Cerebella Strategy and Match-Up Thread: All that...practice

The big issue here is the cerebella assist. Cerecoper breaks my command run armor and keeps me in block stun between her flight cancels. With a multi hit assist like that, its really difficult to throw out armor.

Oh, sorry, I forgot about the Cerecopter. Yup, your fucked. Hahaha!

No, not really. You said you have a double assist, right? Butt slam is fully invincible, and will beat anything else it goes against. I don’t like the fact that it does that, at all, but you can use it the second you see Cerebella come out. Also, Titan Knuckle, and j.HP (When angled correctly) both beat Cerecopter, I believe. Remember: Cerecopter has no invincibility.

I do the same thing when I tag parasoul in. j.hk into her long ground chain and call cerecopter assist, over and over and over. blockstun x infinty.

I have had many friends ask me how to get out of that but I don’t know what to tell them, lol.

cerecopter assist to fill in the gap between blockstrings/combos is deadly.

OH! Dude was using it for blockstring eternity, I thought he just meant dealing with it in general. Well, If you have 3 bars, Cerebella can use her level three. It’ll catch the assist, and if your lucky, the painwheel. If you don’t, Spinning arms super might work… or super grab… or jump back… or, like I said earlier, using her command run after the Cerebella assist stops. I haven’t run into anyone doing that particular thing yet, so I’m uncertain.

my second day of playing the game online today, and i came across a peacock/parasoul/double player using napalm pillar and buttslam assist against my solobella.

he pretty much perfected me everytime. so much shit on the screen at once was unbelieveable. peacock teleport is hard to punish as is nevermind with invincible assists and bombs flying around the place. was sooooo fucking frustrating. he wasnt even doing combos either, basically doing super after every random hit confirm he got.

Yeah… That’s pretty much “That Team” right now. Requires next to no skill to use, but it can be gotten around. You have to be patient, and see if you can snap Peacock out. Chances are those people don’t really know how to use their characters, so punish Peacock when he tries to tag her back in. Learn a reset that will kill off a character on a three-man team, and your good.

Any anti-Filia strategies? Specifically, is there anything that will consistently beat IAD j.HP? Also, if I block an air Hairball, can I punish?

Yo, can someone help me out VS Valentine? IAD j.hp crossup and random j.mp just hit me all the time. It feels like I can’t ever press buttons against her. I tried j.mp, c.hp, j.hk, s.lk, air grab, air command grab, anti air grab, armor run, nothing worked. I tried to get advice from the guy who beat me but all I got was “shut up and go to hell faggot” so… yeah

With Filia you have to be able to control space. Can’t be letting her air dash across the field, over your head, or anything else all day. I’ve found that her best space controlling moves are s.f+HP, s.HP, and Cerecopter. s.HP especially works wonders for me; it’s vertical hitbox is actually moderately large, not as unsafe as c.HP, is easier to follow up from (c.HP can sometimes put the opponent too high), and it simple to hit-confirm. Because s.HP is still unsafe, I use it as bait. If it misses and the opponent attempts to dash in during my recovery, I cancel it into Cerecopter. If it’s blocked on the ground, I cancel it into S.Stopper. If it’s blocked in the air, then it doesn’t matter because my -13f of recovery would have ended by the time their blockstun is over, they land, and attempt to counter, I should be safe. If it hits…well awesome; cancel into whatever I want. One thing about hitting an airborne opponent though is s.HP causes a knockdown which means an OTG is needed in order to follow-up. In conjunction with other antiair methods, I’ve been using s.f+HP and s.HP against Filia, Valentine, and especially Painwheel with much success.

See above. If you control space well enough, she shouldn’t be able to cross-up unless you’re waking up. In that case, you need to tech…or guess right I suppose. :stuck_out_tongue: Don’t know much about j.mp.

Great ideas! Waking up is an issue though. You can just late IAD and always catch me in the right position since J.HP is crazy safe.

Has anyone been using Devil Horns on people who like to IAD over your head?

