anyone no any good way to charge partion i been trying to master guile but cause i am too busy chargeing to fend off the other charicter and oh yeah i need to know pretty much any charge charicter skills in the game cause i am beginning to start off with charge charicters
i meant to say what moves should you do with any charge charicter while chargeing to stay alive cause i keep just blocking and fireballs ,jump kick whatever thrown at me while chargeing and it messes up my game
Back+RH is OK, but towards+Forward kick will make you lose your charge. Instead, do back+Short (the knee lunge).
As far as winning with turtling when you’re behind…you can’t. Not against a good player. You have to go on the offensive if you’re down and time is running out.
technique121 - Next time you attempt to post, please take the time to make your post comprehensible. We shouldn’t need to speculate about what you’re asking, and we shouldn’t need two different people to decode it. Word?
um i was wondering how would i do this with balrog cause i the turn punch inviceblity frame dosen’t work and i can’t figure out how make the buffalo rush work
i think i need a new gameplay style or some type of renovation to it cause it is not working to well with st
The Turn Around Punch (TAP, for short) does’nt have invencible frames in Super Turbo, only in Hyper (Turbo). If you want to know advanced CHARGE TRICKS for rog’, go to the balrog thread…