Characters by Pros

Hello. I’m opening this thread so I can find out some information and tips about the characters I want to get good with.

In example any YouTube videos of various players like Rickey Ortiz, (o)Nuki, OTK(Otaku), D44, Makoto, buktooth, or any other players. I just want to see videos or pro or very good players using certain characters.

Such as :


I’ve seen OTK’s Rock and Kyo a lot, and I’ve learned quite well. OTK quit cvs2 or something? I haven’t seen any recent footage of him… so it’d be nice if anyone knew of any recent matches with OTK playing. If not, perhaps any other player that’s good with a K-Rock and K-Kyo. Also I don’t know of a good K-Mai player, so it’d be nice to see one.

This thread ain’t just for me though other people should post theirs too if they want.

I have the most recent match that he played but he was REALLY rusty, and since then i havent gotten any more online. Maybe someone like Gunter that lives there can give a more accurate assessment of that. He was certainly one of my most favorite players. His protege is Deshitgune i heard however, and he plays the exact same team as him.

Latest vid of OTK i have:

as for K Mai you should totally look at Rai, and Densetsu no Kitsune.

OTK hasn’t played in years. Deshigitsune = Densetsu no Kitsune. Japanese players change their names like that, just for the hell of it. Most ppl just call him Kitsune, so if a name has that in it, it’s more than likely him. He uses Rai’s team now, so for K-Mai/Rock, look for them. When he’s using K, GAO (pronounced “ga-oh”) has a good K-Rock. AO (pronounced “ei-oh”) has a really good K-Kyo.

As far as Tokyo goes, for certain characters, these are the players to check out -

C-Ryu/C-Iori: GAO
A-Blanka/Claw/Dictator: D44
A-Hibiki/Iori/Kyo: Kisshii
P-Rugal: P-Rugal (Koshiya)
P-Geese: Sakamoto
S-anything: Izumi
N-Iori/Chun/Sagat: Tsugunosuke
K-Terry/Geese: Yane
K-Blanka/Sagat: Mizoteru
K-Cammy: Pinokio

and I have the world’s best A-Zangief. :encore:

Lol thanks for the clarification. For a minute i thought Rai changed names.

You are the world’s ONLY A-Zangief :frowning:

Depressing to see a rusty OTK. For some reason I don’t see Kitsune as hyped and mixed up like OTK.

ah well it’s okay I guess.
Thanks for the videos though.

Rai’s Mai is almost like mine. Except I think Rai knows some more combos and mixups than me.

whats that name of that really good c-geese and c-rugal player? its on the tip of my tongue but i still can’t remember.

Dari? I think.


I beg to differ: [media=youtube]KpUPXVeZzcM[/media]


C-Geese doesn’t have much to show. Hit-confirm low jab x2, low forward xxx stored deadly rave. Counter attacks, Chicken Blocking and RC Double-Reppuken. Geese has more opportunities to close-in with a run groove. You should only use C-Geese if your 2 other characters absolutely need C-Groove.

I ran C-Geese for years. If you can’t do the stuff listed above, your C-Geese will definitely be sub-par.

BTW, I’m back! ^^ Age of Conan sucks!

^^ Tell that to dari :slight_smile:


None of us make real money off this shit, its just a hobby.

BTW dan plays c-ryu/ken/sagat-r2. iirc

I’m sure Dari can hit-confirm into deadly rave and rc double-reppu. So his C-Geese wouldn’t be a deadweight, imo. For the record, I can’t do those things. So, I’m speaking from experience ^^;;

If a C-Geese can’t hit confirm deadly rave, he’s gonna come up short damage-wise vs K-rage rushdown and A-Groove CCs. There’s also the added difficulty for C-Geese getting in low-jab mixup range without run or low-jump.

Well I wasnt necessarily disagreeing with you I was just poking fun because Dari does a lot more than just that. Geese is undoubtedly better in K groove (he’d be interesting in N, break stock RS anti air? I think so) but Dari makes C-geese look so good.

Same with his C-Rugal.

Back on topic, Leezy has a good K-Cammy/Rock/Kim.

yup, that gdlk rugal was dari


Deadly Rave > c.LK xx lvl 1 RS = lots of damage. Hard to pull off consistently, though, at least for me.

db, hcb, neutral, xx df+hp. it’s pretty easy actually

Sweet vid. The Sakura matchup is kinda hard. Hit confirm deadly rave vs Blanka - I’m jealous!

I suppose if you quickly skim my earlier post, you might think I wrote, “C-Geese sucks!” That’s not what I’m said.

Let me try putting it a different way. I recently switched from C-Yama/Sagat/Geese to N-Groove - but I’m not ruling out K. I switched because, as I mentioned earlier, I can’t hit confirm super. If I stayed in C-Groove, I would be stuck with it’s lack of mobility, and stored meter that’s not a threat.

N-Groove, on the other hand, let’s me pressure with run and low jump. When I see flashing gaurd bar, I can pop a stock and attempt a guard break into super. This is a better strategy for me, given my limitations.

Maybe I should’ve said, “C-Geese that can’t hit confirm deadly rave is not scary.”