Characters you hate the most?

BUT WHYYYYYY!?!?!?!?!?!?

You know damn well why.

We should play. Like right now.

Ps3 cord is not with me.

I’ll get it back either tomorrow or Tuesday.

Gen’s theme is playing in my head right now as I read this conversation.


Parasoul and Valentine are fencing all the time (although they had not swords) and PW can impale you and she have blades =O

I, too, loathe all that is Peacock. Incredibly cheap character, but then again I’m a total scrub… :confused:

I hate my stupid fingers for not listening to me and dropping combos all the time.

Srs bsns though, I hate Painwheel because she does not feel how she looks like she should play. I wanted to use her, but god damn she’s so weird. And then I hate being on the receiving end of her panic inducing corner shenanigans.

Carol’s adorable of course though.

It’s not that I hate Peacock… it’s just that I hate the team of Peacock + Internet Lag. I swear, that Frameskip assist is total BS, and it pops out even during Peacock’s hitstun! Then I drop my Tear Loop and eat a reversal Lonesome Lenny > Ultimate Showstopper combo. It’s like a free character every time, I swear.

I am a very salty man and any time I play someone better than me I usually get very mad at whatever chracter they’re using.

But then I start thinking about ways to beat them and I realize that every character has limited tools and my opponent outplayed me while I didn’t use the tools at my own disposition to their full extent. That usually calms me down.

Unless my opponent was using Parasoul.

Forget Peacock’s zoning, I lost because I couldn’t get in and stay there. Forget Cerebella’s throws, if I get caught then it’s because my opponent predicted and outplayed me. Forget Valentine’s, Painwheel’s, Ms Fortune’s or Filia’s amazing mixups and resets, forget Double’s ass. Parasoul does all of that shit no problem and more.

When playing against her, it just feels like her jHP’s hit/blockstun lasts for days, her jHK lasts until she’s on the ground and ready to use her amazing lows, her air throw grabs you as long as you’re anywhere in the air near her within the next few seconds (I swear, I’ve been delaying my jumps as much as I could and still got caught after the animation was over), her ground moves are great, her air moves are great, her specials are great and her supers are great. Everytime I try to think of something to beat her, it seems like she got something else in her funbags of tricks. She just counters whatever I throw at her. When I rushdown, she just stuffs me effortlessly. When I play the thinking man, I better think fast, cause she’s chipping me hella fast with that napalm. It feels like if I don’t get my hit during the first second of a match, I should just put down the stick and cry in a corner while she does her stuff. Trying to block against her is the scariest thing in the game by far, trying to get past her spam will leave me at half health and in her ideal range, trying to mix her up will either make me eat a pillar, or the motorcycle brigade that comes right after, trying to get an incoming character in safely will just result in a clusterfuck what with the million tears and the biker on screen. I even hate winning against her, since it means my winning strategy won’t work ever again since by next round my opponent will think of a tool to blow it up.

Yes, I did just get brutalized by a Parasoul online. Why do you ask?

If you can survive the initial mix-up and she doesn’t call the role call soldier, then there’s gaps all over the place. Just invincible reversal out between the shot cancel or the second fierce. This is assuming solo, ofc.

That’s for solo, but how about if she’s got Cerecopter or LK Bomber? She’ll certainly call one or the other after the s.HP s.HP. When facing Parasoul, you have to learn the point in her strings where you can push-block her out of effective mix-up range. As a Parasoul player, my biggest peeve is facing people who are good at keep-away (Peacock w/Bella/Double assist) and people who like jumping a lot. Parasoul’s mix-up game loses a lot of potency if you stay off the floor, and out of the range of her overheads. As for her Napalm Pillar, you have to remember that she can’t mash out Pillar. If she want to Pillar, she has to pick one spot to do it, so you can get around this by playing around with your combo timings and tightening your mixups so it’s difficult to place the Pillar properly.

you know you can punish her HP-HP -napalm shot after the shot right? its tight, but possible. most parasouls are too busy pressing buttons to realise its not safe.

but yea if they are backed by a good assist is another story.

Filia does kind of seem like the game’s “Ryu”.

It’s probably because each other character has a distinct and memorable “thing” that people remember getting nailed by. Painwheel has those weird flying crossups, Cerebella has her grapples, Valentine has the green syringe combos, Fortune has head lock-down, Parasoul has her Tear shenanigans, Double has Hornet Bomber xx Catellites, and then there’s Peacock.

