Cerebella Guide - 'Learn From The Best!' v2.0

(This guide is outdated, btw. Latest version is 2.3.Come on down to Skullheart to get all the latest updates.. This message is dated at 5/15/2013. I keep up with guide time stamps, so you can easily move to sections you haven’t read for the scoop.)

Hey all, I’m here to teach stuff about Cerebella. Nearly everything I know, pretty much, will be put here. Hopefully you learn something; I spent quite a bit of effort on this thing.

Welcome to Cerebella! Skullgirls’ only grappler at the moment, and its biggest star! You may have decided to use Cerebella for any number of reasons. I like her cause hat arms are cool as shit. Regardless, you’ve found your way here, the one stop shop for all your Cerebella needs. I’m going to be explaining things to you things you didn’t know, and I’m going to take it step by step so hopefully no one gets left behind.

This guide is split up into three parts, Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced. I suggest not moving on to the next section until you know, or can at least grasp all the information in the section you’re in. If you feel you want to skip the Beginner section because you already have been playing fighting games and know stuff, I suggest at least skimming through it. I give a detailed analysis of the basics of Cerebella, important things to know if you want to move on, and a few things that are important to playing Skullgirls (like IPS rules and character weights and other stuff).

Now, on to the learning! (after the Index, I mean)

Amendments: Updates I’ve made since posting this guide.

Version 1

[details=Spoiler][spoiler=Version 1.1, 12/04/12]Amended c.mk, Chapter 1.2, normals, crouching
Amended s+f.hp, Chapter 1.2, normals, command
Amended DDrop, Chapter 3.3
Amended MGR, Chapter 3.1

Version 1.2, 02/03/13

[details=Spoiler] Amended MGR, Chapter 3.1
Amended DDrop, Chapter 3.1[/details]

Version 1.3, 02/14/13

[details=Spoiler] Added Double Snap Chapter
Changed Guide Name[/details]

Version 1.4, 2/21/13


Added Burst Bait Chapter

Version 1.5, 2/25/13

[details=Spoiler] Added “c.hp, j.lp (mash), j.lk”, Chapter 3.3
Added “c.mk, j.lp, j.lk, lk(?)”, Chapter 3.3
Added “c.hp, Battle Toads”, Chapter 3.3
Added “c.mk, c.hp, Grab Bag”, Chapter 3.3
Added “Diamond Dynamo”, Chapter 3.1
Amended s+f.hp, Chapter 1.2, normals, command normals
Amended Devil Horns, Chapter 1.2, specials
Amended Normal Grab, Chapter 3.1
Amended Double Snap #9, Chapter 3.4

Glossary: I’ll use a few Cerebella specific abbreviations. For now, this isn’t a beginners guide, so I’ll assume you have basic knowledge of other fighting game terms. I will update the guide in the future though, and will probably add more beginner-friendly stuff.


[details=Spoiler]DAF: Diamonds Are Forever, Cerebella’s Level 3 super, qcb pp
DDrop: Diamond Drop, a command grab, qcf lp+lk
DD: Diamond Dynamo, the super, qcf pp
DH: Devil Horns, a special, srk mp
lnl: Lock N’ Load, a special, qcf p
MGR: Merry-Go-Rilla, a command grab, qcb lp+lk
PH: Pummel Horse, a command grab, b(hold), f k, lp+lk
US: Ultimate Showstopper, the super grab, 360 lp+lk[/details]

Beginner! – or – Welcome To Cerebella!
1.1. Cerebella Introduction! – or – The Character You Are Playing!
1.2. Move Properties! – or – Call Me Jagger!
1.3. Beginner Combos! – or – Teaching Men To Fish!
1.4. Weight Classes! – or – Know Your Foe!
1.5. Infinite Protection System! – or – The Shackles Of Freedom!
1.6. Team Based Game! – or – To Team Or Not To Team!
Intermediate! – or – Step your game up!
2.1. Combo Scaling! – or – Efficient Hitting And You!
2.2. Command Grabs! – or – Why It Makes Sense!
2.3. Forced Scaling! – or – Suspicious Horses!
2.4. Pushblocking (Reaction Shots)! – or – Trying Not To Lose Your Head!
2.5. Move Starters! – or – A Full Day’s Supply of Vitamin C!
2.6. Combo Extenders! – or – Make Them Think You’re Cheating!
2.7. Team Synergy! – or – When I Move You Move, Just Like That!
Advanced! – or – Get on my level!
3.1. Unique Starting Moves! – or – What Do I Do Now?!
3.2. Combo Extenders! – or – Cream Of The Crop!
3.3. Cross-ups and Resets! – or – Crossed Eyes And Bruised Pride!
3.4. Double Snaps! - or - This Town Ain’t Big Enough For The Three Of Us!
3.5. Burst Baits! - or - Touch Or Tackle?
3.6. Push Block Guard Cancel! – or – The Best Defensive Offense Is An Offensive Defense!
3.7. Teams! – or – My Nakama…!
3.8. Example Combos! – or – Look At Your Bella, Now Back To Me!

1.1. Cerebella Introduction! – or – The Character You Are Playing!

[details=Spoiler]Cerebella is, of course, a grappler. This means that she has a lot of grabs. Unlike most other grapplers, though, she has some pretty good combos. Most grapplers are slow, too. Not Cerebella. If used right, she can float like a Butterfly and sting like a Freight Train. I’ll get more detailed later, but her play style revolves around some really long ranged moves, hard hitting combos, armor, and grabs.

Why would you want to pick Cerebella? Maybe you just decided to open this guide, but are on the fence about Cerebella. Well, for one, she has the simplest, easiest combos of the entire cast. Every other character has lengthy combos with different variations for most of the cast. On top of being relatively easy, Cerebella’s combos are very damaging.

And important things to remember about playing Cerebella is that she doesn’t move quickly unless she’s hitting someone, and even then she moves at a steady pace. Grabs are sudden, almost intrusive, to your opponent. Your goal as Cerebella should be to make your opponent not feel safe. Hit them, grab them, push them, smack them, anything to make them feel afraid to make a move. Then things become quicker, and the wins come more easily. You’re basically a bully, which I guess goes with Cerebella’s character as a strong set of arms for Vitale

That’s how Cerebella is best played, according to me.[/details]
1.2. Move Properties! – or – Call Me Jagger!


s.lp: Cerebella shows her opponent the old one-two combo. This move doesn’t have much going for it. It chains into itself for two hits, which is cool, but its main purpose appears to be allowing you an easier hitconfirm off of j.lp mash.

s.mp: Cerebella and Vice-Versa thrust their elbows forward for a crippling blow. Cerebella’s only staggering normal. The stagger only works if it’s the first hit in the chain, and the opponent is grounded when it hits. This is really only useful when you want to combo into Command Grabs or jumping attacks, as those are difficult to do or even impossible without stagger.

s.hp: Vice-Versa slams his fist down, with some assistance from Cerebella, for a heavy hitting strike. This move is the single strongest normal-normal hit Cerebella has. It can be used for run-stop combos, which is awesome (explained later), and it is can also be successfully canceled into PH and Kanchou. However, if you use this move on an airborne opponent, they will likely hit the ground before you can do anything else.

s.lk: Cerebella turns and kicks her foot back at her opponent, giving them a taste of one of the hidden swords in her shoes. This can be very successful as an Anti-air attack, depending on what the opponent has for air options. Very, very useful for comboing an airborne opponent, best followed up with s.mp.

s.mk: Vice-Versa plants down, allowing Cerebella kick forward with both feet. In most situations, it will hit where c.mk won’t, which is good for if you need to move forward in your combo without wasting your mp. That’s basically its only special purpose, as far as normal combos go.

s.hk: Cerebella, using Vice-Versa as a stand, kicks the opponent once with a normal kick, and once more with her hidden sword. This move can be kinda awesome. It’ll hit after an otg, whereas any other hk or hp attack will probably ruin the combo. The second kick hits overhead… on everyone not named Valentine or Double. [/details]


c.lp: Cerebella throws out a simple crouching punch. Prepatch, this move would be useful in long corner combos, or run-stop combos, but it doesn’t look like it has much of a purpose anymore. s.lp can chain into itself, doing roughly twice the damage, and has the same range. You can do s.lp, c.lp, for basically the same damage. It’s nice to know that if you accidently crouch early, your combo won’t mess up though. It’s best use now is probably as an OTG if you need/used your lk button. Also, it’s slightly fast than c.lk, so if you are close to your opponent and you think they might attack at the same time you do, this may be the move you want.

c.mp: Cerebella and Vice-Versa slide forward with their elbows. One of Cerebella’s most useful normals. In combos, this move will bring her far enough forward to continue the combo, which makes a lot of things possible/easy that weren’t before. It also slides you forward, which can be used to get a little extra distance on a special, which is nice in giving you a greater range than your opponent anticipated.

c.hp: Vice-Versa shows off his strength with an awe-inspiring upwards palm strike. This move is Cerebella’s High Launcher. It’s a necessary move, but other than that it doesn’t have many things to say about it. It can be used as a far-reaching anti-air.

c.lk: Cerebella kicks forward at her opponent’s feet with one of her hidden swords. It’s her main resource for starting a combo, and thus is her best normal. This is her furthest reaching light, which can successfully chain into c.mp for a full midscreen combo. It also hits low.

c.mk: Cerebella performs a low flip kick, launching the opponent into the air. My personal favorite normal move. c.mk is a low launching attack that pulls the enemy towards you, unlike any other launcher in the game. This move is key to Cerebella, as it allows one of Cerebella’s only two restands (not corner/spacing/character specific) in a single combo. It can allow many different resets, which will be explained later.

c.hk: Vice-Versa stretches far and low, knocking the opponent off their feet. It has an excellent range, which is awesome for catching someone who thinks they are spaced correctly. It can also provide you with your only means of counter-attack in certain situations, so become familiar with the range. It hits low and causes a teachable knockdown (like every other c.hk in the game). [/details]


j.lp: Cerebella, using Vice versa to steady herself in the air, delivers a barrage of punches that don’t stop until she lands. I hate this move. Cerebella’s other normal circumstance restand. Anytime you knock the opponent up into the air, for the most part, you can connect with this move and bring them back down. The down side is that if done too early it can utterly cripple your combo, being so many hits. There are few ways to continue a combo from the ground with using your OTG. It’s hard for me to like, but there is a plus side; being so many hits, if you do this move when the scaling is already down there, you can get as much as 600 dmg at the end, just from the restand. For comparison, s+f.hp, the most damaging normal, does 357 at the end of its scaling.

j.mp: Vice-Versa swats the opponent down with a powerful swipe. An excellent Air-to-Air move, and it’s even really good as an Air-to-Ground move. The hitbox is epic, and can be any characters worst nightmare if they like to fly/jump/airdash. There are only a few aerial attack that will beat this one, but that doesn’t mean much to this really fast swipe. This move also has a buttload of hitstun; you can easily hit on a grounded opponent, use j.hp to glide for a moment, release the j.hp, land, and continue your attack all as one combo.

