charge partitioning

what is it and how can i apply it to frank west and his zombie throwing?<br>

Charge partitioning is breaking a charge move’s actual charging into parts. It allows a character to be more mobile/aggressive while still building the charge necessary for whichever move.<br><br>The most common example would be Remy dashing about in 3s and chucking Lights of Virtue.<br><br>Remy can throw a high or low LOV, dash back, and then throw another. This is because the player is allowed to break up the charge into parts. When the first LOV is thrown, a player may buffer another LOV. After the LOV has completely escaped it’s initial firing/recovery animation, Remy is free to move. Remy then would then crouch down, then dash backwards, with the player letting go of the charge for a split second, and then holding back/down back to complete the charge after the dash ends, then FWD Punch to throw the boom.<br><br>So, rather than being confined to walking back, crouching, or simply buffering his specials during moves with moderate to high recovery, Remy is free to move about, poke, jump, or whatever his player may feel/ is able to do so long as they can keep the charge for when it is necessary. <br><br><br><b><br>As for Frank</b>, I suggest checking Desk’s Blog about it, as he has written a guide on Frank containing a section about his ability to chuck the living dead. <br><br><br>Good luck, and in closing, try searching around a bit first. On this forum- or at least when I was new to it- people can get very irritated if you ask a question without trying to find out for yourself first via google and the forum search tools.<br><br><br><br>

One thing that never gets mentioned but was extremely important to me is the idea of overcharging. Basically if you charge too much during the first “half” of the charge, the technique doesn’t work.<div><br></div><div>I could be wrong, but charge partioning depends heavily on the game engine, so i don’t think it “works” in every game. For instance, it’s pivotal in 3S but i’ve never seen it mentioned for sf4, where it probably doesn’t work. <br><div><br></div><div><br></div></div>

<blockquote class=“Quote”>
<div class=“QuoteAuthor”><a href="/profile/13700/otori">otori</a> said:</div>
<div class=“QuoteText”><div>I could be wrong, but charge partioning depends heavily on the game engine, so i don’t think it “works” in every game. For instance, it’s pivotal in 3S but i’ve never seen it mentioned for sf4, where it probably doesn’t work. <br><div><br></div><div><br></div></div></div>

It doesn’t, the closest it gets to is charge buffering where you instantly return to back as soon as you hit forward to perform a charge move.<div><br></div><div>I would honestly be scared to see it in SF4, to be honest.</div>

I think only 3s has charge partitioning.  If it was in any other SF game, it would make charge characters broken.  Only reason it functions well in 3s is due to the parry system.  Imagine a Guile who can basically throw a sonic boom as frequently as he wants.  shiver

<blockquote class=“Quote”>
<div class=“QuoteAuthor”><a href="/profile/7783/Missing%20Person">Missing Person</a> said:</div>
<div class=“QuoteText”><blockquote class=“Quote”>
<div class=“QuoteAuthor”><a href="/profile/13700/otori">otori</a> said:</div>
<div class=“QuoteText”><div>I could be wrong, but charge partioning depends heavily on the game engine, so i don’t think it “works” in every game. For instance, it’s pivotal in 3S but i’ve never seen it mentioned for sf4, where it probably doesn’t work. <br><div><br></div><div><br></div></div></div>

It doesn’t, the closest it gets to is charge buffering where you instantly return to back as soon as you hit forward to perform a charge move.<div><br></div><div>I would honestly be scared to see it in SF4, to be honest.</div></div>

You probably know this, but due to the fact this is Newbie Dojo I think it’s worth clarifying; Charge Buffering (in SFIV, at least) involves charging back, then hitting forward, then hitting back at the same time as the attack button. This allows you to charge the next boom a few frames quicker, and makes it easier to keep up in a serious fireball war.<br>