Chaos Code - AOU exhibition with SEGA


A self-styled lyrical-magical-wonderful ?magical girl? who one day suddenly appeared from the spirit world. Though she lived alone in an abandoned building outside town, news of ?Chaos Code? soon reached her. Consumed with ambition and desire to possess the Chaos Code, she begins to wreak havoc indiscriminately. And so even today, as people get tangled up in her treasure hunt, the scale of the troubles will only increase?

i think that is Atomiswave, if not then is naomi

Dem Eyebrows.

Site has been updated with Cthylla and a new silhouette.

[media=youtube]viFfsGqRFhI[/media] -Cthylla


Damn was beginning towodner if thsi was even still happening.

Supposedly testing arcade machines exist in Australia in where ever the company is located. I know a few months ago I knew a guy who had played it, but I don’t know if they still exist or whatever

Man Cythlla is definately getting mained, can’t wait for this game to come out.

damn, when is this game suposedly coming out, i want to play it damn it

and thanx for the news btw

Cythilla’s movements are really weird to look at. I feel they kind of skimped on some of her animations, but otherwise she seems like a real scary pressure character.

I want to be hype for this game, but I don’t know if I’ll be actually able to play it. Ugh.

Yeah this game really needs to announce a console release date or provide more arcade vs match vids or something. I really wanna play this too.


i talked to 1 of the guys working for fkdigital, and he told me that the release date should be announced during the next loketest [which still hasnt happened yet…]

I definitely confused this with the Chaos Breaker (PSN release) announcement. :expressionless:

At this point, are we expecting to see this released on any platforms other than PC?

Crossing fingers for a good port. I really wanna play. :tup:

isnt in theory the whole idea of this game to get released on PC in order to have netplay capabilities?
or that idea was thrown away?

Forgive me for the necro bump but… has the whole project gone dead?

Not from what I know, apparently Australian devs is just hella slow.

its arcade…

chaos code site updated a few days ago and again [today] w/ new info regarding stuff like other system mechanics, updated character portraits [hikarus jacket was inverted lol], & best of all… a date for the final loketest on 7-22~7-28

im EXcited