j.hp: Cerebella can glide through the air with Vice-Versa, knocking any opponent back with a thunderous clap. This move has a huge hitbox as well, bigger than j.mp, and hits really hard. It can be used in the corner on most opponents for corner juggles. This move also has a glide function, where when you hold it you glide through the air. It’s sorta like a makeshift airdash, kinda. The glide will not start if you’ve double jumped, though, and you can only glide once per jump. Something to note is that once you start the glide, there is no safe way to stop. You can either A) let go of the button to clap, B) hit j+d.mp for The People’s Elbow, C) use Grab Bag (qcf grab), or D) wait for the end of the glide. J.hp can be very nice, but can be very vulnerable. The glide can get you places your opponent didn’t consider, and with its wide and destructive hitbox can beat most every air move in the game. Be careful though, it’s a little slow, and with the vulnerable glide you can end up with the nasty surprise rather than your opponent. Fun trial: try to clap six times in a row, without landing in between claps.

j.lk: Cerebella gives the opponent a taste of one of her hidden blades. This moves best use is to cross your opponent up with it. It’s really good at that. However, the hitstun is tiny, so you have to act quickly and precisely to combo off it. Also, it can be used as an AA, as it’s instant (basically), and the range is pretty good for what it is. Not as great as j.mp, or j.hp, or even j.mk, but don’t sleep on it.

j.mk: Cerebella jumps through the air with a flying drop kick. A jumping dropkick! I love drop kicks! Ahem. Well, this move is kinda cool. It’s not quite as cool as j.mp, but I find the protruding hitbox can be fairly effective as an AA. It can also be used for resets (but so can everything as bella). Something important to note is that this move, very strangely, does not hit high. It can be blocked by a crouching opponent, unlike every other Cerebella air normal, so if you are attacking a grounded opponent, go for j.mp or j.hk.

J.hk: A powerful, downward thrusting kick with Cerebella’s hidden blade. This move can be really useful. It can reach places no other moves can really quickly, and in situations no other move can capitalize on. For example, I once used it to attack a double after she had summoned cat heads and sent them up at me (She was mashing the punch, so couldn’t block). It has a lot of hitstun as well, so unless you brain fart for no random reason, you’ll be able to combo off it on a grounded opponent. Aside from that, it can be used to knock the opponent out of the air, creating probably the easiest to combo off of knockdown midscreen.[/details]


s+f.hp: Vice-Versa tears forward with a mighty punch, blowing anything it touches to the far corner of the screen. This move is Cerebella’s strongest normal, but aside from looking badass, it doesn’t have much place in combos. It knocks the opponent back so far and fast that you simply cannot continue your attacks. If in the corner, it can be cancelled into a special/super for additional damage, but once they hit the ground they cannot be touched again until they stand up. Something interesting to note is that sometimes, a s+f.hp canceled into Excellabella will combo midscreen. The opponent has to be airborne and really close, performing an airdash probably, but it can happen. While a successfully comboed Titan Knuckle may not add anything to your combo (if not in the corner), it can be followed up with Tumble Run to advance on your opponent while they are helpless to get up. Try something like c.lk, c.mk, j.mp, j.hk, s.mk, s+f.hp, Tumble Run, lk. This can allow you to advance very quickly, and stand over your opponent as they get up. The charge for tumble run should be started immediately after you hit hp. Another thing that this can be used for is using it to poke at your opponent, then cancelling with DDrop to make sure the fist doesn’t get hit.

J+d.mp: Vice-Versa and Cerebella drop from the sky elbow first, crashing into anything in their way. This move… well, it basically hates you. The only thing that can be done afterwards is a super. If solo, that’s the end of your combo, since the elbow eats up your OTG no matter what. If you’ve used your OTG, you can’t super. If on a team, you can DHC, and if your character can combo without OTG after that, you are kinda cool, but still. Something that HAS to be noted about this move is its hit box on the move. When doing The People’s Elbow (as I call it, I don’t like “Unbreakable Elbow”), it may appear as if you are attacking with the big ol’ elbow. However, the first thing that actually hits your opponent is Cerebella’s fist, poking out nearly out of sight. You can see it clearly if you turn on hitboxes. That can be important, or irrelevant. Probably one of those two. [/details]


qcf lp/mp/hp: Lock N’ Load! Cerebella and Vice-Versa cock their fist back before tearing forward with a powerful fist. These are pretty simple. lp version is fast and weak, mp is average and average, and hp is slow and strong. The move has super armor though, lp getting no armor, mp getting one hit of armor, and hp getting two hits of armor. The lp one can be used after most medium and heavy normals to continue the combo. The other two can never combo off of anything (without an assist) except a wall bounce or a stagger s.mp. They all can be canceled into supers fairly successfully, though if the lnl hits the opponent while they’re airborne the super probably won’t connect. These moves, even though they have super armor, can be beaten by a sweep.

srk lp: Diamond Deflector! With Vice-Versa’s help, Cerebella flicks back any projectile that touches her. This is Cerebella’s second staggering move, with the projectile being the only part that staggers. When you successfully deflect a projectile, you create your own projectile that eats up any oncoming projectiles, and, if it hits the opponent, causes a stagger. Dashing forward before inputting the command, buffering the dash into the command, I find to be very helpful in successfully deflecting. Upon a successful dash-deflect-stagger, you can dash a second time and finish with s+f.hp, even from as far away as possible. Something to note is that the startup of the move cannot deflect projectiles, and you will get hit out of it by projectiles.



I dislike this move. You’d think that the ability to be projectile invulnerable and stagger the opponent to allow a full counter attack is awesome, until you realize that a) it’s not a guaranteed stagger since at the safe deflect range they would have recovered and can just hold back to block it, b) if it does hit you won’t be able to capitalize much off of it because of the horrendous damage scaling (see “Suspicious Horse!”), and c) it won’t even stagger an aerial opponent, meaning if they jump and get it, it still don’t mean shit. The options and opportunities for this move to be effective are so few and far between that it’s almost not worth having it. The projectile nets you no more than a s.lk. Considering that, the stagger should guarantee you SOME additional damage, but with the ability to shake out of stagger (something I’ve never agreed with) it’s nearly impossible to follow up from any distance. It’s hard to take the gamble at the range where it’s useful, cause if you miss you could eat a lot of damage, especially on the character this should be most useful against (Peacock). It could be cool if you could throw the projectile regardless of if you were hit with a projectile at the exact moment you do it, or if you could hold the ‘deflect’ state until a projectile hits, but no, you have the smallest window to capitalize on an instant, and missing can mean several thousand damage minimum against Peacock, where hitting nets you next to nothing in terms of damage.

Rant done. In spite of all that, I’m grateful for Deflector. Something to note is that you can input this command after the super flash and deflect stuff at nearly any range; you can be standing almost on top of Valentine and still deflect the Scalpel super, you can deflect Peacock’s beam super even if she’s directly on top of you, you can deflect Double’s catheads (though it’s difficult, I don’t suggest trying it willy-nilly), and all three of Parasoul’s supers (though two out of three will hurt you more than her… stupid deflector).

srk mp: Devil Horns! Cerebella and Vice-Versa show their inner rocker with this classic sign. I dislike this move, but I’m starting to get a little warmed up to it. The hit box is directly above you and makes you invincible, allowing you to hit characters trying to fly/airdash over your head and always hit jump-attacking opponents. The problem is that the move is nearly impossible to use against a ground opponent. You can get it in your combos with c.mk or a wallbounce, and it’s a good makeshift taunt at the very least. You can also use it to cancel the last hit of your Ultimate Showstopper, allowing you to continue the combo. The scaling on that is bad, as you don’t get the brunt of the damage US offers, but it can be used quite effectively for making sure a team character has less recoverable life, and there are also reset opportunities. Also, using this on an opponent using a jumping attack on you will nearly always connect.

srk hp: Cerecopter! Cerebella spins Vice-Versa around like a propeller, hitting the opponent several times before sending them across the screen. This move is best used in the corner; if not, it’s the end of your combo. It’s a pretty strong move if used correctly. Be careful when canceling this move into DD (in the corner of course), because if you cancel too soon, before the opponent is launched into the air, they will be able to block the super.

back(hold), forward k: Tumbling Run! Cerebella charges down the screen shrugging off oncoming attacks, any one of three special move ready to be used at any moment. This move… has flaws, as well as benefits. This move has a single hit of super armor, but Cerebella can be knocked out of it by getting hit with a sweeping c.hk. Basically, everything Cerebella can do from this state, unless the opponent is in blockstun or hitstun, can be avoided with a simply jump back. That means you need to use this stuff in quick bursts, for combo or reset purposes only, or to charge after a retreating opponent. From Tumbling Run you can press the following buttons;

Tumble Run, lk: Runstop! Cerebella swiftly, with all the skill of a circus performer, stops a full force run as easily as one stops walking. Hitting lk stops the run. This has four uses. 1) stopping if you realize you made a mistake (if only j.hp Glide had the same option…), 2) intentionally stopping short, maybe making your opponent waste super meter trying to hit you out of your run, 3) for run stop combos, or 4) stopping and performing a reset.

Tumble Run, mk: Kanchou! Cerebella deftly slides around to her opponents flank for an embarrassing butt poke. This crosses the opponent up, and can be used to get around certain attacks.

Tumble Run, hk: Battle Toads! Vice-Versa grows epic horns and rams his opponents out of the way. This move is not safe, but grants you two hits of armor (armor from tumbling run doesn’t stack). Use only if you know it’s going to hit, or you are in desperate need of 2000 points. This move can be tripped, like lnl and tumble run.

Tumble Run, lp+lk: Pummel Horse! Watch as Vice-Versa holds the enemy perfectly still while Cerebella delivers precise, staggering blows. This is kinda cool… I guess… It lets you stagger without using your mp, which is a definite bonus. Can be done from s.hp and s.hk. For some reason, it likes to randomize exactly where the opponent is released. Sometimes they are close enough for a c.hp, sometimes they aren’t. Also, the stagger isn’t very long, but it lasts long enough for any ground normal, within range, can hit, including s+f.hp. It also hits high.

srk lp+lk: Excellabella! Vece-Versa holds the opponent upside-down by the leg, as Cerebella slaps them senseless. My favorite Command Grab. Ever. It can be used as an assist quite creatively in combination with other key cast members for devastating Team Combos. It’s unblockable on the opponents early jump frames. However, there is a drawback, or a weakness to this move. The purpose of this move is so that your opponent has to think before jumping. But, the relative risk for the opponent to jump when they aren’t backed into a corner is very small. The purpose behind Cerebella’s grabs is forcing the opponent to guess to try to not get hit. However, if the opponent is really stuck choosing between the two, the safest bet is always the jump, seeing as it’s choosing between 1.8k damage jumping and 3.7k damage (with one meter, 3k without) midscreen if they stay on the ground. If the opponent is not in the corner, there is absolutely nothing that can be used to follow up a successful Excellabella. The ability to follow it up midscreen would change things, but that hasn’t happened quite yet.

