It’s never been secret that I like the badass (boss) characters (Dictator, Geese, Pyron, Kazuya, Dragonuv etc.),
However as the last few years passed by I slowly but surely realised the a lot of games are starting to lack these.
Where am I going here? Imho fighting games are slowy getting ridiculed by emo & lolli characters…
Let’s go way back to SF2:WW, this one is filled with generic stereotype fighters.
No ranting here, besides characters sometimes do need to develop over time.
Let’s jump forward to SF Alpha 2; ah the introduction of Sakura, hate her or love her.
I wasn’t too fond of the japanese school girl fanboyism, but hey I thought “it’s just one character”, we’ll be fine… and we were for a while… although we slowly did get more; Karin, Ingrid.
Let’s hop to the current times, take BlazBlue for example…
I truly wonder what happened somewhere down to the line, when we get a roster full with Mary Poppins esque girls (Rachel) and Harry Potter look-a-likes (Carl).
another example, KOF:
Ash Crimson (you know he was coming :p), I mean come on, does this crossdressing move stealer (henche Guile) look menacing or dangerous? How can he even suppose to resemble an evil character, when he looks like a chick who just came back from her 4pm beauty salon appointment.
Not hatin’ if you like that sort of thing… but no… this already to much for me to take…
What happened, what went wrong here? Was it anime? Pokemon?
Has the fighting game genre become a comedy? Sure I can handle one joke character in a game i.e. Dan, but going all out Sailor Moon on the roster is getting ridiculious.
On a different note, let’s take a look at a game with a fairly “normal” cast of characters;
Super Street Fighter IV, I truly think a couple of more “evil rooted” characters would flesh it out a bit more… let’s see what we got so far…
Dictator - ain’t gonna complain here
Sagat - More of a tweener these days… stil badass though
Vega - Twisted to the bone although a bit silly sometimes
Balrog - Just in it for the money, mercenaries don’t count
Akuma - becoming a Jedi these days, only takes fights with the “worthy”, no senseless voilence here…
Seth - More of a victim role to me… could have been better
Juri - I’m trying to like her, I really am… but she looks too much like Rita Repulsa only time will tell…
That’s only 3 for in my count… Rolento and Urien wouldn’t have hurt… but that’s just my opinion.
But what matters here is; Am I the only one who misses the more serious fighters/characters?
Or am I doomed to Teletubbie-esque fighting games in the future?