Characters you hate the most?

Now that’s a statement…

Yeah i know its controversial, but having played against a pretty decent parasoul/bella duo… I dont think its as good as other stuff… Namely head and dp spam with fortune into sandwich mixups… Nor do i feel its as good as val is at converting random assist hits into full combo. I think she good as i think painwheels good as i think bellas good… I just see those characters rounding out the bottom were the game to go on in its current form… Imho

But my mood changes with the tides…

One thing i will also say is that lowest tier on here doesnt mean much… I previously had an s,a and high b tier list… Now though i think it would be s for double, pre patch as partner character. And A for everyone else… I cant in good conscience say that any of these characters are less than a at this point in time except maybe painwheel and bella. And basically were it not for peacock i wouldnt feel that way but i believe her to be a pretty good counter to both characters currently as long as she has a filia updo.

I dont hate any of the characters… Well maybe bella, but thays cause i have some matchup difficulties against her and she can be retarded in lag but that isnt here or there as it applies to all the characters more or less.


Just to clarify, I think she’s godlike to watch. I just hate her frame traps, her slide (what do I dooooo? I’ll just poke i–dp super). The horse kick thing which seems impossible to hit her out of, probably cause I always use c.LK as a bad habit. Gregor samson. Gregor Samson baddup bup baddup. GREGOR SAMSON, random cross up full screen punish dhc into full combo anywhere god damn you Filia!!!

Anyway, she’s gonna be god tier post patch with the right team. Solo she’s too vulnerable to zoning teams, though 1v1 I think she’ll still be godlike.

Yeah that slide into super folks does is the only thing i really dislike about the character… Dnt know what to do about that damn slide… Could possibly bait it with armored moves with pw… Or perhaps bait it with dash and block low forcing her to take the frame disadvantage on block…

That slide does piss me off though… Knowing its coming and not really knowing what to do about it, not to mention that i can almost never bait it by empty jumping… Folks is all over that… But if i press punch in the air he always supers me… Frustrating, but he cant be reacting to the startup animation of my jump attacks so im still wondering how exactly he does it… I know its a screen check, i used the same type of things in other games, but the fact that he amsot never gets baited is what makes me scratch my head.


For what it’s worth, my meterless Filia resets from standard starters (e.g. midscreen cLK, midscreen jLK->jHK, or midscreen jHP from a distance too far away to chain into jHK) all do between 4k and 5k damage, work post-patch, and are really simple to perform against any character. I’m using an assist mid-combo, but running Filia as part of a team isn’t exactly rare.

The assist I use (Painwheel’s pinion dash) wasn’t chosen to maximise combo damage either. When I experimented with using Peacock’s sHP assist for lockdown I was getting upwards of 6k from certain midscreen meterless resets by doing ground series -> assist -> walk back -> jHP jHK airdash jHP jHK -> ground series into launcher -> air reset, although the timing/spacing on the mid-combo jump in was awkward and it didn’t work on certain crouching characters.

Anyway, the point is that Filia doesn’t deal as much damage as some of the other characters but it’s really not as bad as some people are implying.

filias st.HP is safer than her cr.MK. then again most characters mediums are unsafe as far as i know so theres nothing special about filias being unsafe. same thing everyone has to deal with.


Marie. I suck.

That’s because Marie isn’t fighting you so much as cheesing you to death with floating skull things.

I don’t like painwheel. I her combos, resets, and damage annoy me a lot. I may have to do what I did with Yu in P4A and just learn the character so I can deal with her better.

=P I don’t like fighting cowardly Peacocks. It’s no fun chasing those birds around, haha!

Peacock can eat a dick.

I don’t hate any character. I just dislike Peacock and Double a little bit.

i hate peacock so much all that stupid crap flying at you at all directions . if your good enouch peacock player you could stand in a corner not move at all and still win .<div>ive seen it happen .</div>