Changing it up a little

How come people don’t play tournament or team battle? I got into AE like 5 months ago and nobody plays those game modes. People had to have played them at some point, why did they stop? They seem like fun game types.<br>

I think it’s probably because there is no instant gratification.<br><br>A lot of people play the game on a casual basis and want to be able to turn the game on and get straight into a match. Team and tournament modes require longer setup times and force you to watch other people play a lot, especially in team battle where you sometimes don’t even get a turn.<br>

<blockquote class=“Quote”>
<div class=“QuoteAuthor”><a href="/profile/83040/ArmchairTitan3">ArmchairTitan3</a> said:</div>
<div class=“QuoteText”>I think it’s probably because there is no instant gratification.<br><br>A lot of people play the game on a casual basis and want to be able to turn the game on and get straight into a match. Team and tournament modes require longer setup times and force you to watch other people play a lot, especially in team battle where you sometimes don’t even get a turn.<br></div>

Ah true, but I pictured getting three of your friends together and making an actual team and facing other random people. Is that how tournament works too? I’ve never played it either.<br>

<br><blockquote class=“Quote”>
<div class=“QuoteAuthor”><a href="/profile/67503/DarkAnjel">DarkAnjel</a> said:</div>
<div class=“QuoteText”>

Ah true, but I pictured getting three of your friends together and making an actual team and facing other random people. Is that how tournament works too? I’ve never played it either.<br></div>

Yeah, it creates a single elimination bracket with up to 8 participants but you can’t play your matches individually, the entire group has to watch each match one at a time. <br><br>They can certainly be fun but only with a group of people you know and want to play with really.<br>

I usually only play those modes in large Xbl parties’ theyre rally fun. Also the final match in tourney mode has the best soundtrack ever.

I feel like they dropped the ball on those modes. I never understood why they didn’t keep tourney mode similar to vanilla championship mode. Sure it is another set of points but at least it offers more incentive than the announcer congratulating you.

Capcom needs to bring the Championship mode back when patch 2013 hits.<br>The 2 modes you have mentioned in your OP are boring.<br>