Chaos Breaker (by Eolith) coming to PSN!

Awww shit, looks like i’m gonna have to spit some game to some chicks from japan to use their credit cards to get this for me.

downloading now…get hype

Like I said earlier, if anyone wants to GS with me for it, hit me up in my inbox.

PM sent :slight_smile:

So how is it man I am assuming its kickass? How is the netcode? Can the japanese play americans well?

I’m playing with a bunch of people, irl, in arcade mode, and we can’t figure out how to pick one character then select items. Anyone figure it out?

oh and we happen to be streaming

Xanadu Games: SSF4 Live! on

dunno for how long

pretty dope game. against jp it is laggy of course. who’s online? let´s fight!

Ghostal, the only way I think of repaying you is reimbursing you for the cost of the game since my accounts are maxed. If sony can’t delete the other accounts, or the other people I pmed can’t, I’ll pay you for it man. Your kindness shall not go unpaid.

edit: There Ghostal, you prem now, consider that a down payment. Like I said, kindness shall not go unpaid. I still gotta call sony tomorrow morn.

oh, you can get the old ramda and sandra sprites, by picking them with select. says my friend just now


Working on a transcript of this since Nsidor is my main. My early opinion. Dude is C.Viper, good combos take heavy execution. That is a practical combo btw. Thing is, you need to kinda TK cancel, except I’ll call it Run Cancel, or Joust Cancel cause he looks like he’s jousting.

During Nsi’s charge you can slide input any other command and it’ll come out while he’s running. Also, he can do all of his special moves while jousting/running.

Just got the game myself. I am also willing to GS my copy with others since I only use the account for some dlc and demos. I can only share the account with three others cause a pal of mine gets first dibs. Just PM me and I’ll send you the account info sometime later today (thursday).

game looks so cash

hopefully this game will be picked up by event holders/

pick all 3 chars, then on order select you can toggle right to left on them to get an item instead of character

Transcript for basic infinite is

2C> Army Dash> (rear attack -> turn> A Intercept) ×N


2C> Army Dash> (rear attack> turn> D> turn) ×N

If you want to see transcripts for all the infinites, just go here and scroll down to Nsidor (hope you’re smart and using Google Chrome)


And he is nothing like C. Viper really, outside of the necessity for good execution.
He really has no mixup of any sort, not even a jump, and he is totally based around landing his Army Dash loops in any way possible, usually by baiting pokes and Mana Countering into loops or praying to god you land a 2C. But until then he really just pokes away at you until it’s runnin’ time

Also, I have no clue how to choose between characters and items freely, if you look at TRF vids, both Character and Item are highlighted next to the select screen timer, but I can only either do 1v1+1 item or 3v3+1 item.

I said EARLY impression. lol. I spent like 5 minutes with him. He felt like c. viper execution wise lol. Thanks for the transciption though. I was about to post it. Thanks Ghostal, I still owe you alot.

we already felt the lag from coast to coast. anyone from cali want to test?

Anyone looking to play?
Hopefully I get a good connection

I just received my JP psn card code, but I have to be at work in 10 minutes, you might see me on later today…
How large is the game file?