Honestly, I don’t like Devil Horns at all. It sucks. It extremely poor horozontal range; I think it even misses some characters that are standing right next to you. Plus, it fails against people IAD over the head since it has to be done on reaction. If someone is trying to IAD over me, the last thing I’m trying to do is put out a DP motion; I’m trying to defend or otherwise escape pressure.

On an added note, if s.HP is blocked and I have no meter for S.Stopper, then I can cancel into Lock n’ Load. This will give me options. 1. I can immediately cancel into :lp: lock n’ load as a tick move then go into D.Drop for an easy grab. D.Drop has starting invincibility frames, so it works well after :lp: Lock n’ Load. Try it. 2. I can delay the cancel off s.HP to bait them to attack. When they attack, I cancel into either :mp: or :hp: Lock n’ Load and use my super armor. This is assuming they won’t use a multi-hit move.

Where’s all the match-up talk?

Been busy getting my ass handed to me by peackock/cerebella/double or any combination of the 3, peacock involved.

Hmm… Well, it looks like it’s up to me.

When dealing with Peacock, there’s a range you can easily maintain in the corner that’s pretty dangerous for the little cock. It’s just inside the Titan Knuckle range. In order to get an idea for where EXACTLY you want to stand, go into training mode and set it to Cerebella vs Double/Cere/Cock. The range where HK Hornet bomber completely whiffs, goes cleanly over Cerebella’s head, is the range you want to be at all times. It will also be just outside the range of Cerebella’s Cerecopter assist.

I’ve been having a lot of luck with this range. If she tries an attack, Titan Knuckle. If she teleports, crouching light into combo/Diamond Drop xx Super into corner combo, as she cannot defend herself immediately after a teleport. If she jumps forward, Excellabella xx Super or your favorite AA. If she jumps neutral, take a step forward and then crouch block; she will either be intimidated into thinking you are attacking and throw out Double, or teleport (Which you should be able to deal with since she lands right next to you). If you’ve caught her a few times and she doesn’t know what to do and is just sitting there for an instant, dash forward and cancel into Merry-Go-Rilla into your favorite corner combo, or, if you’re more comfortable with this one, the Excellabella xx Super Grab trap (I can’t get this one consistently yet for some reason) for guaranteed damage. If she throws out a desperation Super, block the beam and then Battle Toads her (the Super armor for an instantaneous Battle Toads will be more than enough to get the hit in: on a side note, it will also work on the beam at close range, but it’s dangerous to let go of block to try and punish the beam), followed by your favorite corner combo. Also, a raw tag will give you a full combo on whoever is brought in (obviously), and you can even quickly perform an outtake in your punish combo (Mine is c.lk, c.mk, j.mp, j.hk, s.mp, c.lp, c.mp, c.hp, j.lk, j.hk, c.lk, c.mk, Outtake.) to bring back Peacock, either to get in their head with a “I don’t give a shit about nothing, get back here”, or simply to erase that red life. Is that everything? Well, no, there are the assists. Let me give you a break before we continue.

Since this is only assuming Peacock is on point, let me just talk about the assists of that matchup in particular (Double/Cerebella/Peacock). Cerecopter is horrible. If you got her in the corner and are employing the above strategy, calling this assist will do absolutely nothing for her and probably end up with her taking damage. At the range you are supposed to be at, simply take a step back for safety, then Tiatn Knuckle the shit out of her. With any luck, you’ll hit the both of em, and worse case you’ll take, like, 200 damage from a trade on the Cerecopter.

If you are close enough to be hit, which you shouldn’t have been dumbass, you have several options, but you have to know what your opponent is going to do, there is no one option fits all. However, depending on your opponent, Super grab will be really useful.

If they are the type to wait and see what you did (Stuff the assist, block the assist, avoided the assist), then you almost always know what they will do when they call their assist, which is stand there like an idiot until something happens. If they wait to see what happens, you are gonna want to start standing a little closer. Act like you are keeping up the Iron Offense that’s been Doggy Styling their mind the whole match, and when he calls the assist (If you are POSSITIVE he won’t jump) Super grab the second you see the assist enter the field. You will dash right through the Cerecopter (or whatever assist) and grab them. If they run up to you while you are in blockstun, then she’s either going to grab or continue the attack head-on, which btw is almost always going to end badly against Cerebella. If you call that shit, Super grab. However, if they are out of range for Super grab or start holding up, you are going to want to set the pace back in your favor. Pushblock and try to step back to get your positioning again, the one that’s just inside Titan Knuckle. Since you stepped forward for the whole “Catch em with Super Grab” trick, stepping back will be no problem.

