Ive been playing CvS2 for a few months now and have finally decided to learn to play it properly. I play on the Xbox version of the game using a PS2 pad and therefore no RCs.
My first most basic thing to overcome is jump-ins. I noticed when watching some videos of high level play that people jump in very rarely. This is not the case with my games where each player jumps, maybe, more than 20 times a round. I know that DP is an anti-air but its the only one that is used in my household. Ive only just started using normals for AA people and have noticed how effective they can be.
This whole jumping mania has gotten even worse now since my brother has gone small jump mad (with Sagat and Blanka). Its okay if Im in K or P-groove as I JD or parry it respectively, but Ive recently started using N-groove properly and this is a huge problem for me. I cannot DP on reaction and therefore I have to learn the more basic AAs.
Could people post up a character or two and point out their AA and explain them. Something that might go a bit like this.
Guile: -
s.MP is an excellent AA for Guile. Comes out fast has very good priority and will punish most jump-ins that are short. Also, great for punishing small jumps.
cr.HP hits directly up and is good against someone jumping directly on top of you. Dont expect too much though as it often trades hits.
Flash kick comes out very fast and seems to hit people at strange angles. Im not sure but I think that it hits cross-jumps too. Will also trade a lot but try and get it in early.
Yeah, Guiles AAs are the only ones I know. Characters that I often use are: -
Chun (I have big problems against people jumping right on top of me).
Iori (problems with all jump-ins).
Terry (big problem against small jumps).
Rugal (again problems with all jump-ins)
And a handful of others
You can also point out any strategies against jump-ins. For example using Chun I often roll under a lot of them and cr.HK them.
Its been said a thousand times before but please dont turn it into a flame war.
Thanks people!