October 19, 2009, 9:11pm
it’s just different strokes for different folks really
I picked up Ryu and by the end of a week I could land his 4-5 hit links before I could do DPs from the 2P side of the screen (This is still a HUGE issue and the reason I don’t play shotos), I’m much more of a ‘buttons guy’ which is why I play charge characters pretty exclusively. I will agree charge combos don’t quite ‘flow’ like joystick motion ones do. But I’ve been forced to have a lot better sense of timing so charge combos are no obstacle for me. Practice time will solve everything though. Maybe it’s just not meant to be easy for you?
You on a stick? VIIXIII taught me to do f,N,df on my stick to get srks out on either side really well. I have to retrain my muscle memory, but it definitely works.