By comparison, Filia doesn’t stick out so much. She does, what, IAD j.HP? We’ve been dealing with that for ages, so we don’t feel like it’s some new gimmick that we’re losing to. Combine it with a Cerecopter and start going for triple overhead crossovers, though, and you’ll start inducing some rage.

Right now she is 1) weak 2) not a zoner, so how would you hate. Expect this to change after the patch.

I actually think she is pretty good on the current game… Has resets and a throw game only matched by painwheel imho and has absolutely stupid easy high/low mixups… Give her a cerecopter or something along thos elines and i could easily believe that a team with her on point could be top tier.

I mean look at her high/low:


  1. Iad,
  2. Iad jhp,jhk
    3.jump in hp adc, jhp,jhk (triple overhead)


Airdash hp or lk or mp,,

This shit is completely unreactable to and there is always a throw threat after any standing and crouching lp or crouching lk

Ive been looking at her resets and come up with some that are every bit as bad as painwheels if not faster and even more varied… Ad this is pre patch…


The problem is that she deals no damage. Yes you can reset three times, but if an opponent lands a single hit he has outdamaged you.
Add that to her being virtually unplayable solo because it further detracts from her damage (being forced to hitconfirm with 3 lights as there’s no other way to not be -10 in the opponents face on block), and you have a slightly faster painwheel with a third of the damage - that’s not cutting it.
Of course she is still perfectly playable, and of course she isn’t actually a “weak” character, but she is weaker than everybody else.

… I think this is more of a glass is half empty way of looking at it… Though to be honest my way of looking at it is more of a glass is half full.

Ok so firstly, my pw currently takes between 2 and 3 resets to kill someone… 7k damage for 1 meter and resets are generally doing about 4.5k but thats when everything is going well. With that damage i havent noticed a huge need to maximize my pw combos… Filia from what i can remember, her combos and resets are around that ballpark, maybe lose about 1000 damage.

Lets look at her solo which is probably alot better than painwheel… Painwheel can get stuck in the corner and beneath lockdown/pseudo lockdowns with few reversal options… Filia has dp into air gregor… Not super safe, not super easy to make unsafe either, point being she has an option that will reversal versus air AND ground…pw gets the ground option only.

Also, filias “initiative” can be said to be the best in the entire game once she gets in… No one is as fats as her and no one could expect to open up as well as she can… While also having ludicrous reset mixup options.

I mean she isnt viable as a solo? Whats mike been doing all this time? Granted she and all solos are going to have bad matchups against certain characters that have certian assists… But her ability to have a semi sqfe reversal and a nigh impossible to pushblock offense… Kinda makes up for it… Shes a much better solo than pw whos only real strengths get lost against keepaway and once cornered…

Filias being neg on block is mostly a misnomer as well… Its true that she is neg on block… But it isnt TOTALLY true… She may be negative BUT she can always cancel into a move that blows up any attempt to use normal moves to counterattack…

Ie blocked… Into that will blow up damn near any retaliation but if blocked goes into, hk hairball that also blows up damn near any retaliation, yet if its blocked, it can be canceled into gregor to beat any retaliation and should it be blocked you can cancel into a number of safe on block dhcs or like bellas 360 super…

After all that a few times people stop trying to block and punish and instead just try to pushblock… And once again filia can choose to enter into that mindgame or just… Throw… Or just do an overhead which is confirmable into damage…

And finally filia is a great 2 or 3 character with that assist being a solution to near everything and her being a great character to burn through meter with as she has a comboable lvl 3 and a lvl 1 that will combo into itself and her dp super…

So yeah, all the benefits she gets imho make up for the drawbacks… And dios x in san diego and mike in la are showing that by taking tournies with her…

Still, all of that is opinion, some of the stuff i mentioned might not be as good as i made it sound.

But i have a problem with people thinking that shes the worst character in the game… I personally think that when the dust had settled on the game that filia would have been mid or higher, double val and fortune top, parasoul and painwheel rounding out bottom with peacock either below them or all the way at the top… I have a feeling that peacock is having super fei syndrome right now… A good charaxter that hasnt been figured out yet.

But who knows… Lol


I hate Filia.