qcb lp+lk: Merry-Go-Rilla! Vice Versa reaches out and grabs her opponent, spinning around them twice before slamming them into the ground. It’s hit invincible for the first part, hit and throw invincible for the mid part, and grab invincible for the final part. I don’t know why it isn’t just hit invincible all the way through, it would be easier to know what is and isn’t possible and it would be good for catching people who drop combos at a distance. I’ve also never seen a purpose for the grab invincibility at the end, that’s never helped me. Anyway, this command grab can be hard to follow up with the way you want to, but you can easily get at least 3.5k without a super, and well over 6k on certain characters midscreen. If you can learn to dash consistently, a dash forward, c.lk, c.mk, full combo will significantly improve your damage.

qcf lp+lk: Diamond Drop! Vice-Versa grabs the opponent and throws them into the air, catching them as they fall and impaling them on his horns. This move is throw invincible all the way through, meaning it’s the perfect move to use against people who’re throw happy. It can be followed up with a super or s+f.hp for extra damage, though the super will connect on everyone except Peacock midscreen.

qcf lp+lk (air only): Grab Bag! Cerebella opens her hat, catching falling enemies in a giant bag as Vice-Versa wails on them. This move looks cool, but it’s uses are… strange. It can be used at a lower point than a normal air grab can, and it can catch an opponent earlier after an aerial attack (j.lp, grab bag can be done faster than j.lp, grab). Don’t really know how that works, but it’s cool. Still, there are drawbacks. If you miss, you fall to the ground and are open to attack for quite a while. Also, while in the air, you are really open. And finally, using this move won’t always tech air grabs, so doing this if you think they’ll grab isn’t too bright. I’ve been grabbed out of grab bag before (by just a normal air grab).[/details]

qcf pp: Diamond Dynamo! Cerebella leisurely strolls forward as Vice-Versa slams his fists down on their opponent with monstrous strength! This move has a decent invincible startup. Use it properly, and it can go through stuff you wouldn’t think (like forward Double Car). Other than that, this is a fairly good super. It can be used after most things Cerebella can do, and has a great bit of corner carry. The only downsides are that it ends by forcing you to use up an OTG, and can only be followed up from when in the corner. If you want to do it just because, you can do a second DD, if in the corner, immediately after the first. Weak damage, but pretty cool as a dismissive way to burn a second super/finish a character. Something really important to think about it that each fist has one hit worth of hitbox. Meaning that, if hitting two or more things (two characters, fortune and head, fortune and head and character), it’s possible to hit one and not the other(s). For example, go to training mode and hit Peacock and Filia at the same time with this move; If directly on top of them, Peacock should fall out early. This can lead to painful punishes, so be sure to be careful when hitting multiple objects. Also, note that enemies caught behind DD will still get hit, and can lead to midscreen follow ups that would otherwise be impossible, but if one character is behind and one is in front, the one in front may not get hit at all.

360 pp: Ultimate Showstopper! Vice-Versa grabs the opponent, and with Cerebella’s help slams them about in a very brutal fashion before impaling them on the largest of Cerebella’s hidden shoe-swords! This move is invincible, and can’t be avoided if they are on the ground after the super flash (provided they are in range and not already invincible). This move also has invincibility, and can be used to snatch opponents who think they are safe with certain supers. Among these supers are Filia’s Gregor Samson super, Painwheel’s Death Crawl, Double’s Catheads, Parasoul anything, Peacock’s Bomb super (if you grab her before she recovers, Lenny will explode as Peacock is released, damaging Peacock even further; Cerebella does not take damage from that), Ms. Fortune’s Furserker Purrage, Valentine’s Scalpel super, and others. Anything that has the user on the ground while activated probably will get snatched. When you DHC into this, remember that it isn’t instantaneous like it is normally, and the opponent can jump it quite easily.

qcb pp: Diamonds Are Forever! Cerebella shows off Vice-Versa’s true strength with the ultimate feat, punching Diamonds out of rocks! This move is fairly simple, but can be devastating. The first hit does no damage but hits low, Cerebella’s final staggering attack. That doesn’t matter much, as being locked in the animation of the level three disallows you to do anything special. It also has unlimited super armor. This move can surprise people, very much so, as the first hit lands with no super flash, and the super armor can trick some into thinking their move comboed. This move can work well against jumping characters, catching them with the stagger as they land. You can be grabbed before the super flash, though fortunately you lose no meter if this happens. This move causes a wall bounce, allowing you a good amount of time to continue the combo without using up your OTG. [/details]
1.3. Beginner Combos! – or – Teaching Men To Fish!

[details=Spoiler]This has been a lot of information already, phew! If you’ve memorized it, awesome. If not, don’t be afraid to check the move properties again, they are always important. However, even if you couldn’t get all that or just skipped it altogether (you asshole), I’ve got some combos here for you.
c.lk, c.mp, c.hp, j.mk, j.hp
This very short combo, if you aren’t at all familiar with fighting games or if this is the first game you’ve played that has combos, is probably a good place to start. If that’s too easy for you, or after you finish that, move on to the next one.
c.lk, c.mp, c.hp, j.lk, j.hk,
c.lk, c.mp, c.hp, j.mk, j.hp
This one is a little longer, and has four chains altogether. It’s still very basic, just hit buttons in order and everything should happen. If you hold down the hp for too long you’ll get a glide, so be sure to only give it a quick tap. If you feel ready to throw in some special moves, here’s one last combo for ya.
c.lk, c.mp, c.hp, j.lk, j.hk,
c.lk, c.mk, s.hk, lp lnl (qcf lp), super (qcf pp)
If you can do all of these five times in a row without messing up, or if you can pull them off a majority of the time in real matches, be sure to head on to the intermediate combo section to start getting into the good stuff.[/details]
**1.4. Weight Classes! – or – Know Your Foe! **


I got into this a teeny bit earlier, when talking about DD Super, but each character “weighs” a different amount. They all have different weights, and will all fall to the ground at different speeds. Most of this doesn’t affect Cerebella very much, but it’s still important. When you’ve got your ideal combos down, and ESPECIALLY your resets, make sure to make sure that it works on everyone. If it doesn’t, slight variations will be necessary, either in timing or buttons. Don’t worry, though, I’m here to help you out, I know most of the variations necessary and will let you know what changes to make.

**1.5. Infinite Protection System! – or – The Shackles Of Freedom! **

[details=Spoiler]Infinite Protection! The prized jewel of this game! Unfortunately, the game itself does not go into enough detail as to what exactly IPS is, and what it does. I’m going to explain it for you, but it might be a bit confusing. When you understand it, though, everything makes sense.
With IPS, the game remembers every move you make. The only exceptions are your jump in attack (if it’s the first thing you do in the combo), and your first ground chain. An easy way to see this is to look at the “Combo Stage” in training mode, everything after stage 3 is considered “Watched”.
So, after your first ground chain, the game remembers every button you use. If you start a chain with any button you’ve already used, the purple hitsparks will show, and the opponent can press a button to burst. So, for example…
c.lk, c.mp, c.hp, j.lk, j.hk,
c.lk, c.mp, c.hp, j.lk, j.hk
This combo will activate IPS. See, the j.lk you used after your first ground chain, you can’t start a combo with that again. However…
c.lk, c.mp, c.hp, j.lk, j.hk,
c.lk, c.mp, c.hp, j.lp, j.lk, j.hk
See that? You used both j.lk and j.hk after your first ground chain, yet neither activated IPS. Why? Because of that j.lp. The button is only illegal if it’s the FIRST button you hit in that chain. So, as long as you can shove other moves in front of it, you can keep going and going. No combo can go on forever, hence “Infinite Protection”, but combos can still be really fun. [/details]
**1.6. Team Based Game! – or – To Team Or Not To Team! **

[details=Spoiler]Well, here we are! The first Team section! I personally don’t use teams, I rock Solo Bella, but there are more than enough reasons to use them. I’m going to go over the basics of teams, team building, and team mechanics in his game.
When you start a match, you can pick between one, two, or three characters. I call these v1, v2, and v3. It’s quick and easy, and I’m going to be using these terms henceforth, interchangeably with the terms Solo, Duo, and Trio. The first difference is that depending on which choice you make, characters have more or less health.
V1 = 210% health, 160% damage
V2 = 115% health, 130% damage
V3 = 100% health, 100% damage
These are the percentages used when fighting people who aren’t the same v as you. If two v1’s fight, they both have v3 stats. If two v2’s fight, they have v3 stats. If two v3’s fight, they have v2 stats.
Okay, to team stuff. You get to pick assists, which is awesome. When you pick an assist, you get to pick any single attack or special that you can use (without meter) to call upon whenever you need it, including grab and even dash (though there’s no reason to ever use dash). In a match, if you look underneath your health bar, there are two little lights, a green and a red one. If the green light is lit, you can call assists, if the red light is lit, you cannot.
When people are starting out, they like to pick whichever character has a good assist and use that for their team. I’m going to tell you right now, only have characters that you can use on your team. If your partner character needs to come out for any reason, you need to know what to do with them. So, before thinking about assists, find the characters (if there are more than just Cerbella) that work well with you, because honestly, every character has great selections in terms of assists.
That’s all for team basics, hopefully you’ve made a decision. We are going to be going through more team stuff later, and by then you are hopefully more proficient, with Cerebella and your other character.[/details]

Intermediate! – or – Step your game up!
**2.1. Scaling! – or – Efficient Hitting And You! **

[details=Spoiler] There are two kinds of scaling in this game: Damage Scaling, and Forced Scaling. There’s also Meter Scaling, but I’m not sure anyone has the numbers on that. Anyway, Combo Scaling!

Combo Scaling: Combo scaling, for the most part, is simple. For every hit you land, your next hit does less damage. If you want exacts, then the first three hits do 100% damage, and then every hit after does 27.5% less damage, continuously, until you hit 20% damage.

Basically, this means that after 15 hits, all of your attacks will be doing the least amount of damage they’ll ever do. For any attack that does over 1000 damage, the least amount of damage it can do is 27.5%, as opposed to the 20% everything else will be doing.

This isn’t really that important to you under normal circumstances, since there’s nothing you can do to avoid scaling and you have to attack, but it’s important for building combos. There are certain moves (I’ll explain in detail later) that you need to know the specific scaling for, and it’s also important to use certain moves earlier than others in order to do the most amount of damage. Moves like Cerecopter and j.lp (mash) you don’t want to do early because of all the hits.

Forced Scaling: There are moves in the game that force your damage scaling down to a certain point, regardless of anything else going on. It can suck pretty badly if you don’t use it correctly. Cerebella has three moves that act funky with your scaling.

Command Grabs (MGR, DDrop, PH, US)
Diamond Deflector (Projectile)

These moves all affect Damage scaling.

Something you have to remember with this stuff is that it scales the NEXT hit DOWN to whatever%. Meaning you can’t use it when your scaling is down at 20% to bump it up to 50/35% again. Also, when you use the move, it is scaled based on the percent you are at, not the % it’s scaling to.

Anyway, let me get to the actual moves. Each of the moves as a unique percentage, and some of this is pretty unfortunate, especially the Deflector, so let me explain them individually.

Command Grabs all scale to at least 50%. This is something that affects all grabs, as of the patch, but it should still be noted since these are the only grabs that can be combed into. Make sure you wait until at least the 7th hit of your combo to perform any of the command grabs (MGR, DDrop, PH); no one likes a gimped combo. Except your opponent. Admittedly, a few hits before 7 won’t hurt too bad, but it can end up being 1-2k difference in damage lost if you grab too early.

