Is it me or are these different voice clips used in this batch of vids? Perhaps each character gets 2 voice sets like Blazblue.
I have noticed this as well; there seems to be at least two voice sets per character, and plenty of special pre-fight dialogues. My favourite quote so far is Cerberus’ “Umbrella no junbi wa ii ka?” (“You ready with your umbrella?”), said when performing his qcbx2+K Dancing Storm (“rain of projectiles”).
Today’s gaming history lesson: the first fighting game to feature multiple voice sets was (probably) the original Guilty Gear (1998).
FG history always fun.
Holy shit, latest Chaos Code trailer is PURE HYPE:
This game could not come any sooner. I only worry that it will probably not compete well due to it being on now old technology and the sudden influx of many new fighting games.
^Yeah I worry about that too. TBH my only gripe ATM is the slow animation, but that aside I’d gladly pick this game up if it is on PSN and XBL.
Bravo looks like he’ll be fun.
oh god the ‘magical girl’ chick has bear trap teeth?
ahahaha I fucking love it
Still looking forward to this game even though it’s gone through such a revamp in artwork.
Can’t wait to play this game. :rock:
Every single character looks fun as fuck.
Oh my god.
I don’t think technology should be the issue, isn’t it just proper design for the tools they have? Isn’t neo geo board less advance than chaos codes board and still spawn master piece that still be played today? (Fatal fury/KOF/MS)
I believe Chaos Code is on Ring Wide. The same as MBAA CC. It’s basically a entry level PC.
Also. Chaos Code. Current Code. Abbreviation hell.
[media=youtube]uHIdXRIcQ-E[/media] New trailer.
Please tell me this’ll be released outside Japan. I must main the cthulhu loli.
Kind of like a good new,if you see fkdigital offical site in chinese,you will see this:
Ps3,XBOX360 build soon,may be even some original on android/3ds/iphone.
Yes! A real fighting game unlike Marvel 3!
i wonder if they are gonna release it as a disc game or a dlc game, cuz considering that the game is not even widescreen and its sd res those things could hurt it if they release it as a disc game