The damage on each super grab isn’t as important as the damage you are mentally doing. “WHAT?! I thought my tactics were flawless!” Is what they will think, and without even looking at your super bar they will constantly fear the Super Grab. 'Course, I’m sure this strategy can be applied to any “lockdown on block” assist, probably anywhere, not just in the corner. It also feels really awesome when they pull out their assist and you just fuckin, all ninja like, just ghost through their shit and snatch them up.

Anyway, Cerabella’s other assists (that I know to be useful) are pretty much Titan Knuckle, Merry-Go-Rilla, Excellabella, and Command Run (though I don’t see that one being used). Command Run ruins this strategy because it pushes her back, and I don’t think Cerebella has an answer for that (unless she can command grab her, but that’s dangerous)… oh, wait, she could just do c.lk. Yeah, c.lk > Command run. Anyway, there’s that, Titan knuckle could be dangerous if you aren’t paying attention. Not only will it hurt, but you’ll instantly give the zoner a full screen. Be sure to pay attention. Merry-Go-Rilla, you should be fine. If you aren’t in range to be hit by Cerecopter (The range I’ve suggested), then you won’t be hit by any Command Grab (that Cerebella has). If you are that close, and they don’t have a Cerecopter for you to bait, go ahead and slap yourself. You have no reason to be at this range, step back. Titan Knuckle > Merry-Go-Rilla. Excellabella is simple: Don’t jump at close range. If you jump from a distance, then treat it like Napalm Pillar; Empty jump in, block it, punish.

Now for Double. I believe some AA(Anti-Ass) strategies have already surfaced, but I can go over them again. For HK version when you are at the proper spacing range, you can just duck (Unless you are so confident that you are at proper range that you just stand and have it whiff). Now Peacock has to wait for the cooldown before she has another assist (this is a good thing; start your attack). Also, if she wants to teleport to cross you up, I kind of have no idea what to do. Sorry. The best thing that might work is either pushblocking (assuming you’ve blocked the mixup), or maybe, if she teleported early enough, a Super Grab? Don’t rely on that though.

When jumping in, to force her into the corner with j.mp and j.hp, beware that players like to spam Double Ass. So, just like with Excellabella and Napalm Pillar, make sure not to always jump with an attack. When the attack is blocked, be sure to pushblock it on the first hit to maintain positioning. I don’t have much experience with the MK or LK versions, but they are dangerous. Be careful. I’m not sure if pushblock will work so well on those versions, but if you are fighting a Peacock, then they will probably only do one of a few things after a blocked Light/Medium Ass: Item drop, BANG BANG BANG, or run up and grab/attack. Make sure to show them true fear if they want to be repetitive with your Super Grab. Any other assist Double uses should be easy enough to deal with, or at least easy to understand how to deal with on your own.

So… yeah. Matchup info.

I’ll give this a shot and tell you what happens. On another note, my tactic for using s.:hp: as an anti-air is pretty solid EXCEPT against a competent Painwheel. It still works, but it takes a higher degree of intuition and reading; Painwheel’s fly is so fast. Sometimes Painwheel is fly in during the moves startup frames even. Difficult.

Watching the wnf skullgirls archive, thoth vs jason d; please people, don’t throw out 360s in cerebella mirrors, if they’re on the ground and have 1 meter, they can 360 on reaction, use the special command throws since there’s no flash to give time.

just use DP+throw against painwheel. its pretty funny once you land it a few times when they are at the top of the screen and pretty much nowhere near you they change their game completely. you can see them thinking about it going back and forth. throwing out diamond dynamo works pretty well too since the invincibility gets you through stuff.