Excellabella has the same rules as the other Command Grabs for Damage Scaling, but it scales down to 35% instead. It sounds bad, but It’s easier to use and more versatile than every other grab Cerebella has, at least when it comes to combos. Just make sure to wait until around the 10th hit so you don’t hurt your damage output.

Diamond Deflector scales damage down to the lowest it can possibly be, 25%. You’d probably be lucky to get 2k thousand damage in the absolute best circumstance without meter (or resets). There are no real rules on when to do this; it does the same thing no matter when or where, and there’s no real way to prevent the scaling in an actual combo… sans an overly complicated combo involving reflecting a walking George in the middle of a combo.[/details]
**2.2. Command Grabs! – or – Why It Makes Sense!! **

[details=Spoiler]If you are new to the game or new to Cerebella, you probably haven’t noticed… hell, if you’ve been using Cerebella this whole time, you may not have noticed, but Cerebella’s Command Grabs are different from other attacks.

When Cerebella lands a command grab, the entire grab counts as one hit. What does this mean? Well, it means that when you land MGR, even though it says 2 hits, it is effectively one hit as far as scaling is concerned. It works for US as well; the entire super is scaled for the percentage it lands on rather than being scaled down 7 times.

Example combo: c.lk, c.mk, j.mp, j.hk, s.mp, Super grab.

The super grab lands on the 67% scaling, so all 7 hits of the super are scaled 67%, since according to damage scaling it is all one hit, instead of 67, 59, 51, 45, so forth until it ends. Try to remember this if you need to combo into grabs, because it is kinda important. [/details]
**2.3. Pushblocking (Reaction Shots)! – or – Trying Not To Lose Your Head! **

[details=Spoiler] Pushblocking… can be difficult to master, especially if you haven’t experienced this mechanic in another game.

Anyway, Cerebella can have a hard time dealing with being pushed. However, she actually has a few anti-push moves, that while not necessarily “beating” push, they can pressure your opponent even though they thought they got rid of you.

The situations you can fight against the push are in the air, and on the ground.

On the ground, unfortunately, you can’t hit with a command grab while they are in push animation from midscreen (if they pushed immediately). You can if they push you into a corner, though. Anyway, what you can do after getting pushed is lnl, or a s+f.hp. mp lnl is probably best, cause it hits fast enough to be hard to react to while not so fast that the remaining blockstun blocks for them, and has the one hit of super armor just in case they mash something stupid. The s+f.hp is almost instantaneous, if off any non-heavy normal, because it actually chains. This can hit people who push, then try to dash forward or call item drop or call assist or whatever. Also, it doesn’t work as often as s+f.hp, but you can do c.hk as well. Against everyone except Ms. Fortune, Filia, and Parasoul, s.lp, s.lp will keep you in place if they happen to push the first lp. This can then be canceled into MGR, or if you think they’ve stopped blocking, c.mp. If the c.mp is pushed, do s+f.hp. Additionally, each s+f.hp can then be canceled into lnl, in which cases hp lnl is also useful because of the long blockstun s+f.hp has.

If you are in the air, your options are fewer than on the ground. Anything that gets pushed can be canceled into the j.hp glide, and then the clap can add pressure to the opponent. If they are also in the air, you can glide towards them, and then grab bag. If they consistently push both the swat and the clap, this will probably catch them, though don’t do it often against any character with air supers. [/details]
**2.4. Move Starters! – or – A Full Day’s Supply of Vitamin C! **

There are effectively five different positions to start a combo at in this game (close, far, airborne, Anti-Air, and OTG), with many ways of continuing from each start. Finding your starter is one of` the most important aspects of combo building, as it defines the rest of the combo. If you use a move too early, it can cripple your combo. Too late, and you miss the brunt of the damage.
When you are standing directly in your opponents face:

s.mp and c.mk are the two best ways to start a combo. I’ve found no better way.

S.mp puts the opponent into a stagger, of course, from which you can do a few really damaging and space controlling things. Either Kanchou or the MGR/DDrop, command grabs can be used to control space. DDrop throws the enemy behind you, and followed by a super can be damaging. However, if your back is not really close to the corner, you’d probably want to choose Kanchou instead, as you can get more damage, and may be able to drag them to the corner before using your super, allowing you to actually use the OTG. MGR can be used on anyone, but there are certain characters it’s more effective against (I’ll explain later). MGR is good for simple good damage, but remember it instantly eats up your OTG and also pushes the opponent away as you hit them. So, for MGR, unless you the opponent is in the corner (the only real time to use this), you won’t be able to chain c.lk, c.mk.

c.mk leads to so many things, as I’ve detailed earlier, and is an important restand for Cerebella. You can chain a Devil Horns after a c.mk, and most characters allow you to combo a Kanchou afterwards. However, the main use you’ll be getting out of this is the good old c.mk, j.mp, j.hk restand. The hitstun for j.hk is long enough for you to start your next chain with any normal. If j.hk don’t work, you can use j.mk.

When you are standing away from your opponent:

There are three different ranges where you can hit your opponent, and I’ll call them s+f.hp, c.hk, and c.lk. Those ranges are pretty self explanatory, but I’ll go over them.

S+f.hp does a lot of damage, it’s fairly quick, has the furthest non-projectile range, and it sends the opponent reeling. No possible combo from it, and the only other thing that can be used from this range (that doesn’t involve Tumble Run) is lnl. I call this s+f.hp range, but mp and hp ll both outrange the s+f.hp.

C.hk range is more comfortable than the previous range. C.hk itself is a fast, long range sweep. No combo possible combo from this range (with c.hk, pretending supers and specials don’t exist), like s+f.hp range.

C.lk is the most dangerous range for your opponent to find herself stuck in, because it’s the only range that Cerebella can start a combo from (excluding a ranged level 3). At the very edge of this range, c.lk, c.mp won’t work on some characters, but I’m sure a good MGR will do just fine on that lot. But, yeah, c.lk, c.mp leads into full combos, so your opponent, if you show them what you can do, will start to panic when you approach. And a panicking enemy is just as good as finding an opening.

When you caught your opponent in mid air:

When you and your opponent are both in the air, the things that can happen aren’t as cool as when on the ground, but shouldn’t be ignored. The buttons you’ll be using against airborne opponents are j.lp, j.lk, j.mp, and j.hk.

If you feel confident that your opponent is open, a good button is j.lp (mash). This can set the opponent on the ground delicately, waiting for you to continue your onslaught. The only downside is the injured damage scaling, but it can still lead to a satisfyingly damaging airborne combo.

J.lk, the fast stab that can beat most things performed at the same time, should be chained as j.lk, j.mk, j.hp, or a j.lk, j.hp, or a j.lk, j.hk(if you are close enough). The j.lk, j.hk is the only chain that will lead to a combo, albeit at the cost of the OTG.

J.mp is the go-to aerial attack, with its hitbox and hitstun. It can be chained into j.hp, just like every other air normal. If close to the ground, the hitstun on j.mp can last long enough to lead to a full combo. At launch height, a j.mp, pause, j.mk, can allow you to continue your combo for a little longer.

J.mk has a pretty pronounced hitbox, but unless it hits a grounded opponent, the most damage you’ll be getting is from j.mk, j.hp.

And finally, j.hk. I explained this moves unique angle earlier, but against other airborne opponents it isn’t as useful as her other moves (unless they find themselves lower than you). It’ll still lead into a combo, and I guess it has the same range as j.lp or a j.lk, j.hk, but it’s a lot slower.

When you are attacking an airborne opponent from the ground:

The only two buttons you should be using as AA’s are s.lk and c.hp.

s.lk, as you may have read earlier, is really good for this. It’s fast and hits very high. It should look like s.lk, s.mp, c.hp, and then your combo. S.mp needs to be used after the s.lk because it hits so high, allowing you additional damage and a little extra time to see it connected, as well as pushing the opponent slightly further back.

c.hp can be good, but remember that the hand is vulnerable. It can always be followed up with a superjump, and then whatever combo you are able to do from that angle.

When you knocked them into the ground for the first time:

Knockdowns don’t work very well in Cerebella’s favor, as far as combos are concerned. The main knockdowns are airborne j.hk, anything with wallbounce, and Devil Horns.

s.hp doesn’t really work too well in these situations. After a successful s.hp on an airborne opponent, the only real option for you at this point is a Cerecopter, LP Lock N’ Load, Deflector, or Battle Toads. The s.hp is usually the death of your combo, especially after a knockdown.

Anyway, the rest of the OTG’s work basically the same. Unless it’s a MGR, a knockdown will always behave the same. After a knockdown, you can do almost anything to continue your combo, as long as it doesn’t start with a heavy attack, or end in s.hp (with one exception). [/details]
**2.5. Combo Extenders! – or – Make Them Think You’re Cheating! **

[details=Spoiler] The following are damage extenders. Any of them, unless they say otherwise, can be used on any opponent to make your combo longer. You can pretty much mix and match them in any order, as long as you follow IPS rules.

s.mp, j.mk, j.hp (loop, doesn’t work on Filia or Painwheel, uses stagger, best used in corner)

c.mk, j.mp, j.hk (restand)

c.mk, j.mp, j.mk (restand)

c.mk, j.mp, j.mk, j.hp (restand, Parasoul and Double only)

c.mk, j.mp, j.hk, land, j.hp (restand, j.hp is instant)

c.mk, j.lk/j.lp, j.mp, j.hk (OTG)

c.mk, Kanchou (loop, doesn’t combo on Valentine or Ms. Fortune)

c.mk, Devil Horns (OTG with Parasoul, Cerebella, or Double, restand possible with everyone else)

c.mk, Devil Horns, j.lp (mash) (restand, works on Peacock and Painwheel only)

c.hp, j.lp (mash) (restand)

c.hp, j.lp/j.lk/j.mp/j.mk, j.hk (OTG)

c.hp, j.hp, lp/lk (restand, corner only. Works on everyone but Double. Everyone except Cerebella and Parasoul allow j.lp, j.lk, j.mp, or j.mk before the j.hp.)[/details]
**2.6. Team Synergy! – or – When I Move You Move, Just Like That! **

