I’d like to know some special move-free combos… please post.
Any characters specifically? Just look around the various character threads on this forum or browse through the ST SRK Wiki: http://www.shoryuken.com/wiki/index.php/Super_Street_Fighter_2_Turbo
Well, hows about ken?
I know some of the more basic combos like the jump in standing to low roundhouse and the lp lp crouching lk to hadouken or another special, but I’d like to expand my combo repetoire. I’m also trying to teach myself how to cross up.
Othe ex’s of combos I know:
Crouching hp (uppercut) in to shoryuken.
Jump in punch, punch, an lk or two, hadouken
lp, mp, mk…dsoes this even work?
:woot: -“SHORYUKEN!”