[Character Guide] The Lili De Rochefort Walkthrough (w/ Combos/Strategy/Matchups/Videos/Frame Data)

Thanks a lot to all who replied to my message, gotta get my lab coat on!

I don’t know the frame data on CADC, and if it’s like FADCing where you added a certain amount to the dash frames, but I can tell you all her MP and MKs have 16 frames of block-stun, and her dash is 17 frames, so by default she’s left at -1, if not much worse. Throws are reported to be 7 frames in this game, so it’s not a safe or advantageous situation for Lili. In terms of other mix-ups after jab-jab pressure, I recommend:

  • Bedtime hit-confirm into LP Dedrodium to keep a good distance and apply a little pressure.
  • cr.MK xx EX Sunflower Lance to play low -> high into +3 on block, and roughly 250 damage if either parts hit.
  • Submissive Heel into Bedtime xx LK AK -> LK AK -> cr.MK xx LK SL
  • f+MK xx MP hit-confirm. Technically not a frame trap in that you can get hit out of it, but the gap isn’t too large and the open gap is good in this game where mash teching is straight up Forrest Gump status.
  • Forward jump or neutral jump TK EX dive kick
  • Back jump HK dive kick, aiming at the legs.

Aim at the legs!



  • cr.HP xx CAing Dendrodium into wall bounce on hit, and +2 on block. This doesn’t combo, but there’s less of a gap here than if you try a MP xx CA Dendrodium.
  • cr.HP xx CA storing into f+LK. Risky, but if the first part hits it combos due to counter-hit and it’s a full stun combo into a full f+MK xx MP -> Bedtime xx whatever combo mid-screen, or straight up cr.HP xx LK AK into pain or however much meter you want to spend in the corner.

There’s more than that but those are the options I’ve come to consider her main mix-ups.

I wasn’t having a problem but using MK version does guarantee you get the hard knockdown (unless it misses completely). I was pointing out that Lili has the option to tag out of sunflower lance into your partner’s combo if you get the high hit.

According to the Brady guide, there are a few frames of startup on each character’s charge moves that can’t be cancelled. For Lili, the ‘earliest possible charge cancel dash frame’ is frame 9. So you need to add either 8 or 9 frames to Lili’s recovery there.

I wanna ask u all. List the match ups u think give lili issues?
Imo anyone with good footsies. Typing on my phone and will add my top 5 problem characters.

AGainst Akuma, does anyone have an idea for what to do in a ground battle? Besides block? I can’t/won’t believe that Akuma’s cr.HK is that safe to throw out even after he just took a hit.

I’ll do cr.mk xx qcf+p with my frame advantage I throw out an extra poke to remind them I’m safe they aren’t and as soon as that poke is done with, if I can’t reach with another strong, my medium kick will get stuffed by cr. hk. I don’t want to block. It’s my frame advantage, the sf4 engine can’t be that stupid. No offense to you if you like SF4, but compared to past games this game rewards stupid decisions.

Okay…top 5 characters i think give lili problems (These are my personal top five)
Ryu…better footsies and does a lot of damage.
Chun-Li…better footsies
Cammy…same as the other two above her.
Law-lots of pressure and high damaging combos.
Heihachi-lots of damage off of his combos.

These are the characters that seem to give my lili a problem from time to time. Ryu always gives me problems, but that’s another beast to tackle for another time. What is your top five people?

You are at -2 after dendrobium.

Added an explaination about damage scaling in the combos section here is what it reads.

I haven’t tested this yet but has anyone discovered if it is possible to kara throw with Lili?

No one can kara throw.

Okay well i thought i’d share some footage of me playing my lili.The streamer didn’t put them up on youtube yet. I’ll add them later once he does. It’s a simple copy and paste with the specific time i play.
Just in case you like to learn visually.
http://www.twitch.tv/zero000/b/311982576 (my match begins at 14:33)
http://www.twitch.tv/zero000/b/311984982 (my match begins at 9:36) enjoy

I think Gief is one of Lili’s worst matchups

Great battles! Nice Lili!

Thank u much ^^

very unsafe. You can get punished hard for it. The only reason why people arent punishing is either they dont know (most likely) or messing up their combo.

What do you guys think about a kazuya/lili team? I’ve been playing this team and i feel it’s a pretty good team. Good damage, juggles, and kazuya can do damage.

Yeah anybody who can deal good damage and gain lots of meter as a point is good for lili

As for combos they should work pretty well.

Im not sure of where to put this, so i’ll just write it here I guess. I did a 533 combo with her (thanks to her super). It’s uhh…

j. HK, st. HP, L angel knee, L angel knee, cr. MP xx H dendrobium (delay) Wind Up Spear Super. Im guessing someone out there already has done this, but its a pretty safe way for her to connect to her super, and does a ton of damage…

You might want to do c.HP instead of st.HP since it forces stand. Unless you can tell if the opponent is standing or crouching from the Jumping HK

j.HK, f.MK-MP, st.MP, Heavy Languish xx L Angel Knee, Heavy Languish xx Dendrobium xx dash cancel, Heavy Languish, Peacock Jive

371 dmg, no bar, and wall to wall carry almost