[details=Spoiler]Well now, you’re stepping you Bella game up. Hopefully you’ve been working on those teammates as well, but I can’t guarantee the quality of any other guides you’ve gotten on them (if they exist?). What I CAN guarantee is the knowledge of how Cerebella can co-operate with her Teammates effectively. Ready? Let’s go.
There are basically two separate ways you can go for assists. Assist for combos, and assist for neutral (helping you get the first hit, or helping with lockdown)
Combos: If you look at Cerebella’s combo extenders (especially in the Advanced section), you’ll notice ones that are more difficult to do, and I’m pretty sure you could find combos that don’t combo. Luckily, assists can open up new possibilities, and make difficult things easier. I’ll list a few examples of assists that open up new possibilities, or easier possibilities.
Double Hornet Bomber: Hornet bomber is a great assist. It give lockdown, long range, and extended combos with almost anyone. And for Cerebella, doing something like sc.lk, c.mp, s.hp, Pummel Horse is pretty tight. However, throw a HB in there, and it turns into c.lk, c.mp, s.hp, assist, Pummel Horse. You could also use this move in the corner to into hp lnl, even allowing you a new chain afterwards.
Peacock s.hp: This move is pretty cool. It allows you to use Cerecopter and Dynamo from midscreen (input s.hp and Cerecopter at the same time, then do super). It also allows easy combos into Pummel Horse, like HB, but also Kanchou, making comboing into Kanchou vastly easier. You can also use this to combo into and from hp lnl.
Filia Hairball: This move is basically the same as Peacock’s s.hp. Aside from the Cerecopter thing, it allows all the same things. This one has quite a few hits, so it may be best for later in your combos, but other than that it’s an excellent assist. Also, after performing Kanchou, you wind up in quite an odd position, one that has unique reset opportunities.
Neutral: Cerebella has some really awesome thing she can do. She just does. But, unfortunately, some of the best things she can do are just too risky to do. Well, let me get on with it.
Grab Bag: This move really, really sucks if it misses. I can’t even see why, especially with the small chunk of damage it actually does, with no possible follow up ever. However, if you’d like to do it, it feels pretty good to know that’s you’ll land safely. There are only a few ways to ensure that, though.
Peacock lk bomb: this little bomb waddles forward until it hits something. With some clever planning and positioning, you can grab bag in a spot where you’ll land safely with the bomb backing you.
Parasoul Napalm Tear: I’m not very familiar with Parasoul, or if the tear tosses are good, but you can definitely use tear shots. If you position yourself above a deployed Tear when you Grab Bag, it’ll protect you (hopefully, since it may not explode in time).
Kanchou: This move is pretty cool, it crosses the opponent up. Unfortunately, a watchful opponent can see it coming and block it. If that happens, you’re screwed. Unless…
Peacock mk bomb: this bomb will basically work like the lk one does. It comes out fast enough to do it whenever you want. This move will keep you literally unpunishable should you time it right.
Pummel Horse: This move functions is more or less like Kanchou, only you don’t need to do this on a stationary opponent. Which means…
Double Hornet Bomber: This move can keep the opponent in blockstun long enough to recover from a failed Pummel Horse.
Filia HK Hairball: does basically the same thing as Hornet Bomber.
Excellebella: Calling someone on a jump is pretty risky, since you literally have no protection if they didn’t jump. So, to protect yourself…
anything: Seriously, just about anything would protect you in this case. Specials with multiple hits, normal with multiple hits, grabs might be nice, etcetera. Nearly every option that would normally be used as an assist can be used here.
Alpha Counter:
Alpha Counters are pretty cool. When blocking, hit forward and assist. This will activate Alpha Counter, which will costs one meter. It calls out your assist for it to do it’s move instantly. I’ll mainly talk about Alpha Countering into Cerebella, since there are too many other Alpha Counters and options from other character’s perspective to consider.
Diamond Drop: this one is pretty obvious. Call out DDrop, grab the opponent, do your stuff. There’s really nothing short of a counter super maybe that they can do, but you can counter nearly every super in the game. One thing to watch out for is multi hitting moves, like many of Valentine’s moves. DDrop has no hit invulnerability, so you could easily get hit by the second or third or whatever hit of an attack before the grab lands.
Tumble Run: This assist is… strange. I’m sure if you are very creative you can find interesting uses for it as an assist. But, as an Alpha Counter, using this can allow you to instantly go into Battle Toads, US, Kanchou, or even stop. It’s an odd choice for assist, but it most certainly can find niches.
Lock n Load: This assist is super useful. Especially the hp one. However, if you Alpha Counter into it, the only real thing to do afterwards is US, since they could easily block, jump, grab, or c.hk you out of it.[/details]

Advanced! – or – Get on my level!
**3.1. Unique Starting Moves! – or – What Do I Do Now?! **

[details=Spoiler]Things don’t always start in the most optimal way possible. Sometimes you just can’t get in the way you want to, and have to settle for something lesser than. What then? This is the section for those moves that you’d rather not use, but so you know what to do when you hit it. Also, we’ll be talking about strange things, like the US DH cancel, and wallbounces, and staggers.

s.hk & s.hp
s.hk and s.hp are fantastic moves. But, let’s face it, we aren’t all execution junkies. If you’ve tried those combo extenders I listed, you’ll probably have seen that the Runstop loops and (to a slightly lesser extent) PH are more difficult than most of the other things Bella can do. That’s normal. For the most part, unless you are finishing your combos, you want to steer clear of s.hp and s.hk (unless you have a reset you want to do). Instead, midscreen or in the corner, c.hp will probably be the better choice. If you have an assist with you, however, something like Peacocks s.hp or Filia’s c.mk or Fortune’s s.mk, something that keeps your opponent still for a moment without knocking them away from you, you can do s.hp/s.hk, assist, lp lnl, and then continue with almost anything you want. With Peacock’s s.hp at least, you can even use a hp lnl, with stricter timing. However, with no assist, these are not combo friendly buttons like most other things are. If you are unable to Runstop or PH cancel consistently, stay away.

MGR can be a powerful move, or it can be an even more powerful move. Easily Cerebella’s most damaging command grab. It definitely took a hit in the patch, with the following combo being scaled, but this move is still powerful. From the ground bounce, you have a few options. Combo wise, about the most easy damage you can do is MGR, c.lk, c.mp, c.hp, j.mk, j.hp, 3.8k. You can also do c.lk, s.hk to go for a reset with another MGR. Amended: Also, against Filia and Double, MGR, c.lp/lk, c.mk, j.mp, j.hk works. Which is weird, since these two share little else in terms of character-specific combos. Amended: If you dash after the MGR, you can combo c.lk, c.mk, against every character in the game. For me, double-tapping forward and then attacking is impossible, but if I set one of the left buttons on my controller to pp (dash), it becomes ridiculously easier. Simply hold down, hit dash, then hit c.lk, c.mk.

DDrop is a pretty simple grab. There are only two ways to continue a combo after DDrop: DD, or s+f.hp. If you catch your opponent, do s+f.hp. It only does 600 damage less than DD, and you save yourself the meter. The only reason to use meter is if you NEED that extra damage, or if they were thrown into the corner, or there is some extra variable (like DHCs or Lenny bomb) that you’d rather/rather not deal with. If they were thrown into the corner, there is never a reason not to super unless you have no meter. The combo can easily be continued with a simple crouching light (whichever one you don’t need later) in the corner. DDrop is amazing when your back is to the corner. Amended: It is fairly difficult, but a mid screen DDrop, DD can be followed up with a dash, c.lk, c.mp, c.hp. The timing is difficult to get consistently, mainly because it’s hard to know exactly when you can move again, but if you can get this down this is something you should be doing all the time.

Deflector Stagger
Deflector… Well, previous rant aside, you have to know what to do in case you actually land this move. Chances are you’ll be pretty far away from the opponent, so a dash forward s+f.hp may be best. If you are a little closer and can actually make it to the c.lk range in time, your damage won’t be anywhere near respectable, but make sure to save your best, least seen reset for this moment. A small unexpected movement can lead into a full combo, and a dead character.

s.mp & PH Stagger
s.mp and PH both stagger, but are very different. S.mp has enough stagger to let you do basically whatever you want, but PH has a short amount of time where you aren’t able to move. And since stagger can be shaken out of by wiggling your stick (hehe), the options from this move are more limited than s.mp. From a s.mp stagger, you can throw out MGR, you can do a jumping attack, you can set up a reset, you can basically do whatever. From a PH, you still have freedoms, any standing normal and command normal will connect, but you can’t, for example, do MGR if they shake out of it. You can, however, do US, the super grab, for some decent damage. Whatever you do, make it count.

Normal Grab
Ugh. Normal grab. Every other grab in the game is better than this one. Oh well, for whatever reason, you caught someone in a grab. What now? Well, in the air with normal air grab, you can do j+d.mp, super, which works at full height now. Which is kinda cool. You can also do a falling j.lp, and continue the combo afterwards (the superior option). Ground normal grab won’t net you shit unless you are in the corner. In the corner, the game changes a little bit. First off, you can do DD, and unlike midscreen, you will net the full super rather than a single hit. Secondly, you can land a Deflector, which can solo be canceled into super, but on a team the right assist can turn this punkass grab into something surprisingly damaging.

Devil Horns
Devil Horns can be interesting. You’ll probably be using it when people are air dashing or flying over your head, but there are a few ways it can be done against grounded opponents. The main way is with c.mk. I’d only suggest this move if you really need to switch directions, or if you have a reset in mind. You can continue your combo with any light, or one of the mediums. Other than that, there are plenty of better damage options and reset options available. To be fair though, she has no better taunt options.

Ultimate Showstopper, Devil Horns
In the patch Cerebella was given the ability to cancel her Super grab into DH. This is really interesting, but since it loses about 60% of its damage by doing this, you’ll want to do two things before you start messing around with it. 1) wait until late in your combo to do it, after a s.mp or a PH (If you don’t want to lose all that damage), and 2) make sure you have a reset in mind. This isn’t worth doing without a reset. Experiment a bit on your own, find what works. You can also dash after the DH, allowing you to do any light closer to your opponent. The timing’s a little tight, but it’s not runstop tight, or even PH tight.

Kanchou… Bleeh! This move is so funny when it lands. Butt Poke! Anyway, this move is interesting, in that your options can drastically change depending on how close you are to one wall or the other. Kinda like DDrop. Midscreen, an option that works is simply c.mp. It can catch everyone before they hit the ground. If you need to, you can dash a little after they wallbounce to give your c.mp a little more range for the heavier characters. If you are close enough to the wall, you can do a Devil Horns, which is recommended 100% of the time for cool factor. It also can be combed after, easier than c.mk, Devil Horns, which is really nice. Also, it’ll end your combo most likely, but you can combo into a mp lock n load (hp will work if you have an OTG left) and then a super (which will sometimes miss, so practice it first).

Diamond Dynamo
Sometimes you have to use this move midscreen, whether to punish someone’s something or as a dhc, or because you were trying to kill someone. It happens. Well, now what? We already know this move is best used in the corner. Does it HAVE any uses afterwards? Like I explained earlier, you can dash, c.lk, c.mp, c.hp, for a full combo, but that’s difficult. And it doesn’t even work on everyone (I don’t think, but it’s so hard to pull off I don’t know if it not working is me or the opponent). So, something else you can do, is a c.hk, a s+f.hp, or a Cerecopter (in increasing level of difficulty). The following are characters this won’t work against; c.hk (Cerebella, Double), s+f.hp (Parasoul, Cerebella, Double), Cerecopter (Parasoul, Cerebella, Double).

