Yes, ideally the game would be as balanced as possible, especially with a roster opening with 8 characters. Tiers are inevitable, but I would hate for them to be deliberate, seems like they’d make them worse. I want a roster as balanced if not more balanced than the United States version of TvC. I honestly think right now bar none Cerebella is the best, and I really don’t like the fact that she can command grab assist.
If you’ve been following interviews and stuff, you should know that the tiers are not going to be deliberate. Mike Z wants the game to be good as much as anyone.
I think you are missing the point. Every game designer tries to balance their game as best as possible but game designers have biases. Overall, its easier to accidentally make an aggro character good than it is to accidentally make a grappler character good. Right now, Cerebella is obviously good, even though she doesn’t have ways to get in, a real air dash, or anything like that. However, we have also seen nearly one touch death fillia combos, frustrating peacock lockdown, and… well Parasoul hasn’t appeared too broken yet but she is still pretty damn good.
Cerebella has “TEH DAMAGE OMG” but frankly if you take that away she becomes much worse. Take away command grab assist and you are breaking a fundamental rule of the game “custom assists are OK.” Besides any other character can grab assist too. Take away her options, like super armor and ways to get in and she just becomes another out zoned grappler like every other game has.
Of course Mike and the team will do their best to balance the game, but if Cerebella ends up being a little too good rather than a little too bad, I think that just gives the game personality. No one seems to be complaining about Fillia’s crossup ability or Peacock’s full screen combo openers. So IMHO people just aren’t used to seeing a grappler that is good. This is what a grappler that is good looks like. You have to work to keep off the major damage, just like you have to work to get in on a zoner and work to block a rushdown character’s crazy mixups.
I understand they are trying to balance the game, all I’m suggesting is it’s possible that subconciously there may be a lapse of judgement.
BTW, developers don’t always try to make fighting games balanced, i.e. Marvel 2, or any games with joke characters.
Fun first, balance later.
No more SF4s.
Cerebella doesn’t look hands down the best either, alone or with assists. Oddly, she seems like the well rounded type like a good introductory character.
Anyway, if it’s good for the life of the game shouldn’t one character be better than others?
It’s crazy to worry about balance at this point, unless Honor Basquiat is a tester or something? We’ve only seen four characters, and balance isn’t set in stone now or post-release.
Nothing about Cerebella particularly sticks out to me as “obviously the best” at the moment. Like, she has really high damage and a scary command grab super. That’s not surprising, nor would it be surprising were she to end up being a really strong character early on, since she can get pretty decent mileage off of relatively basic stuff. Meanwhile, Parasoul has an entire special that’s pretty much gone untouched (RC soldier), and most people don’t even know how to hit with Filia’s level 3. Clearly this is no time to be making serious judgements on the game’s balance based on hand-picked youtube videos.
As for her command grab assist… I mean, it could end up really scary, but it doesn’t seem like a reliable go-to assist either. I don’t see any reason to be particularly afraid of it at the moment?
Great start to this thread! Cerebella is definitely the main character I’m looking to play out of the revealed ones so far so I appreciate the effort put into this :).
Also does anyone know if you can use any of her run followups as an assist? I don’t think with the way custom assist is currently set up you would be able to, but you never know.
I mean, it of course is all speculation, and no I’m not a tester, but still, she seems uncanny for a grappler. Her command grab super does insane damage, having a command grab that can be followed up as an assist leads to potentially broken option selects.
You said it all right there. Grapplers normally suck. The only thing strange about Cerebella is that she doesn’t suck.
You can hit Cerebella out of her command grab assist, it still has start up time on top of the three frames of vulnerability. I’m fairly certain you can’t throw characters in block stun either.
As for everything else, that is exactly what she is supposed to be doing to not suck. Command grab super doing insane damage? Sure! Just look at Tager. He takes off about half your life and he is STILL low tier.
Grapplers don’t always suck, I just think giving a grappler a projectile counter, a ton of damage, good range on the grabs, decent speed and really good assists could be too much.
I think it’s interesting that way. Every character should be strong like this.
Noticed I didn’t have a character description (run down of the character). Just added that in there.
-Tha Hindu
you should also add in the default assists, don’t know if you did that yet.
Yeah, I already noted it after you posted it the first time :razzy:. I don’t have the game in front of me to actually post them right now. Actually, I know what they are but I’m not sure what the version of one of the moves is so I’d rather be 100% certain before posting.
-Tha Hindu
hello fellow cerebella mainers. :3
what’s your opinion on solo cerebella?
This is awesome, great job man.
Going to be hard since the other characters are going to easily be able to keep her out of range.
Thanks, I appreciate it.
-Tha Hindu
Played game twice. Here is my take on Solo Cerebella.
Solo Cerebella will have her work cut out for her in terms of getting in. Her glide isn’t safe, she can easily be kept out by projectiles and assists, and remember, she can’t throw assists which makes many of the best tools in her arsenal invalid against what the opponent is using to keep you away.
That being said, she plays very differently than team Cerebella, as she turns from a methodical setup character to a high risk high reward character. You will find yourself doing goofy things like pulling off random Super Armor moves, popping off level 3’s in response to projectiles, throw faking just to get someone to blow there assist, and much more. Then, if you can manage to get in your damage is the crazy go nuts.
A single super grab by cerebella almost kills a character on a three man team. That’s ONE super. It takes about two on a two man team. Her combos allow her to easily one touch death a three man team member, if you know what you are doing. Just be careful because without assists she is extremely vulnerable to both rushdown and zoning.
Single Cerebella is basically a more aggressive and reckless version of a “pure” grappler. With no assists or teammates to help you out, you only have your set-ups and mindgames to rely on, so you gotta make them work overtime. That being said, she hits like a truuuuck.
Me, I think I’ll either play (1) Cerebella or (2) Cerebella, X where X is some character I haven’t seen yet or parasoul.
I don’t think anyone’s complaining.
I never understood why people think it’s hard or boring to play a grappler. Grapplers are awesome.
Cerebella is going to be fun as well…