its been a while since playing all nighters with friends, but a few times when i tech a throw with chang, right after the tech, choi runs ups and stabs the opponent with his claw, it takes damage and they cant do nothing. i once ko’d him because little energy was left. it’s the funniest thing youve seen
what did i do? is this a command move? any chang players seen this?
Maybe it is like KOF 97, when someone grab you in a mash grab, like blanka’s bite, if you mash, one of the guys of your team interrupt the attack by entering in the screen.
Ill check this out, but I dont believe it is a command. If so, it were supposed to be in command list, it is probably a mash.
Press :snka: +:snkb: +:snkc: in the same time as a move hits during a mash grab or during the dizzy animation, one of the characters that are waiting to fight will jump and save you.
Not too hard, not too easy.
Is this a serious topic or a troll thread? Cause if its serious, did you happen to throw choi out early, tech a punch throw late and have the claws connect right at the same time?
Im pretty sure the characters are invincible until their animation ends, sorta like when rolento does a lvl 3 vs a fireball. the fireball will go thru him still. What they are talking about is Changs Kick throw, where chang grabs you and choi stabs you, even if you tech sometime choi will hit you.