Diamonds Are Forever (level 3)
DAF is almost exactly like Kanchou, but different. The same wallbounce, but you have more time to do something afterwards since you recover faster. Also, with the increase in damage to assists, if you catch an assist with this move, you are almost guaranteed to kill it at 1x damage with the right setup, never mind Solo damage.[/details]
**3.2. Combo Extenders! – or – Cream Of The Crop! **

[details=Spoiler]These are the more advanced combo extenders, the ones that require strict timing, or are difficult for one reason or another.

c.mk, j.mp, j.lk, j.hp (restand): This extender is ridiculously difficult for what it is. Not sure if there really is any reason to do it, but you can. You have to time the j.lk for just above the point where you land. If you can get that, the j.hp should be no trouble.

s.hp/s.hk, runstop, lp/lk (loop): This can be a bit tricky to learn. S.hp is better than s.hk, because more hitstun. It is difficult at first, but practice and proper timing can let you easily (relatively speaking, of course) master this extender.

s.hp, Pummel Horse (loop, followed with any normal): This is a bit more difficult than runstop loops, but it can be very useful as it allows mediums and even heavies afterwards, as well as more damage than a runstop.

s.hp, Kanchou (loop, need to be really close): This link is one of the tightest Cerebella has. Difficult, but very fun.

c.hp, j.lp (mash), j.hp (restand): Try to time your j.hp for just before the enemy touches the ground.[/details]
**3.3. Cross-ups and Resets! – or – Crossed Eyes And Bruised Pride! **

[details=Spoiler] Cross-ups are important. If all your opponent has to do is block crouching when you are attacking, maybe block standing if you jump, you aren’t going to be able to do anything.

Cerebella has a few really good cross-ups, and some really good grab mix-ups as well. I’ll explain later, but it’s really important to have a combo ready for each of your grabs and cross-ups so you can actually capitalize on your well-deserved hit.

DDrop cancel
This one’s really, really simple. I’m going to explain it like this. Any ground normal that isn’t c.mk, c.hp, c.hk, or s+f.hp can be successfully canceled into a DDrop. People, when starting out, like to use Super Grab instead of DDrop. Let me tell it to you like this: Don’t. Ever. There is never a good enough reason to do that over DDrop. That move, while doing more damage, leaves you horrendously open and just all around is riskier than DDrop, for no reason. Amended: This isn’t to say that DDrop is always the best choice over US, because the super grab can lead into both more damage and resets with the new DH cancel, but if you are simply going for a reset, without KNOWING it will hit, this is the option I suggest.

MGR cancel
This one’s also pretty simple. Any move that isn’t c.mk, c.hp, c.hk, or s+f.hp (like DDrop) can be successfully canceled into MGR. However, unlike DDrop, this move requires distance. Certain moves, if done too close, will miss. Not a big issue, there’s plenty to be done to put them where you want them.

Aerial Opponent
Excellabella is unblockable on your opponents rising jump frames, meaning if they try to jump away from you for any reason, or even just jump up or try to jump over your head, this will catch them. I explained this move and it’s properties earlier. Also, if against an opponent who’s landing with a jumping attack, US will grab them regardless. Even if they are holding up the whole time, catching them in the moment they hit the ground results in them getting caught by the super.

s.mk and s.hk
These are both very good normals to cancel into command grabs. s.mk works very well with MGR, and s.hk can cancel either of her two kicks for a command grab. Like I said earlier in this guide, any normal can be sneakily canceled with command grabs, but these two are, imo, two of the best moves to do it with.

Used on an opponent after a c.hp will leave you both on the ground at roughly the same time; you can take advantage of your opponents unredyness to throw out a MGR, easily following up for easy damage. Be careful though, as the opponent can move again shortly before hitting the ground. This can also be used after a c.mk, j.mp, j.mk, or a c.hp, j.mp, j.mk, to the same affect without the air movement beforehand.

Grab Bag
It may appear sucky at a glance, utterly crippling you if you miss while only doing only slightly more than a normal air grab (less, if followed up), but it has several things going for it. Firstly, it can be executed much closer to the ground than her normal grab, allowing her to successfully land it in situations she couldn’t have landed a normal air grab; for example, after a c.mk, Grab Bag will grab the opponent where a normal jumping grab never will. Secondly, she can actually hit an opponent with it sooner than she could have with the normal air grab, meaning your opponent needs faster reaction time to successfully tech it if they aren’t mashing. And thirdly… it looks really cool.

This move has a plethora of resets available after a successful c.mk. I don’t even know where to begin. I guess I’ll just go in order of ease? Or maybe order discovered… Whatever, let’s go with the first ones that come to mind.

  1. Super/double jump: after a c.mk, you can jump into the air after them, like every other launcher in the game.

a. If you simply let the jump ride out, you’ll notice you land on the other side of them. If you wait until Cerebella is on the other side of her opponent, you can throw out an attack. My favorite is j.hk (easiest to see on Double), but it doesn’t work easy on everyone. j.lk is a very good button to use, but you could also use j.mp or j.mk.

b. You could also empty jump, and start the other side with a low attack if they start catching on to you attacking high.

c. You could also land and use a command grab.

d. And then there’s always the grab bag that you can throw in after you jump forward.

  1. Tumble Run: There are a few tricky things you can do with tumble run.

a. You can immediately (slight delay required for most characters) go into Kanchou, which crosses up, causing a wallbounce and more damage. This can be very hard to react to, so if someone reacts to it then that means they are used to it. Also, there are a few characters that an instant Kanchou won’t connect on, but they will all connect, and most will combo (but you can make it reset on those, and it always resets on those it doesn’t combo on).

b. If they are used to Kanchou don’t fret, your Tumble Run will still be useful. If the character is far enough away, or if you are doing this off an OTG, a runstop will easily give the appearance of you running under, but will stop before crossing under. Use this opportunity to do, say, c.lk, c.mk, full combo.

  1. c.hp: you have to test this a bit, because it has weird timing.

a. If you do c.mk, and then delay your timing a bit for c.hp so that it still combos, when you super jump forward you’ll be on the opponent’s other side in mid air. On their other side, you can use j.hk, or j.mp, j.hp. On certain characters, you can even wait a minute, and use j.hk to hit them on the ground, so not only to they have to block the other way, but they have to block standing. Also, on other characters, like Peacock, the j.mp will hit them either on the left or right. I have no idea which sometimes.

b. Another c.hp reset is actually launching them with c.mk, waiting for the moment they pass over your head, then doing c.hp, and it will actually require they switch blocking sides to block it even though you are still facing the same way. Double seems to be the only one this won’t work on.

  1. S.hk: If a character is at point blank range, you can use c.mk, s.hk (which will hit Peacock overhead as she lands on the other side). Once they land on your other side, you can do DDrop, Deflector (if you don’t want to train them to jump), or even a Kanchou for a double crossup.

  2. J.hp: j.hp is funny, but there are a few things you can do with j.hp from a c.mk.
    a. The first reset is just straight c.mk, j.hp. This should, if you hold the button just long enough for the glide to start, hit Parasoul and Double when they hit the ground, hitting them high. This’ll hit an opponent expecting a low. The other character that this looks like it should hit, if going by weights, is Cerebella herself, but for some reason it refuses to connect with her at all (if you glide). The other half of the cast can be hit with this maneuver, but they require a slightly longer glide (tipping your opponent off to what you’re doing, if you are okay with that). Ms.Fortune is the sole character (excluding Bella) that this won’t work on.

b. In the middle of the jump after c.mk, you can throw out a glide. If you glide before you cross over to their flank, you’ll glide forward. When you reach the other side, you can drop with The People’s Elbow. Also, you can wait until you crossup, then glide, then elbow drop on your original side, a double crossup. Remember, both elbows should be followed with super for damage.

c. Here’s something different. Do something like c.hp, j.lk, j.hk, c.lk, c.mk, j.hp glide, j+d.mp and you’ll see where this reset can be done. Half of the cast this will work correctly. The only characters it won’t work against is Double, Parasoul, and Ms.Fortune, because the j.hp won’t glide under them like it needs to. Everyone else it works. Also, as you know, DD is possible after a successful j+d.mp, which means everyone this hits can be hit with a bonus super. However, Valentine is the only one the super won’t work properly on. Most of the time she’ll get hit once, then roll out of the super, unless you start the reset in the corner. However, against midscreen Valentine, if you have a team you can easily DHC into something else and it’ll probably hit.

  1. Nothing: This maneuver is only to be used when you’re bored of the other ones. I mean, I just listed a shit ton of stuff, so much that you wouldn’t run out if running a 50 match set against someone. However, if you want something different, or if they’ve somehow seen and can react to everything else here, here’s some stuff you can do. You can c.lk or command grab after they land. You could also literally do nothing, if you suspect they are mashing.

Double j.lk:
This is an interesting technique. The crossup j.lk has been known, but this is a little different. Basically it goes like this: c.mk, j.lk, pause, j.lk. The second j.lk will crossup, but it throws a much different feeling into the thing, which can surprise and confuse an opponent. Also can be used off a c.hp. C.hp, j.lk, pause, j.lk. The second j.lk (or a j.hk, or a j.mp), will connect on a crouching opponent. Also, after a successful c.hp, j.lk, if the second j.lk is blocked, or even if it connects, it can be chained into j.hp for a double overhead. To be even trickier, you can land with c.lk, then immediately jump forward and crossup with j.lk, followed by another c.lk into DDrop for a total of five potential resets with full combos on the end of them in a row, followed by a command grab that will lead to at least 3k. Tricky tricky.

Instant Overhead:
Against everyone but Valentine, if standing close to your opponent, you can do an “Instant Overhead” of sorts. Hold up back, and as soon as possible hit j.hp (not as difficult as it might sound). If there’s any glide you held it too long, the clap needs to come out instantly. This works jumping back against everyone, but you need to jump straight up to catch a crouch blocking Double. Against Filia, you can’t be right on top of her. This move is difficult to start after a block string or a chain, so it’s usefulness as an “instant overhead” isn’t as great as it could be, but it can be really good after an aerial chain.

c.hp, j.lp(mash), j.lk:
This can be kind of fun. After a series of j.lps, you can hit j.lk in mid air. You and your opponent will fall to the ground quickly, and from there you can do any number of fun things. j.hp and c.lk are the safest options (they both lead into full combos, and can hit a crouching and jumping/standing opponent respectively), but you can also throw out any one of your grabs (MGR, DDrop, Excellebella, US, normal grab). You also don’t have to mash j.lp, as a j.lp, j.lk after a c.hp work just as well. In the corner, normal grab works wonders as a replacement for j.hp, as it sets them up for nearly any combo you want (though it uses up an OTG). Also, you can actually combo this into a s.lp, giving you slightly more damage. Unfortunately, doing this means you don’t get to go into c.lk or j.hp, but it’s still worth noting.

c.mk, j.lp, j.lk, lk(?):
This one is a variation of the previous one, and can be really ambiguous. after a c.mk, j.lp, j.lk, you can do one of three things. you can hit j.lk as you fall, and you’ll actually hit your opponent for an overhead, or you can wait a split second to land and hit c.lk. The overhead j.lk is preferred to a grab, as it hits faster, hits low opponents, and can very easily hit people trying to jump. Your third option is to hit lk before either of you land. If they are trying to block you, they will certainly block it, and after you land you can do an instant overhead, or a grab. This third option is potentially dangerous against people with Air supers, so be careful.

