live without it? yes.

But Sony made the mistake of having it as a very high profile feature (it was very prominant in marketing that the PS3 launched with hundreds of games because of BC) and then pulled it. People dont like it when things are taken away, even if only a small % of people would ever use it.

IMO maybe Sony should keep the fat model as a kind of elite but add BC to that model (not develop software emulation, but re-add the emotion engine taken away from the initial 20GB model) and have the slim as the equivalent of the 360 Arcade. That would please both the cost-conscious and the media enthusiast like myself.

BC still has the issue of being laggy on the early models which I know would tick Stranger off :stuck_out_tongue:

Sure it looks good (I guess?) but I ended up having a strong preference for seeing PS2 games or really any last-gen game on a CRT. They never really look right to me otherwise. In any case, if BC is coming back it’s going to be via the Xbox 360 way, so emulation. Plus I highly highly highly doubt they’ll ever put the PS2 hardware back on the PS3. I’d bet lots of money on that.

Backwards compatibility on the PS3 for fighting games is utter ugh. It lags pretty bad. I remember we tried to play some 3S and CVS2 maybe a month ago and it’s not playable.

Also, taken from the HD thread from Tech Talk:
*"What about my Playstation 2 or older console?

If you’re still worried about gaming on your PS2, you can still use the HD PRO BOX (Cheap!) or the XRGB-2+ to get a “straight-to-VGA” connection for HDTVs and also rid yourself of those pesky 480i signals that would’ve caused even more lag."…

There’s also the excellent DVDO Edge, which completely eliminates upscaling lag but won’t do much for postprocessing lag issues. If you were to pair this up with an HD Fury, you’d have the ultimate combination since you could hook up all of your consoles to the DVDO Edge and then output everything at once to your HDTV’s lag-free VGA port!*

Have you tried any of those solutions ? They all claim it makes it look better as well. I haven’t tried any yet, so I can’t comment.

Is Chris T going to the tourny ?

Chris T is coming to the tourney.

Also, District 9 was what sci fi should be. A little comedy, a lot of drama/dialogue, and a good chunk of action. I thought it was perfect.

Also, Fat Princess is where it is at.

Josh here on Luis’ mom




f+mk~dash cancel

Dont know what you guys are talking about with PS3 BC and lag. I notice no such thing and I play these games all the time. My TV has a GAME setting which cuts out TV processors that are un-necessary anyway to keep the pixel refresh fast. Either you guys are so good that lag that is inperceptable to a scrub like me makes the game like rockem-sockem robots to you or what you guys are referring to really has more to do with the TV than PS3 BC. PS3 BC is not 100% emulated. PS3 has most of the actual processors in a PS2.

Opinions are like kittens, you guys are giving 'em away.

I like the new ps3 slim. I will probably purchase one before Christmas lol.

Tough luck Justin… you’re out of the team !

PS: Take it easy on the weed. I know that you hit on my brother, who slightly looks like a chick… but that’s definitely not my mom.