I don’t know if anyone is into 3D and stuff, but this new contest just got announced on CGTalk and I thought I’d let everyone know, cause it’s kind of on-topic
Title: Historical vs Fiction /like/ Jack the Ripper vs CAPCOM’S finest!
I don’t know if anyone is into 3D and stuff, but this new contest just got announced on CGTalk and I thought I’d let everyone know, cause it’s kind of on-topic
Title: Historical vs Fiction /like/ Jack the Ripper vs CAPCOM’S finest!
I don’t know a thing about 3D modelling, but this is interesting.
and there’s a lot of good stuff on that site. worth a read, imho.
discussion on what makes game art interesting: http://www.cgtalk.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=67498