C.hp, Battle Toads
This one is kinda weird. If you do a c.hp, BT (instant), you will temporarily appear to be on their other side. Their sprite will turn, and if the opponent is vigilant they will see this. They will block as if you landed on their other side, while you are actually on the original side. You also recover at the same time they land, so you can do whatever you want from there (high, low, grab). If you hold the run for a split second, you will land on their other side, like they originally thought you were gonna. Not the best, but something odd for you to use if you want to.

C.mk, c.hp, Grab Bag
This is kinda cool. This positions you right under them with the grab bag. They fall into it, which is pretty self explanatory. If in the corner, you can add a j.mp into the mix as well.[/details]

**3.4. Double Snaps! - or - This Town Ain’t Big Enough For The Three Of Us! **

[details=Spoiler] Double snaps are fairly simple, and should almost always be done. If you are comboing two of the enemy’s characters at the same time and you perform a snapback, the point character will be snapped out, but the assist character will stay in.

“Why bother” you ask? Well, the assist character cannot activate infinite protection, which means they can be infinited to death. Be careful though, because your opponent will gain large amounts of meter very quickly while you are doing this, and the character you snapped out will be gaining red life very quickly as well, so you better make sure you kill that assist.

Now, a normal snapback bounces the opponent towards you after they hit the wall, but a double snap affords you no such luxury. When you double snap, make sure you are close to the edge of the screen. If you do, the assist character will land where you can reach her. At this point, there are a few things you could do.

Double Snap #1 – c.lk, c.mk, j.mp, j.hk, etc…

Simple enough, as it’s exactly the same as your main restand (the one that should be in every combo you ever do). The damage on it is kind of crap compared to other ones, though.

Double Snap #2 – c.lk, c.mk, c.hp, c.hp, c.hp, etc…

This one is probably the easiest one to not mess up. You just keep mashing the c.hp to juggle them. This only works on lighter people, like not-Cerebella-Parasoul-Double people. Luckily for you (and all Cerebella players) the c.hp’s don’t combo into each other, and thus don’t get scaled down.

Double Snap #3 – c.lp, c.hp, j.hp, s.lp, c.hp, j.hp etc…

This one works one everyone, and is good for the heavy girls. It’s simple enough, just rinse and repeat.

Double Snap #4 – c.lk, c.mk, c.hp, c.mk, c.hp, etc…

This one is also for the heavy girls. It looks fun enough. If you start moving away too much, just replace one of the c.mk’s with a c.mp.

Double Snap #5 – c.lk, c.mp/mk, c.hp, c.hp, j.lk, j.mp, j.hk, c.lk, c.mp/mk, c.hp, c.hp, j.lk, j.mp, j.hk, etc…

Slight variation of double snap #2. Since the second c.hp actually doesn’t combo, since it resets the damage scaling, it also resets the number of OTG’s you have. It resets other things, like how many times you can stagger as well. This makes everything here possible.

Double Snap #6 –c.lk, c.mk, c.hp, c.lk, c.mk, s.hk, Cerecopter, dash, c.lk, c.mk, c.hp, c.lk, c.mk, s.hk, Cerecopter, etc…

This one’s kinda funny. Don’t’ bother learning it, it’s dumb, but it looks interesting enough.

Double snap #7 – j.lk, j.mp, j.hk, etc…

This will only work on Double. It’s one of the funnest looking infinites Cerebella has. You should do this to every Double you run into, at least once, just to imagine their reaction.

Double Snap #8 – c.lk, c.mk/c.mp, c.hp, Cerecopter, etc…

This one is pretty cool, and is also Cerebella’s second best Double Snap. It does massive damage (less than 5 reps to kill anything whatever your team size), It’s simple enough, and does not give the opponent much meter, barely more than you’ll get from doing this. Just make sure they only get hit with the tail end of the Cerecopter (last two or three hits), just do the command for Cerecopter immediately.

Double Snap #9 – c.lk, c.mp, c.hp, Battle Toads, c.mk, c.hp, Battle Toads, etc…

This is the only Double Snap you’ll ever need; the first 8 were just the icing on the cake that you turn your nose up at because this masterpiece exists. This is literally the best thing you could possibly do from a Double Snap. It does exactly the same damage as #8 (give or take 200), It looks cooler, there’s no real room for error like with #8, it’s easy as all get out, it amazingly nets you more meter than your opponent, and, the best part, killing with it nets you +2000 points. Note: While the opponent is dead, an immediate execution of another Battle Toads will result in an additional +2000 points, for a grand total of 4000!. [/details]
**3.5. Burst Baits! - or - Touch Or Tackle? **

[details=Spoiler] Burst baits are cool. If you don’t know, burst baiting is when you trick your opponent into bursting at a bad time, allowing yourself to retaliate and not get sent flying. If the burst from your opponent touches you, at all, then they will be able to block and defend themselves against whatever you do next. However, if you avoid it via invincible move or simply aren’t in range, they will not be able to block or tech until they touch the ground. This list will also include things that aren’t necessarily avoiding bursts, but still leave you in a favorable/even position afterwards. Also, it is important to note, after a raw Kanchou (or one done before stage 3), it will only watch the second button you hit before they hit the ground (ex. Kanchou, c.mp, c.hp, only c.hp will be watched). That is important to remember if you are trying to burst from an early Kanchou.


Alright. Before you start reading, know that after any illegal move, a DH will carry enough invincibility to keep you safe. So, I’m not going to go over each and every move that can be canceled into DH, just know that every ground normal can be canceled with this.

s.mp, MGR

One of the most interesting things I’ve discovered about bursts is that if a character has IPS sparks and then get grabbed, they cannot burst until the grab is finished. This rarely works with other characters, but Cerebella has s.mp. If you just hold back after the grab, you’ll block the burst and then you can go for another grab or something. However, you can throw out a DH immediately after MGR and then cancel that into DD. This of course only works if they burst, but assuming they can recognize IPS sparks this will work (also assuming they haven’t read this guide and don’t know to not burst during grabs).

s.mp, grab

This one should be safer than the MGR one. With the MGR, if they burst and you DH everything is fine, but if they don’t, they can recover and could punish you. However, with this one, you have a nice amount of invincibility at the end of the grab, more than enough time to react to a burst with a DH/Super. Please note, to do this midscreen you need to dash.

s.mp, j.hk

This one also kinda requires stagger, but it should be easier to get into a combo than the previous one. The s.mp cannot be illegal, but if the j.hk is and you do it low enough, you can block/DH when they burst after you land.


Unlike the previous two, this one doesn’t really focus on mashers. This one is better for the people who burst on reaction. C.lk’s have low hitstun, so if they don’t burst immediately they miss their opportunity, and are thus left hitting buttons. Which means you could probably catch them with a grab or even another c.lk into a combo.


A launcher is either c.mk or c.hp as Bella. The cool thing about launchers is that you can superjump cancel them. And the cool thing about that is that you can immediately block (on top of attacking after you get into the air). So, doing an illegal launcher followed by a superjump, and you can block their burst. The best button for this is probably c.mk, because it gives the opponent a smaller window for pressing a button, and it works well with the vortex of resets Cerebella already has.

s.mp/c.mk, Kanchou – Kanchou is pretty unique for Cerebella, as it’s the only way to get a wall-bounce without using meter. Few other moves in the game give you a wall bounce without meter, and Cerebella gives the best wall-bounce by far. There are some tricky things you can do after this. Before learning this, make sure to learn what characters can be combed from a c.mk, Kanchou. It’s important to know. Also, all of these require the opponent to be mashing something while being bounced. They probably won’t be doing that, but they may burst on reaction. Anyway, if you want to teach them to mash during Kanchou, there are a few resets in chapter 6 you can use first.

  1. S.mk – This one is a little tricky. It doesn’t work on everyone, but it puts them very low to the ground, allowing you to go for a full combo. Simply combo into Kanchou, then hit them with s.mk on their way back. Need to hit them at the very edge of it’s hitbox. This doesn’t work on everyone, but it’s good to know about. There are other ones that work better, but remember this one.

  2. S+f.hp, DDrop – This one is easy enough, and works on everyone. Hit them with Titan Knuckle after they bounce back, then do Diamond Drop. The Diamond Drop will protect your fist from being touched by the burst. Depending on how fast they burst, they will be in the prime range for a full combo. If they burst late, then you may only get a dashforward Titan Knuckle after the burst.

  3. C.hp – This one is pretty good, and probably would be best on the characters that s.mk don’t work at all on. Simply hit them on their way back, and they’ll burst in the air. While it may be a bit tricky hitting them before they touch the ground (I suggest using s.lk), it’s not at all difficult. With a little practice (a few minutes) you can easily get a full combo off of this.

  4. J.hp – This one is good as well (most of them are, but still). Simply do j.hp when they are in range. You’ll avoid the burst. Doing this while your back is to the corner may not work very well.

  5. J.mp – This is almostthe same as j.hp, and works effectively the same. Less chance of accidently gliding.


This is the only burst bella has (that I found) that means you getting hit by the burst, but staying right next to the opponent. Do an illegal c.mk, then Kanchou immediately, as if you were doing a reset. When they burst, you will be on their other side. And after getting hit by the burst, instead of flying backwards, you fly to where your back just was. What this ends up being is towards their character, which holds you in place. It’s almost the same as blocking one, and probably less safe than the Launcher burst bait version would be, but it’s still worth noting.


This one is kinda cool. It works differently depending on where you can do it, but basically if you can land an instant j+d.mp at the edge of it’s range, the burst will whiff. Then simply dash forward and combo. Doing an instant j.hp, j+d.mp works well with this too. Remember to jump straight up, or backwards. Jumping forward never works. This also doesn’t work on everyone. I’ll list who it works on, who it doesn’t work on, and who it might work on soon.


c.hk is also good. It puts you down real low, the outward portion of the hand moves pretty quick, and if you are far enough away the burst will miss completely. A stagger can be good for this, but so can a c.hp, j.mp, j.hk. Pulling this off from not a stagger may be difficult, but possible.

Battle Toads

Getting two Battle Toads in a single combo is pretty difficult. Getting one to activate infinite protection? Even harder. You need to be in the corner, have an OTG before the first one, and then get the second one to be the first hit in the combo. This is entirely possible, don’t get me wrong, and it’s one hell of a way to style on your opponent, but I guess you could simply chain a BT after a normal illegal move. This will make contact with the burst, so they can block/attack afterwards, but it’s still a good use of Armor. This basic concept of absorbing the burst with armor can be applied to anything with armor after an illegal move.


This is pretty cool, but only works after an illegal s.mp. The s.mp needs to be illegal, and cause stagger. If you connect with the super (if they didn’t click a button before super flash), then they will be unable to burst during the super, much like MGR or grab. However, this one is very different. They can never hit you with the burst after the flash. If they burst at any point after the super, you get a full combo, regardless. This is the ultimate anti-non-masher Burst Bait. [/details]
**3.6. Pushblock: Advanced! – or – The Best Defensive Offense Is An Offensive Defense! **

[details=Spoiler]Pushblock has quite a few advanced techniques. Outside of mastering the technique itself, there are two things to know.
The first is a technique known as… wait, I don’t know this techniques name. lol. Anyway, if you block low, pushblock, then block high, for the duration of the pushblock you are blocking both high and low. Pushblocking high saves the high blocking, and you can then change to block the other way. This can be very useful when the opponent is attacking with a lockdown assist and tries to do tricky high/lows.
The second technique is known as Push Block Guard Cancel. This one is by far the most difficult technique to use in the game. During pushblock, you are allowed to cancel your blockstun into a move. The window can be very small, but it is possible. The only restriction is that you cannot be holding back when the blockstun ends, or else the move won’t come out. This means if you are churning US it probably won’t come out, though you can do it if your 360 is precise and ends with a forward direction. You can also do MGR, by holding forwards after doing qcb grab. I find the easiest pbgc to be Battle Toads and Diamond Drop.[/details]
3.7. Teams! – or – My Nakama…!

[details=Spoiler]Haha! The end of your team abilities! There is not much more to learn after this, if anything, so you just need to get better at applying what you’ve learned.
DHC: You know how to DHC, sure, but there are more advanced things you can do than simply follow up with Dynamo. Well… admittedly, not so advanced, but still. Cerebella’s only other level one, her 360, can be used to start a new combo (technically not new, but still).
Filia’s Fenrir Drive: Just cancel into 360 as Fenrir reaches the peak, just after all the hits in a row when the opponent is free falling for a second.
Fortune’s level 3: You probably don’t want to do this one, but you can. The first hit of the attack does 500, and if you cancel it into US you can follow up in the corner.
Double’s level 3: This one is very tricky. Basically, there are a few attacks while in the attack that, when canceled out of, allow a follow up. The one I’m gonna talk about is the Teacher Kick, the final hit. If you cancel out of that with show stopper when the opponent would have flown to the wall, you can follow up. Costs an OTG.
Parasoul’s Sniper Shot: canceling into US immediately after the shot will leave the enemy in a crumple state, and allow you to combo before they hit the ground. No OTG needed.
Peacock’s Lenny: While not exactly a DHC continue combo like the rest of these, it’s cool. If you do lenny then DHC into US, and the grab lands, there’s a good chance you’ll drop the enemy into the explosion. It’s positioning dependent, but it works.
Raw Tag: Raw Tags aren’t too great with Bella. When she tags in, she ends the combo, and not many of her normals work well with tag ins, aside from s.mp stagger. That’s basically all you need to know. S.mp into tag works really well, though. Oh, wait. I guess it is also important to note that you are completely invincible during tag outs. And, any tag out works with and burst bait (provided from that area on the screen they can reach).
**3.8. Example Combos! – or – Look At Your Bella, Now Back To Me!

[details=Spoiler]Well, here we are, at the end of this hopefully helpful handbook on our handy hourglass acrobat. It’s time to try to test the knowledge we’ve been through. These are practice combos to help you experience different aspects of combo building. Some are very difficult, some are very simple, all are important. These aren’t bnb’s, though, as none of them are anywhere near optimized. These combos are simply to make sure you are capable of performing each and every one of Cerebella’s combo tools. If you simply can’t get some of them, don’t worry, you can still be a great Bella player, especially since this game wants you to reset more often than not.

c.lk, c.mk, Kanchou,
Pummel Horse, US, DH,
Dash, c.lp, c.mk, Kanchou,
c.mp, c.hp, j.mp, j.hk,
c.lk, c.mp, s.hk, Battle Toads

c.mk, j.mp, j.mk, j.hp,
j.lk, j.mp. j.hk,
s.mp, Kanchou,
c.hp, j.lp (mash),
c.mk, Kanchou, hp Lock n’ Load, Diamond Dynamo

c.mp, c.hp, j.lp (mash),
s.lp, s.lp, c.mp, s.hp, Pummel Horse,
dash forward, c.lk, c.mp, s.hk, lp lock n load, Diamond Dynamo

Ms. Fortune
c.lk, c.mp, s.hp, runstop,
c.lk, c.mk, j.lk, j.mp, j.hk,
c.lp, c.mk, Devil Horns,
s.mp, c.hp, j.lp (mash), j.hp,
s.hk, Cerecopter

Parasoul, Corner
c.mk, j.mp, j.mk, j.hp,
c.hp, j.hp,
s.lp, s.lp, s.hk, Cerecopter, Diamond Dynamo,
Diamond Dynamo

Filia, corner
c.hp, j.mk, j.hp, j.hp,
c.lk, c.mk, Devil Horns,
c.mp, c.hp, j.lp (mash),
s.lp, s.lp, c.mk, Kanchou,
s.lk, s.mp, c.hp, j.mp, j.mk, j.hp

c.mk, Devil Horns, j.lp (mash), j.hp
c.hp, j.mk, j.hk,
c.lp, c.mk, j.mp, j.hk
s.hp, Diamonds Are Forever,
s.lk, c.mk, Devil Horns,
c.mp, Deflector, Diamond Dynamo

Valentine (Corner)
c.mk, j.mp, j.lk, j.hp,
s.hp, pummel horse, US, DH,
c.lp, c.mp, c.hp, j.lk, j.hk,
c.lk, c.mk, s.hp, Excellebella[/details]
The following people have contributed information to this guide. The entire guide has been written by me, but I did not discover all of it on my own. The following people have assisted me, either directly or indirectly, with information obtained for this guide.

… And now you’re back… from outaspace…

Good start. Gonna read this through later.

Quick thing I noticed while scanning though, you say under the special section for Diamond Drop, player should always go for DD instead of US? DD always throws the opponent behind you (gives up positional advantage in many cases) and has no real follow-ups unless your back is to the corner or you use super. US allows you to maintain positional advantage, does more damage than DD xx Dynamo (even if it is red life) and, most importantly imo, allows Bella to continue pressure by cancelling into Devil Horn. DD is good, but not always what you want to go for if you plan on continuing pressure. Mix it up based on those, not on whether or not the opponent will hold up; if the opponent is sniffing out a command grab, he can just iad and punish either one.

Another point was Titan Knuckle having no use in combos. Save your OTG, end your combo in Titan Knuckle xx Diamond Drop whiff outside of the corner, then run after it. You get a sliding knockdown and wake-up pressure, which can be a better option than just raw damage.

This may be intermediate/advanced stuff though. Gonna need to go through and see if I should save the tips for a different thread.

I might as well start on the matchup shit, room is a mess and I’m home early, so I’ll clean up my room while typing up matchup info.

c.mk:* Cerebella performs a low flip kick, launching the opponent into the air. My personal favorite normal move. c.mk is a low launching attack that pulls the enemy towards you, unlike any other launcher in the game. This move is key to Cerebella, as it allows one of Cerebella’s only two restands (not corner/spacing/character specific). It can allow many different resets, which will be explained later.*

Cerebella has more than that, not that it matters a great deal.

Anyone read all of it yet? I found some new stuff I’m adding to it.

Didn’t we have this same argument before? Well, it’s a little different now than it used to be.

On DDr: As a “I think it might hit”, DDr is the superior choice, because missing doesn’t mean instant punish. As a “I know it will hit”, post-patch, US is the superior choice, doing roughly the same damage with superior damage if you combo afterwards, and then added benefit of resets. I actually forgot to add that, most of the this was done pre-patch so I may not have gotten a.

On TK: In the strictly “Damage, resets, combos”, I’m not lacking in what I posted. And since that is what the guide is focusing on, that information is unnecessary. However, you are right (though if you are comboing, there’s no reason to cancel into DDr), and I’ll add that to the guide.

Hmmm… The way I consider restands, it’s knocking your opponent into the air, then setting them back down on the ground in a standing position while still being able to combo afterwards. Knockdowns don’t count, and the “Not corner/spacing/character specific” makes things like c.mk, DH and c.mk, PH, and anything involving an assist invalid. She certainly has other restands, but since the only buttons to start a restand after a launcher, following these rules, are j.mp and j.lp, then, by those standards, she only has two every-situation restands. Yeah, there are variations after the j.mp and j.lp, but you can only fit one j.lp chain and one j.mp chain in one combo.

**EDIT: **Also, I’ll be steadily adding knowledge I have to the Matchup section. Just added something for Peacock. When I have neough that it can form it’s own legitimate section, It’ll get to be number 12.

This is what I’m worried about. When you say “it’s not an instant punish”, you assume that the opponent will just hold up. At low level, you can get away more often with whiffing DDr because most people are more interested in getting away from the grab. But, as you go higher up and people move away from avoidance only to avoidance and punish, both grabs become an equal risk since anybody guessing at grab period is going to iad/fly/etc so he can punish either quickly enough. In these cases, the only thing you’re saving yourself is a meter if you use DDr, but they are both of a similar risk (i.e. they are both “may hit”).

We had this argument before, and it was about the new US and included the Devil Horn cancel iirc. With Bella, it’s not just about landing the grab; you don’t want to work hard to corner somebody, then throw him out of the corner and let him tech recover and get away. Positioning is pretty important too, which is why US, with it’s superior range (further than DDr, but without the close gap of MGR) and better positioning off of follow-ups can be superior in many instances; hell, normal throw xx reflector xx Diamond Dynamo is a better option than straight DDr in the corner in many cases.

With what you get in the corner now, you don’t want to “throw” it away too casually.
But this is a beginner guide so I may just be over-thinking it. Good work, not trying to fight against your guide or anything. =D

Anyway, I decided that this isn’t something to even disagree on. There are situations to use US, and situations to us DDr. I feel that blowing a meter for US isn’t worth it, especially with the elongated corner combos that DDy can get you, and spending the meter on DAF is great, since even if blocked it can’t be punished. And since the meter, imo, can be better spent elsewhere, DDr is the choice better suited to the most amount of situations. And then it has the added benefit of not announcing that it whiffed with a super flash, allowing additional lapse between “whiff” and “the opponent seeing it whiff”, combined with the reduced recovery, imo, make it the safer choice more often than not.

But, our disagreement on the matter aside, I think you should write up a mini guide on US vs DDr (Call it “The Showstopper versus The Diamond Flop!”). If we are going to get this “Cerebible” up and soaring eventually, we are going to need everyone to contribute.

Beginner guide, meaning how to land a grab looks like it’s the focus. How to decide which grab to aim for looks like it goes beyond basic “land grab” and into intermediate areas. Meant no disrespect, regardless. The mini-guide is a good idea though, I’ll look into it.

And I don’t think DDr is crap, lol. I just think the fact that it throws the opponent behind needs to be considered when using it. I can respect your view though.

zid nice work man! I still can’t use bella, but I’m sure this will help out some of the people that are struggling to use her or want to master her.

I hope it helps someone. I’m trying to get it to the level where it’s perfect; anyone see any flaws? Parts described awkwardly, or even information flat out wrong/left out?

Can you please post combos that are universal?

Was trying to avoid simply posting combos… though I suppose I kinda did leave out a “Universal Everywhere” chapter. I could post bnbs, but I’d really rather people learned to build them on their own (hence the “Teaching Men To Fish” title). Maybe starter bnbs, or maybe intermediate stuff…

There’s a combo thread for a reason. Plus, the option of building your own is always better than copy-paste. Use them for references and get in the lab.

Thanks for this thread.

Good shit. Gonna read up on this later.